Hi Przemek,
I've only meant Windows platform this time. If we later
find out any conversion needs for other platforms, we may
add them later.
On 2008.07.31., at 10:54, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
If it has no side-effects, maybe we could
On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> If it has no side-effects, maybe we could add this conversion
> to these functions.
Not for all platforms. In *nixes file names should be stored in
native ISO CPs (if we want to be compatible with other ZIP tools)
which is more similar to ANSI in Window
If it has no side-effects, maybe we could add this conversion
to these functions.
On 2008.07.31., at 10:24, Juan Gálvez wrote:
Hi Przemek,
Don't worry about this subject. Indeed it was a translation issue
and it can be resolved easily :
HB_ZipStoreFile( hZip, cFilePath, HB_A
Hi Przemek,
Don't worry about this subject. Indeed it was a translation issue and it can
be resolved easily :
HB_ZipStoreFile( hZip, cFilePath, HB_AnsiToOem( cFilePath ), cPassword )
HB_UnzipExtractCurrentFile( hZip, HB_OemToAnsi( cFilePath ), cPassword )
Best regards
- Original Me
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Juan Gálvez wrote:
Hi Juan,
> I'm testing my app with hbmzip instead of hbziparch and I found that unzip
> functions don't respect the character set used in zipped files.
> For example If I try to unzip a file *guía.dbf* then I get a file
> *guia.dbf* (notice the accent).
Hi all,
I'm testing my app with hbmzip instead of hbziparch and I found that unzip
functions don't respect the character set used in zipped files.
For example If I try to unzip a file *guía.dbf* then I get a file *guia.dbf*
(notice the accent).
Any solution ?
Best regards