> If I understand correctly (correct me if not):
> - You intend to create separate hbqt_gcpointer*() calls for
> each object type.
> - To add NULL checking to these functions.
> I agree with both. HBQT code should definitely throw RTE when
> NULL is detected, instead of letting it GPF.
It seems that I'm looking in the right direction
And this one ?
>> I also do not see any protection against wrong object casting and
>> raw pointer items are accepted what effectively blocks any serious
>> cleanups. Few months ago I sent code example which adds such protection
>> to this list
On 2010 Apr 11, at 10:23, francesco perillo wrote:
>> Yes. Plus check TOFIX notes in HBQT code, and it's
>> worth to carefully read Przemek's recent quick summary
>> of HBQT problems, there are some important issues
>> raised there which may help finding the right direction.
>> (f.e. confusing/mix
> Yes. Plus check TOFIX notes in HBQT code, and it's
> worth to carefully read Przemek's recent quick summary
> of HBQT problems, there are some important issues
> raised there which may help finding the right direction.
> (f.e. confusing/mixing raw pointers with GC collected
> ones, which is anoth
> Yes. But Pritpal says that we don't have such cases and the problem is
> only in destructor... Infact I proposed that bNew status bits to
So such change can do no harm and should be done
to prove this statement of Pritpal and avoid any
future misunderstandings in this regard.
But, I doubt cur
> If I understand correctly (correct me if not):
> - You intend to create separate hbqt_gcpointer*() calls for
> each object type.
No, my proposal 1) has just 2 functions, one hbqt_gcpointer for Qt
objects that don't have pq and one hbqt_gcpointer_has_pq for objects
that have one... Proposal 2)
Hi Francesco,
> In the objects destructor ( the hbqt_gcRelease_* functions ) pq value
> is checked against NULL... But in hbqt_gcpointer it is not... because
> in hbqt_gcpointer we just have a "generic" QGC_POINTER and not the
> "specific" QGC_POINTER_QPushButton so pq is not "available"...
> See:
Let's start with
hbqt_par_QPushButton( 1 )->setAutoDefault( hb_parl( 2 ) );
#define hbqt_par_QPushButton( n ) ( ( QPushButton
* ) hbqt_gcpointer( n ) )
this line:
hbqt_par_QPushButton( 1