I was thinking about Harbour's documentacion and from what I can recall
last time I build doc info, I found and noted the following:

NG doc:
I have to bend some NG rules because in Harbour exists Functions & Commands 
with more than 10 characters in its names, and the right side of the screen, 
menus and other parts of the harbour.ng had to be modificated.
So I see serius problems to use this format.

Changing to a New source format:
I don't know nothing about other popular formats like man or robocop or...
But if we switch to said.. robocop doc source and in the future, we need to
change or switch to another tool we face it with the same problem.

My opinion is:
probably the better and more simple decision is to continue with the NANFOR
format (which is quite simple) as the source doc format. And build the
docs as HTML (as first election) and PDF (I never make it) or other format
as second choice).
Using a good template or config file we can change the current format to fit
a standard like XTML and then if we find apropiate we can adopt it in the
future as the new source doc format.

Of course it's imperative that we will make the Harbour doc easely and as
soon as we can, but following some agreed rules.
But build it, is only a technical matter, and sooner or later we will do it.

The other issue and it's not minor, is almost nobody is writing docs,
so the main problem still remains.

Anyway... we can get one step at a time


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