
> I only haven't
> added support for nBufferIn and nBufferOut because only MS-Windows
> support it and it's not clear how it effect low level serial driver.
> Anyhow I'll think about adding it in the future.
A process reinitializes a communications resource by using the
SetupComm function, which performs the following tasks:
    * Terminates pending read and write operations, even if they
       have not been completed.
    * Discards unread characters and frees the internal output and
      input buffers of the driver associated with the specified resource.
    * Reallocates the internal output and input buffers.

> BTW does anyone know the default size of serial IO buffers in
>    MS-Windows?
IMO there is no default sizes, only max sizes if imposed by
the serial provider.
GetCommProperties function fills in a COMMPROP structure
values like dwMaxTxQueue and dwMaxRxQueue.

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