Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-31 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
on Mio P550 with WinMobile 5.0 i get : Error Base/3012 Argument error : HB_THREADJOIN line 17: hb_threadJoin( hb_threadStart( @cli(), !empty( xPar ) ) ) -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola<>___ Harbour mailing list http://

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-08-01 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Witam! W liście datowanym 31 lipca 2009 (13:22:44) napisano: > [pi�tek, 31 lipiec 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa?(a): > Witam, >> >> > BTW I'm interesting in Windows results for above code so if possible >> >> > please I would like to ask desktop win

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-08-03 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
is connection: 9 connection closed, lines: 1002 time: 1.00 sec. First line: This is connection: 10 connection closed, lines: 1002 time: 1.00 sec. == total client time: 11.00 sec.^ == client stopped server socked closed:

Re: [Harbour] SMS

2009-08-03 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ake accessible it? -- Regards Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-13 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, I can't execute any WinCE app from harbour app.exe f.e. : app.prg link_ := '\Windows\calc.exe' hb_run(link_) do nothing. Any idea ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbo

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-13 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
from file explorator. File.lnk contents : 150# "\Windows\calc.exe" But hb_Run("\Windows\calc.exe") from harbour app do nothing. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, MB> Harbour is able to run a native windows/Ce application I know this. I wrote about harbour app for WinCE. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 14 sierpnia 2009 (11:37:13) można przeczytać: PC> [czwartek, 13 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): PC> Hi, >> I can't execute any WinCE app from harbour app.exe >> f.e. : >> app.prg >> >&g

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, MB> If you give me your hbmk2 command line MB> i try your app.prg on my ce device MB> wich version of mingw you use? arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc.exe -v Using built-in specs. Target: arm-wince-mingw32ce Thread model: win32 gcc version 4.1.0 -- Pozdrowienia, Jaroslaw

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Witam, W liście datowanym 14 sierpnia 2009 (12:42:42) można przeczytać: PC> [pi?tek, 14 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): >> The same :( >> hb_processRun() return -1 PC> Then it means that CreateProcess() is not supported by your OS PC> or some other errors appe

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
009, Compiling 'app.prg'... Lines 7, Functions/Procedures 1 Generating C source output to 'app.c'... Done. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list http://li

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 14 sierpnia 2009 (12:42:42) można przeczytać: PC> [pi?tek, 14 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): >> The same :( >> hb_processRun() return -1 PC> Then it means that CreateProcess() is not supported by your OS PC> or some other errors appe

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 14 sierpnia 2009 (13:27:00) można przeczytać: PC> [pi?tek, 14 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): PC> Hi, >> PC> Then it means that CreateProcess() is not supported by your OS >> PC> or some other errors appeared (wrong path, t

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
__run() and hb_run() in PC> WinCE builds to not use system() command. Thanks. I'll do it in the evening. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-14 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 14 sierpnia 2009 (14:54:27) napisano: > [pi�tek, 14 sierpie� 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa?(a): >> PC>2009-08-14 14:00 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ >> PC> If you confirm it works then I also update __run() and hb_run() i

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
e to know if application name is stripped PC> from lpCommandLine in WinCE. I'll try later (evening or tomorrow morning). -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Witam! W liście datowanym 17 sierpnia 2009 (13:50:50) napisano: > [pi�tek, 14 sierpie� 2009], Jarosław Kądzioła napisa?(a): > Hi, >> > If current hb_processRun() fails then please try to change in >> > hbproces.c[219]: >> >fError = ! CreateProcess( NULL, /* lpAppName */ >> >

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Witam! W liście datowanym 17 sierpnia 2009 (18:43:06) napisano: > [poniedzia�ek, 17 sierpie� 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa?(a): > Hi, >> > I would like to ask you about some others yet. >> > Above code does not allow to pass parameters. >> > Can

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-18 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 17 sierpnia 2009 (19:27:52) można przeczytać: PC> [poniedzia?ek, 17 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): PC>/*** myprg1.prg ***/ PC>proc main() PC> hb_run( hb_dirBase() + "myprg2.exe" ) PC>return PC>/*** mypr

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-18 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 18 sierpnia 2009 (10:23:37) można przeczytać: PC> [wtorek, 18 sierpie? 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa3(a): PC> Hi, >> After recompile Harbour for WinCE and compile 2 programs: >> >>/*** myprg1.prg ***/ >>proc main() >> Al

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-18 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
u only have to chose font which PC> has all glyphs you need. Input/output translation will be done PC> automatically inside GTWVT after above settings. PC> If you find some looking nice setting which can be used also with PC> other WinCE machin

Re: [Harbour] hbRun() in WinCE

2009-08-18 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
"\myprg2.exe \myprg2.exe par2 par3" ) PC>> I hope not. JK> Done JK> yy = {"\myprog2.exe","par2","par3"} Of course yy = 0, hb_valToExp( { ... } ) = {"\myprog2.exe","par2","par3"} -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola _

[Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
lrddfpt -lhbuddall -lrddnsx -lhbrtl -lhbvm -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbpcre -lhbzlib -lws2 -luuid -lole32 -lwininet -lcommdlg -lcommctrl -otestole.exe -L"J:/MSYS/1.0/hb-mingwarm/lib" Is any other way to get excel file in WinCE using harbour? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, VS>I've added some long time missing wce syslibs VS> to our make systems. When ? My WinCE build is after last -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists.harbour-

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi! > Yesterday. Check ChangeLog. >> >> When ? My WinCE build is after last So they must be inside latest nightly. isn't it? Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
> Sorry, I have no idea at exactly which time the nightly is created in > my time zone, > I also can't remember at exactly which time of day this commit was made. > I suggest using the SVN server directly. Ok. thanks for Your big tolerance ! -- Regards,

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
DE, HB_GTI_RESIZEMODE_FONT ) > made console window unreadable in PocketPC emulator. Ok, i'll try tomorrow. Thanks for Your time. --- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Error Build winCE

2009-08-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ke[2]: *** [descend] Error 2 make[1]: *** [dynlib.inst] Error 2 make: *** [source.inst] Error 2 -- regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] WinCe Fonts/Console

2009-08-24 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
You to thread 'OLE in WINCE' - Fri, 21 Aug 2009. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Attachment's size

2009-08-25 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, How is attachment's upper limit size ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-25 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
es not have to. It depends on font high/width and number of PC> rows and cols. Not possible to move window 'wcecon' above top windows' beam. Window comes back to primary position. >> 4.In string "Test : abcdefgh ABCDEFGH" char 'H' is cut PC> Probably console window is bigger then your screen. See : when i'm "taking" window for top beam and little move from right to left (refresh ??) then char 'H' is good -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
library (libgtwvt.a) ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ne. 'hbmk2 *.c -hblib -ogtwvt' is the same result ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
way to build core/contrib components. VS> It may miss important settings, and it may not work VS> the same for other libs or platforms. So second question : must i build full Harbour in this case ? PC>2009-08-26 11:16 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ PC>

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
> * harbour/source/rtl/gtwvt/gtwvt.c PC>! fixed runtime font modification Bingo! At last i see differences ! I'll upload any pictures to google but later . Thanks a lot. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
. F.e. after doing some header changes, or other VS> reasons. >> > mingw32-make clean >> >> will force a complete update, and should not generally be required >> after small code updates. VS> In this case local rebuild has a clear advantage. Thanks for clarificati

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12382] trunk/harbour

2009-08-31 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, FM> Thank you very much for this wonderful contribution!! +999 -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] ViaNemo: New Framework Opensource for Harbour

2009-09-01 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, FM> It has interesting features as developed applications on Windows 32bits/64bits FM> and also Windows Mobile. ^^ Very good news !! We are waiting for this contribution for Harbour :) Thank You very much for this great job ! -- Regards, Jaroslaw Ka

Re: [Harbour] OLE in WINCE

2009-09-11 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
urVsClipperPocketDos#5380151354434082450 -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] bug: SORT /D

2009-09-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
N VS> --- VS> In Harbour it returns: VS> --- VS> -5.12 VS> -5.00 VS> 7.00 VS> 6.00 VS> 5.00 VS> --- VS> In Clipper: VS> --- VS> 7.00 VS> 6.00 VS> 5.00 VS> -5.00 VS>

[Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-02 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi Viktor, Function sms_send() return (-3) and not send message with libhbtpathy.a after 20.02.2010 (it's date of my last harbour build). With earlier version of libhbtpathy.a (date of my build : 02.02.2010) sms_send() return (-10) and work OK = send message. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kad

Re: [Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-02 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
viewvc/harbour-project/trunk/harbour/contrib/hbsms/hbsms.prg?view=log Thanks for quick reply. I don't know what is wrong - i'm only reporting this fact. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
th.prg - when i'm replacing this file with file from 27.01.2010 all is ok and sms' are sending. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
atches now, VS> but still untested, could you please do VS> a test with it? Tested - unfortunately sms_send() still return (-3) -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[14056] trunk/harbour

2010-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, W liście datowanym 4 marca 2010 (13:57:08) można przeczytać: vusn> Log Message: vusn> --- vusn> 2010-03-04 13:56 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 vusn> * contrib/hbtpathy/telepath.prg vusn> ! Restored for real. Now is OK! Thanks a lot! -- Reg

Re: [Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ktor restore this cobtrib :) -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Wrong hbsms

2010-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
s' i'm using Nokia phone plugged to usb port. In system must be installed modem driver (for this phone model). -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) http://lists.ha

Re: [Harbour] How to go insde debuger ?

2010-03-28 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi Shum , S> under the tests dir S> hbmk2 tstcolor.prg -b S> tstcolor.exe is generated but "run" it does not go into the debuger ? S> Please point me to right direction thanks ! Command AltD() in tstcolor.prg ?? -- Regar

Re: [Harbour] Happy Easter

2010-04-03 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, Happy Easter to All! Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] open pdf

2010-04-23 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi >Exist a way that , once a file was created , generates that's OS >open this >file >using default apliccation for this type of file ? >In example a PDF file WAPI_ShellExecute(,,cFile) -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___

Re: [Harbour] error with new build system

2009-03-05 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Witam, W liœcie datowanym 5 marca 2009 (09:59:31) mo¿na przeczytaæ: MAM> WITH THIS BUILD.BAT MAM> -- MAM> set PATH=C:\UTL\bcc58\bin;%PATH% MAM> rem MAM> set HB_COMPILER=bcc MAM> set HB_ARCHITECTURE=win MAM> set HB_USER_PRGFLAGS=-l M

Re[2]: [Harbour] error with new build system

2009-03-05 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hello, Sorry for previous message - my mistake ! -- Regards Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10611] trunk/harbour

2009-03-16 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-wince-mingw32ce/4.1.0/../../../../arm-wince-mingw32ce/lib/libmingw32.a(winmain_ce.o): In function `WinMain': /cygdrive/c/dada/cegcc/src/mingw/winmain_ce.c:146: undefined reference to `main' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status What's wrong ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] MinGW problem ?

2009-04-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
_INSTALL_PREFIX=G:\hb-%HB_COMPILER% call make_gnu.bat install %1 %2 > log-%HB_COMPILER%.txt 2>&1 === OS - Win XP HE SP3 -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] WinCE build

2009-04-28 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi all, After positive harbour wince building with msys+mingw (without any error)i can't execute any *.exe file from /hb-mingwarm/bin directory. If i type harbour.exe or hbmk2.exe i get : 'permission denied'. Any ideas ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Ksdziola ___

[Harbour] How to debug ?

2009-05-13 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi all, How is simply road to debugging my .prg ? * AltD() in first line of .prg doing nothing, * -debug switch in hbmk2.exe doing nothing -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists.harbour

[Harbour] WinCE build

2009-05-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ort HB_INC_INSTALL="/hb-$HB_COMPILER/include" export HB_CCPREFIX="arm-wince-mingw32ce-" -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ys/1.0/harbour/external/sqlite3' make[1]: *** [sqlite3.inst] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/msys/1.0/harbour/external' make: *** [external.inst] Error 2 Besides after run hbmk2.exe under msys i get : - permission denied -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola _

Re[2]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
brary are mouse functions useful in tbrowse objects. Is any library in harbour with these functions ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re[4]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-26 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ybe to examples initially. Please do it. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re[6]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-27 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ritef.prg s_xbxx.prg -q0 -w1 -es2 -gc0 -l -o.hbmk\wce\mingwarm\ -iC:/msys/1.0/hb-mingwarm/include -undef:__PLATFORM__WINDOWS -D__PLATFORM__WINDOWS -D__PLATFORM__WINCE -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re[9]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-27 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
-lhbvm -lhbrdd -lhbusrrdd -lhbuddall -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lrddntx -lrddnsx -lrddcdx -lrddfpt -lhbrtl -lhbpp -lhbmacro -lhbextern -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbpcre -lhbzlib -lwininet -lws2 -lcommdlg -lcommctrl -luuid -lole32 -Wl,--end-group -orzm_h.exe -LC:/msys/1.0/hb-mingwarm/lib

Re[11]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11104] trunk/harbour

2009-05-28 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi Viktor, VS> These belong to the mouse functionality implemented as .asm code. VS> Try with these rewritten versions in .prg: VS> --- s_mouse.prg VS> /* Copyright 2009 Viktor Szakats */ As usually you are great ! Library hbSuper is ported to Harbour. Thanks a lot ! -- Regard

[Harbour] Superlib

2009-06-21 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
;_HB_FUN_IMPBOX' referenced from N:\LASTHB\HARBOUR\LIB\SUPERLIB.LIB|s_messyn hbmk: Error: Running linker. 2 Any help ? Or : Is any function in harbour like 'editdb' in superlib ? Using 'editdb' i can define mouse hot regions when i'm browsig dB. -- Regards, Jaroslaw

Re[2]: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11472] trunk/harbour

2009-06-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
: Running linker. 2 VS> There is no sign of these functions in the original SuperLib sources, VS> so they must belong to some other libs. You are right, i don't know why i have these functions. After remove all is ok. Thanks so much ! -- Best Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___

[Harbour] Problem with Frename()

2009-07-06 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi all, Frename(File_a,File_b) return 0 , but do nothing. Why ? -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Problem with Frename()

2009-07-06 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hello again, JK> Hi all, JK> Frename(File_a,File_b) return 0 , but do nothing. JK> Why ? I don't know why, but after rebuild harbour with rev. 11644 all is ok. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbo

[Harbour] WinCE + QT

2009-07-08 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, When i'm building WinCe libraries with msys + mingw i get libhbqt.a library. My question is : is possible build any app with hbQT for WinCE ? If yes - how ? When i try compile demoqt.prg i get many, many warnings and in the end error running linker. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kad

Re: [Harbour] HBTIP

2009-07-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
ip ? > No idea here. Thanks for reply. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] UHTTPD

2009-07-23 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
- IG:\LASTHB\HARBOUR\include uhttpd.c cgifunc.c cookie.c session.c uhttpdc.c socket.c -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] UHTTPD

2009-07-23 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi, > Hi, > should be hb_parnidef(). Thank You. > Regards, > Mindaugas Now is OK , thanks. -- Regards, J K ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Problem with some contribs

2009-02-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hello, Where is the mistake ? 1. Run make_b32.bat in HARBOUR folder 2. Run make_b32_all.bat in \HARBOUR\CONTRIB folder 3. Move all files from w32 folders to up-one-level folders (HARBOUR\LIB, HARBOUR\BIN) 4. Copy *.ch and *.h files from HARBOUR\CONTRIB\*.* to HARBOUR\INCLUDE 5. For example i

Re[2]: [Harbour] Problem with some contribs

2009-02-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi Viktor, VS> hbtpathy doesn't have a complete implementation VS> for Windows. There is however a comm subsystem VS> for Windows in hbwin.lib. See testprt1.prg and testprt2.prg VS> for example code. Thanks for explanations. -- Regards,

[Harbour] WinCE app

2009-03-04 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi all, Is anybody who made application with Harbour worked on palmtop with Windows Mobile/CE ? I'm using clipper + PocketDos and i want to change it. How to do it - step by step ? -- Best regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list Ha

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[14488] trunk/harbour

2010-05-17 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Tested on W2k with Nokia 3110c - OK ! Thanks again Viktor ! -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] hbvpdf: how set the Page Size?

2010-05-22 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi > Hi, the question is about hbvpdf, not hbhpdf. You're right, my fault! Sorry ! -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12253] trunk/harbour

2010-05-31 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Can you repeat your tests with current SVN code? PC> Not it should link cleanly but I'm interesting if current PC> OLE code is really working in WinCE. I'll try ASAP and notify you of the results. -- Regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Question about WinCE build

2010-05-31 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
3.o -c ../../../sqlite3.c /cygdrive/d/cegcc/opt/mingw32ce/libexec/gcc/arm-mingw32ce/4.4.0/cc1.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygmpfr-1.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory win-make.exe[3]: *** [sqlite3.o] Error 1 win-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2 win-make.e

Re: [Harbour] Question about WinCE build

2010-06-11 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
Hi Viktor, VS> The error message shows exactly what's missing, install it. VS> It's not Harbour problem. This happens when the old man does not read carefully to what written. Thank you ! -- Best regards, Jaroslaw Kadziola ___

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12253] trunk/harbour

2010-06-11 Thread Jaroslaw Kadziola
PC> Can you repeat your tests with current SVN code? PC> Not it should link cleanly but I'm interesting if current PC> OLE code is really working in WinCE. Done. Testole.exe is running under Windows Mobile (see attach) but do not run programs (word, excel are installed on device)