File hb_out.log is generated:
Application Memory Allocation Report - D:\TESTS\test.exe
Terminated at: 2009.09.22 13:19:25
Total memory allocated: 107343446 bytes (913 block(s))
Warning, memory allocated but not released: 99808005 bytes (7 block(s))
Block 1 003AE5E8 (size 64) (0),
Now in previous sample dbDrop() returns .F. for Mem I/O.
Is this expected?
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi, Mindaugai
> should be fixed now. Thank You.
Nooo, Thank You :)
Excellent job !
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi, Mindaugai
One small thing. Example below produces hb_out.log file:
Application Internal Error - D:\ERROR\test.exe
Terminated at: 2009.09.23 10:17:04
Unrecoverable error 9008: hb_xrealloc called with an invalid pointer
Hi Przemek,
Sample below GPFs:
#include "dbinfo.ch"
PROC main()
DBCREATE("test", {{"F1", "C", 20, 0}},, .T., "test")
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi All,
In file \source\rtl\filesys.c there is note before function fsIsDrv:
/* TOFIX: This isn't fully compliant because CA-Cl*pper doesn't access
the drive before checking. hb_fsIsDrv only returns TRUE
if there is a disk in the drive. */
USHORT hb_fsIsDrv( BYTE nDrive )
Hi Massimo,
> I think that you speak English as native language
We have common language - Harbour language, and
to speak in program lines is very clear for all of us :)
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi Viktor,
> Good point. I can't do side-by-side comparisons with
> Clipper anymore, but it seems right. [ I think it's
> my TOFIX comment. ]
> I can make this modification, but I'd like to ask for
> tests against Clipper.
Now code looks more graceful, thank you.
Clipper's API _fsIsDrv() uses:
Hi Viktor,
One more question regarding filesys.c function hb_fsCurDirBuff.
Is there any reason for which on win platform uses API
GetCurrentDirectoryA, but not _getdcwd ?
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
> - it doesn't fully respect handling return codes (it doesn't
> understand when there are no more replies to wait for)
In FTP protocol space after reply code means it is last line of
multi-line replies
Best regards,
> Yes, you are right. Strange that no one reported it for such long time.
Not true. I found version of gtwin.c dated 2008.01.18 and there were lines:
/* Special case */
if ( usRows < _GetScreenHeight() && usCols > _GetScreenWidth() )
HB_GT_FUNC(gt_SetMode( us
Hi Przemek,
> It means that you had to take above code from xHarbour.
> I've just check that above fix were committed to xHarbour CVS by Paul at:
> 2006-07-01 18:35 UTC-0500 Paul Tucker
Mea Culpa!
I understand that don't know much about history :(
Thank you for correcting me.
Best regards,
Hi All
Only thought.
In example:
aArr := { 2, 0, 1, 0 }
? hb_RAScan( aArr, 0, 10 )
result is 0.
Does this not mean, that I agree with rascan'ing array even bigger
than in reality, so action must begin from real end of array ?
Best regards,
The same with
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Hi, Przemek
After creating dbf file:
dbcreate("TEST", {{'F1', 'N', 10, 0}})
content in hex:
: 03 6E 01 16 00 00 00 00 42 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0020: 46 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4E 00 00 00 00
0030: 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Hi Przemek,
> so I guess you have enough knowledge to create new HB_FILE IO driver
> adding buffering for all files open in exclusive mode with name starting
> with "buf:".
> What do you think about it?
Sorry, still not enough ;(
But I think if file starts with "buf:" prefix, file access m
>> In Clipper, ? SETPOS(10,4) returns 10. In Harbour, it returns NIL
> Also DEVPOS(). They should return NIL as per documentation,
> but they return the first parameter, unchanged, even if it's
> invalid. I can't recall past discussions, but it seems like
> a C5.2/5.3 bug.
Be precise! From Clip
> Oh yes, so you are using GTWIN.
> No, for this GT "Close -> X" button cannot be manipulated.
It can, through API SetConsoleCtrlHandler(). Handles events:
Best regards,
[for those interested]
Sample below really controls console close button on Windows XP and
later systems. Please test it and enjoy:)
#include 'inkey.ch'
proc main()
local nKey
while (nKey := Inkey(0)) # K_ESC
Qout(Str(nKey) +' "' +Chr(nKey) +'"')
if nKey == Asc("0") .or. nKey ==
> SetConsoleMenuClose() is an undocumented Windows API function,
> so IMO it's not a good idea to use it in Harbour.
We are familiar with undocumented things since Clipper days.
And Harbour is and must be compatible with it 100% :)
Best regards,
> Do you know which windows version accepts SetConsoleMenuClose()
> and other functions like SetConsolePalette()?
> If this is commonly supported functionality then we can add some
> extension to GTWIN.
These goodies appears since Windows 2000.
Also console alias, command history, font serv
> + Added experimental undocumented SetConsolePalette()
> support for non-Vista systems and non-Vista SDKs,
> but it GPFs and doesn't support reading palette, so
> overall it's not enough for Harbour. I will let it there
> in case someone wants to deal with it and de
Hi, All
Before returning, CreateWindow sends a WM_CREATE message to the window
So this message _never_ processed in hb_gt_wvt_WndProc, because window handle
is still unknown for hb_gt_wvt_Find.
This also appends to messages WM_GETMINMAXINFO, WM_NCCREATE and WM_NCCALCSIZE.
Any hint how
> Is it clear?
Yes, clear and robust solution. Thank you very much.
I try to use CreateWindow(Ex) parameter LPVOID lpParam.
There can be address of memory or any value
( LPVOID ) 0x12345678
and messages WM_NCCREATE, WM_CREATE receives in lParam
structure CREATESTRUCT address, where member
> Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> lpCreateParams can be used to pass windows structure/object, but this does
> not help if you want to have hWnd and windows structure binding in
> WM_GETMINMAXINFO, since this message does not have CREATESTRUCT parameter.
> WM_GETMINMAXINFO processing could be usef
Hi Przemek,
> + added void hb_vmAtQuit( HB_INIT_FUNC pFunc, void * cargo );
> AtQuit functions are executed after deallocating all HVM items and
> disabling .prg destructors. They can make final cleanup at C level
> but should not reenter HVM.
And what about hb_vmAtStart ?
Hi Przemek,
I have C level function, which makes copy of current task to local place
and restarts itself from there, terminating current task. This allows
replace executable on network without touching any active user. If task
terminates with error, sometimes users don't understand, why restarted
>> In OW in filr
>> {drive}:\WATCOM\lib386\nt\uuid.lib
>> Too is 2 time recall to GUID_NULL (string in this lib).
>> I do not have the tools to cutting lib files.
> You can do that with supplied 'wlib -x ' command.
> You can also disasm using 'wdis' command.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
or look at OW sou
> It seems that Clipper use a cloned copy of the original array to do the
> loop,
> and supply these orininal values to the codeblock. Bug or a feature?
Clipper uses original array, but value calculates before loop
through array
and never recalculated. After resizing array run garbage collecti
memtst.prg 9410 2008-09-15 21:09:27Z druzus $
09/19/08 09:56:39 Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9444) (MT), Windows XP
5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Sep 19 2008 09:49:15 Borland C++ 5.8.2 (32 bit)
09/19/08 10:00:03 Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9444) (MT), Windows XP
5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Sep 19 2008 08:53:57 Open W
Some speed test results:
Hi, Przemek
> An now I compared BCC-5.5 and GCC-4.3.1 assembler code generated for
> such modified HVM and this simple code:
> void func( void )
> {
> hb_stackPush();
> hb_stackPop();
> }
GCC generates wonderfull code
In my experience BCC produces best code by changing, say
Hi, all
Is there possibility in Harbour to have multiple consoles as in GTWVT ?
Trouble is that I don't know *nix systems interaction with console scenarios .
In windows systems, at least in XP, user can have as many consoles as need,
but only one console can be _attached_ to process. An applicat
Hi Przemek,
> CRITICAL FUNCTION | PROCEDURE probably is quite easy
> to understand term in current days. If you do not like
> it then instead of creating sth new like MUTEX FUNCTION |
> but I do not know how it will look for native Engli
> Shouldn't we also allow 'DEFINE >= 0x100' in case
> DEFINE is not defined, and in this case returning
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hello Przemek,
Creating database with cdx index on field with binary data,
then appending records seems successful.
Then recompiling dbfcdx1.c with HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT defined,
program ends with message:
inserting, iSize=29, childs[i]->iFree=30
iKeys=102, iMaxReq=3
Unrecoverable error 9201: hb_cd
My message was rejected by the recipient domain.
So trying to put it there
Best regards,
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Harbour mailing list
Hi Przemek,
> If you are interested in more information then you can send it.
> In some spare time I'll check the exact conditions for above
> message.
I send it to your mailbox.
Thank you for your costly time
Best regards,
Harbour mailing
Hi Przemek,
> It should be fixed now.
That is true :)
Thank you.
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hello Przemek,
Sample below behaves different in Clipper and Harbour.
OrdKey: CODE
1 CODE: check over ORDKEYVAL: check over
2 CODE: check up ORDKEYVAL: check up
3 CODE: check outORDKEYVAL: check out
Hi Przemek,
> Here is a bug in your code which creates the difference. It should be:
> ordCreate(, "T1", cKey, {|| &cKey} )
> otherwise you create index where key value is fixed "CODE" string in
> the given codeblock. CL53 DBFCDX/COMIX ignores codeblock but CL52 DBFCDX/
> SIX3 and DBFNTX doesn't
Hi Przemek,
> It's expected. CL53 DBFCDX ignores codeblock passed to ordCreate()
> and recompile string key value. AFAIR few year ago I replicated it
To be precise CL53 DBFCDX/COMIX analyses ordCreate() parameter cExpKey.
If it is _simple_ field name and this field _type_ is CHARACTER, then
> <<<
> Warning W8060 .\wvgsink.c 516: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
> SetupConnectionPoint
After replacing
if( !( thisobj = ( IEventHandler * ) GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED,
sizeof( MyRealIEventHandler ) ) ) )
if( ( thisobj = ( IEventHandler * ) GlobalAlloc( GMEM_
sorry, with
if( ( thisobj = ( IEventHandler * ) GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED,
sizeof( MyRealIEventHandler ) ) ) == NULL )
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Compiling test attached compiler Harbour.exe GPFs.
Command line:
d:\harbour\bin\harbour test -n -p -id:\harbour\include
Compiler options seems significant.
Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 10127)
WinXP, BCC5.8
Best regards,
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
2007/12/5, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm moving to Harbour, and found names of bit functions a little
> confusing. We have these for 4 months, and if it is used widely in
> applications, let's stay as it is.
> But the proposition is:
> 1) HB_BITRESET(nValue, nBit)=
Hi all,
Is this bug or feature ?
proc main()
memvar First, Second
local l1 := 'First', l2 := '&First'
private First := "FIRST", Second := "SECOND"
dbCreate('test', {{'FIRST', 'C', 5, 0}})
dbUseArea(.t.,, 'test'); dbAppend(); FieldPut(1, '1')
? '1', &l1
? '2', memvar->&l1
? '3', &
Now OK, thank you.
One more small bug (macro byref):
proc main()
memvar first
local l := " first"
private first := "FIRST"
? @&l
Clipper output:
Harbour output:
Error BASE/1003 Variable does not exist: first
best regards,
I've tested what strings are passed to DOS. The same results in
> directory(".../") and directory(".../*.*") function calls are obtained
> because Clipper adds *.* if last character is path sepatator. So, it's
> not a question of platform behavior, it's Clipper.
Exactly, if there is no par
CT function DIRCHANGE in Clipper not change default disk,
while Harbour changes.
Proc main()
? DiskName()
? DirChange( "C:\WINDOWS" )
? DiskName()
if new directory name includes a drive le
Now is clear, thank you Victor.
SetCurrentDirectory changes drive too.
best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi, Mindaugas
> /*
> TODO: BCC compiler error???!!!
> I had a situation when without this donothing() call the whole loop is
> executed?! Really, strange! Do we have BCC error here? I hadn't time to
> CPU level debugging, but an extra function call influences generated CPU
> code
Hi, Mindaugas
Thanks for sharing info. I am intensively using BCC and all related info
is very important.
It seems, that your static function pcode_process temporary stack is
One small notice, looking at line:
pEntry = (ULONG*) hb_xrealloc( pEntry, ulEntryAlloc * sizeof( ULONG ) );
Thank you for sample.
As expected, your code works well here.
Now trying to squeeze a GPF without success.
The only one change made in xharbour\makefile.bc from -a8 to -a4
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list
Hi, Mindaugas
> One small notice, looking at line:
> > pEntry = (ULONG*) hb_xrealloc( pEntry, ulEntryAlloc * sizeof( ULONG )
> );
> >
> > Compiler must launch warning, that variable pEntry is not initialized;
> > may be assigning to that variable drown this fact...
> I do not agree here. hb
Very useful reading, thank you, Przemek.
It needs deeper tests done, I am extremely interested to assist.
Enrico, have you code, which GPFs with -a4 ?
Have to mention, that before building xHarbour binaries I always search
for "-a8" and replacing with "-a4" (there are about ten places in sources)
Hello, Przemek
I always compiling xHarbour with BCC -a4 alignment; sizeof(HB_ITEM) = 24
and memory(HB_MEM_STACK) / memory(HB_MEM_STACKITEMS) = 24.
But never noticed any anomaly in OLE work. Can you help me how to make
sure with this?? Till now I think, that it is enough for OLE structures
to be co
Hello Enrico,
My tests with BCC 5.5 & 5.8 shows, that alignment switches
-a4 and -a8 have not any influence in xHarbour work.
IMHO Przemek is pointed to wrong direction and he cannot test
M$ branch, so can you do one more test with your example, maybe
with slightly supplement
? OS(), Version()
Hello Enrico,
> My tests with BCC 5.5 & 5.8 shows, that alignment switches
> > -a4 and -a8 have not any influence in xHarbour work.
> Please read the old messages about this problem in this list.
> what you meant?
Harbour ma
Hi, all
[only for info]
There is letter in xHarbour forum from Anatole Kolotovkin
("dbeval incompatibility", 2008.02.25 10:07)
and it is relevant for Harbour too.
IMHO it must be included in dissonance with Clipper list.
Hello, All!
in Clipper dbeval () remembers current aliase.
I do not
2008/3/12, Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In general for _ALL_ evaluated user codeblocks RDD should set and
> restore current workarea.
and as you know very well, Clipper for this purpose uses waEvalBlock method,
which does this work
Best regards,
Any hint how to avoid error:
Harbour 1.0.0RC2 Intl. (Rev. 8932)
Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Page=0xa00, calc=-175, iFree=65, req=3, keys=141, keyLen=240
Unrecoverable error 9201: hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: FreeSpace calculated wrong!.
in this small code below
Proc Mai
* $Id: ChangeLog 8956 2008-07-08 12:13:30Z druzus $
After this change error vanishes
Thanks Przemek and
Best regards
Harbour mailing list
CA-Cl*pper will allow any types for the headings, but reserves row/rows
for heading only for nonzero length strings.
Code for Clipper/Harbour below shows this
#include "inkey.ch"
#include "box.ch"
proc main()
static s_nPos := 1
static s_nSize := 25
local nT
> I only haven't
> added support for nBufferIn and nBufferOut because only MS-Windows
> support it and it's not clear how it effect low level serial driver.
> Anyhow I'll think about adding it in the future.
A process reinitializes a communications resource by using the
SetupComm function, whi
65 matches
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