>> Error DBFCDX/1004 Create error: /mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf;(Error >DOS 13)

>Exactly. It was a bug which still exist in xHarbour and in Harbour
>it was fixed. It was not possible to use "\" in files names in *nixes.
>Now it it.

Checked. Mandriva 2008 support "\" in file names, for example test\file.txt, but created using "test\\file.txt". With just an \, result is testfile.txt

>If you need such translation you have to enable it yourself.
>Now it's fully controlled by programmer not hard coded in RTL code.

>> Obviously there was a change of \ management in file operations
>> Suggestions to handle / review this change ?

>Now it's OK. Before it was wrong. Just like still in xHarbour.
>If you want to enable such translation then add to your code:


Checked and it work (?)
What exactly is purpose/mean of SET DIRSEPARATOR ( set(104) ) ?

This code:

qout( set( 104 ) )
PRIV cFile := cSvrDbf+"dat\sggopera.dbf"
QOUT( cFile, FILE(cFile) )

set( 104, "\" )
qout( set( 104 ) )
QOUT( cFile, FILE(cFile) )

results to:
/mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf .F.
/mnt/win_d/dat\sggopera.dbf .T.

and rest of file operations mixing / and \ results fine
That mean set( 104, "\" ) translate \ to / on file operations ?

David Macias

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