>What exactly is purpose/mean of SET DIRSEPARATOR ( set(104) ) ?
>By default is OS_PATH_DELIMITER
>That mean set( 104, "\" ) translate \ to / on file operations ?
Forget response
From ChangeLog:
2002-09-23 11:00 UTC-0300 Gustavo Junior Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* source/rtl/set.c
>> Error DBFCDX/1004 Create error: /mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf;(Error
>DOS 13)
>Exactly. It was a bug which still exist in xHarbour and in Harbour
>it was fixed. It was not possible to use "\" in files names in *nixes.
>Now it it.
Checked. Mandriva 2008 support "\" in file names, for example
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> This code:
> DBCreate( cBase, aStruc, cRDD )
> where
> cBase=/mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf
> work fine with Mdva2008/Harbour June 2007
> But with Mdva2008/current Harbour result error:
> Error DBFCDX/1004 Create error: /mnt/win_d/dat\sggop
This code:
DBCreate( cBase, aStruc, cRDD )
work fine with Mdva2008/Harbour June 2007
But with Mdva2008/current Harbour result error:
Error DBFCDX/1004 Create error: /mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf;(Error DOS 13)
Difference is management of separator "\"
> David,
> You need to link in the math lib, just add at the end of your link
> sequence: -lm
> BTW, for environments that use bash shells (like linux), harbour
>provides the
> scripts:
> hbcmp, hblnk, hbrun
> those scripts allows you to easily compile, link and run
respectively. > e.g.:
On Saturday 22 March 2008 03:35:05 am David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> >You need to give link-time info to solve cross references by
> 'grouping' >the
> >harbour libs, this is done by simply adding the "-Wl,--start-group
> > -Wl,--end-group" options, eg:
> >
> > -Wl,--start-group -lhb
>You haven't set HB_COMPILER and HB_ARCHITECTURE envvars.
>Instead of setting them manually please simply
> ./make_gnu.sh
> ./make_gcc.sh.
>Mandriva is RPM based distribution then I suggest to run
> ./make_rpm.sh
>from non root account (in general I suggest to not use root
>You need to give link-time info to solve cross references by
'grouping' >the
>harbour libs, this is done by simply adding the "-Wl,--start-group
> -Wl,--end-group" options, eg:
> -Wl,--start-group -lhbvm -lhbpp -lhbrtl -lhbrdd -lrddfpt -lrddcdx
>-lrddntx -lhbhsx
> -lhbsix -lhbusrrdd