On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Juan Gálvez wrote:

Hi Juan,

> I'm testing my app with hbmzip instead of hbziparch and I found that unzip 
> functions don't respect the character set used in zipped files.
> For example If I try to unzip a file *guía.dbf* then I get a file 
> *guia.dbf* (notice the accent).
> Any solution ?

hbmzip does not touch file names at all. It stores them as is without
any translations. It works perfectly for me in my Linux box.
So your problem is probbly different:
1. you need some translations (f.e. ANSI<->OEM conversions)
2. hbmzip uses fopen() (BTW it will be good to replace it
   with hb_fopen() to respect file name translation) for file
   access. It's possible that CRTL in your C compilers makes
   some translations using information set in locale.

Please make some tests. F.e. use myzip/myunzip examples to compress
and decompress file and compare results.

best regards,
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