I need to build a lightweight application using Harbour and a graphical
interface for linux and win
I would like to use GTK library.
What package could fit the above requeriments ?
Any hint are welcome.
Share your
The harbour spanish web site
was hosted in geocities.
Because Geocities had closed, the site was moved temporaly to:
Vailton can you update the link ?
Sorry for not sending mails :(
I had to stop the harbour doc work some months ago due to serious family
I am returning to work (october state), but quite slowly. I am not aware of
current state,
I could not even read the mailing list.
Some thoughts about doc directory:
Almost (if not all) the files in \doc directory do not have format (plain
so it's difficult to aply them any category for menuing or classify it.
I think we must give some basic format to them to get more functionality (I did
some basic test)
A potencially (spanish speaking) user wants to know if could be possible to
make aplications for Windows Mobile 5 using Harbour ?
He have a cell phone (mobil) Motorola Q.
I have no idea about that matter, can anyone answer him ?
From: ken_torrealba AT hotmail DOT com
Alex Strickland wrote:
>I hear you, but, does anyone *develop* systems on those devices etc.
You'd be surprised to see how many account software exist running over only DOS
and most of the Banks (CIT*, HSB*, etc) have several system running on old DOS7
and Novell networks.
I kno
>The last nice source of ideas I found is Lua virtual machine. In Lua
>5.0, VM was rewritten from stack based machine to register-based
>machine. This increased performance about 20%. Instead of:
>they use:
>ADD 3 1 2
Parrot code (VM for Perl 6) al
Hi Phil,
We will miss you.
I want to give you thanks for more than ten years of support and leadership on
Harbour project.
Your wise word always keep people working as a team.
I wish you the best to you and your families.
God bless you
Congratulations !!!
to all people which made posible, specially to Przemek and Viktor.
Go Ahead!
Discover the new Windows Vista
I agree in most of the points. and I would like to see:
-- harbour embebed as a script language in html pages.
-- GUI Multiplatform (executable and some internet standard interface)
but I haven't a clear idea how to achieve this.
The are today many interpreted language in use and Harbour can
Hi Viktor
I have been working a couple of years ago in hbdoc after the last release of
.ng format unfortunately all that work disapear with a crash in my home machine.
I did many of the spanish translations, but still is missing many of the
documentation in english and not only of the known Cl
I was thinking about Harbour's documentacion and from what I can recall
last time I build doc info, I found and noted the following:
NG doc:
I have to bend some NG rules because in Harbour exists Functions & Commands
with more than 10 characters in its names, and the right side of the
Viktor, all
I am unable to syncronize with SVN
I did several changes to hbdoc.prg and genhtm.prg and will do many more. Can
you hold down from doing changes ?
Viktor, If you agree I will send it to you the files changed and
all the htm files from .\doc and .\doc\en in a few days to upload
>After your modification will be possible also convert to unique file>llike
>chm,pdf? >This format are good also for search
Not in the short time. My first goal is to generate html and later xml from
current docs.
hbdoc is quite complex and is not easy to process files without a standard
Hi folks
I stand up from bed to send a few (important) mails and to tell some hurried
people they will have to wait.
I am with fever and neumonitis, when I will stay better I will continue with
the work.
Some time ago I made some basic test using the FOX toolkit and BCC 551 on win
98 /2000,
the same code with GCC and DEBIAN and it works quite well.
The library is wrote in C++, all the source code is provided (GPL) and not
require additional headers or libraries.
I never have time to invest
Could you give a brief explanation which is the purpose (the intended use) of
the hbcurl library ?
And if you can (;) drop a few lines in a .txt
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I know we are very close to a new release, but I want to ask if posible
to get a solution for the download size of the harbour source snapshot in the
What I mean is to get rid of of the unused files belonging to SVN from the real
harbour source code.
It increments more than 3 time
Can we split the contrib source code from the harbour source code ?
In that way Harbour core and Contrib code could be updated each one at its own
time with independently.
At this moment Contrib folder code it`s almost 45 % from total size source code
of Harbour 1.00 RC2
Additionally if othe
19 matches
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