Hi Francesco,

> In the objects destructor ( the hbqt_gcRelease_* functions ) pq value
> is checked against NULL... But in hbqt_gcpointer it is not... because
> in hbqt_gcpointer we just have a "generic" QGC_POINTER and not the
> "specific" QGC_POINTER_QPushButton so pq is not "available"...
> See:
> typedef struct
> {
>   void * ph;
>   bool bNew;
>   QT_G_FUNC_PTR func;
>   QPointer< QPushButton > pq;
> } QGC_POINTER_QPushButton;
> typedef struct
> {
>  void * ph;
>  bool bNew;
>  QT_G_FUNC_PTR func;
> My idea is then to add a Qpointer placeholder in QGC_POINTER but it
> would need some more changes, infact it seems ok for objects in
> directory qtgui (they descend from QObject) but not for objects in
> qtcore that doesn't inherit from QObject.
> So there are 2 possibilities to verify:
> 1) in hbqt.h change the #define hbqt_par_QPushButton( n )   ( (
> QPushButton  * ) hbqt_gcpointerFromQObject( n ) ) for object in qtgui
> and then copy hbqt_gcpointer to hbqt_gcpointerFromQObject adding pq
> checking (the some for *FromObj) but then how to handle Q_release ?

If I understand correctly (correct me if not):

- You intend to create separate hbqt_gcpointer*() calls for 
each object type.
- To add NULL checking to these functions.

I agree with both. HBQT code should definitely throw RTE when 
NULL is detected, instead of letting it GPF.

> 2) using bNew not as a bool but as a bitmask with values
> trap/debug strange interactions between c++ delete and harbour GC)
> giving us a clear picture of what is happening and also a lot more
> "status" bit to use
> Using 2) it may be just a matter of adding the status bit at object
> creation and checking the 1-ness of bit 2 before testing pq and some
> other trivial changes...

May be good, but I can't oversee this one.


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