Hi Massimo,

MB> afaik \windows\ contain All .DLLs, help files, sounds and backgrounds
MB> are stored here
MB> \Program Files   is Where programs should be stored. Use
MB> subdirectories to organize them.

MB> Note that Windows CE does not have drive letters

I know all this. I'm using PocketDos (Dos emulator for WinCE) and
i can execute any WinCE application with 'start.exe' from PocketDOS
When i'm typing in command line: start.exe "\Windows\calc.exe"
calc.exe is running OK.
I can execute calc.exe from .lnk file by click on file.lnk from
file explorator. File.lnk contents : 150# "\Windows\calc.exe"

But hb_Run("\Windows\calc.exe") from harbour app do nothing.

 Jaroslaw Kadziola

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