στις 29/05/2010 10:40, O/H Przemysław Czerpak έγραψε:
> This is my last massage in this thread. I strongly suggest to invest
> resources necessary to create such long messages about "how to create
> harbour documentation" in creating some real documentation. It will
> be really productive.
> be
στις 29/05/2010 00:42, O/H Pritpal Bedi έγραψε:
Ok, I commit to write documentation, how much you will pay ?
Certainly not less than the current market price[*] for similar products.
(and of course, I'd prefer it to be an under-official-leadership
Users of Harbour can pledg
στις 28/05/2010 15:23, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
Pls remember that even such _quite well documented_, _fully open_
and long time known systems as Linux, have several companies
_earning_ large sums of money by supporting them (f.e. Red Hat),
(I don't know if this has been proposed before but)
στις 27/05/2010 23:33, O/H smu johnson έγραψε:
Some thoughts,
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:18 PM, pete_westg
are you sure you have understood my words? I 'm afraid you don't!
What I am not sure for, is the reason for this misunderstand
στις 27/05/2010 13:02, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
To Pete,
[ Sorry to reply here, but I'm readonly user of users-list. ]
Strange and insulting thoughts towards anyone who have
dedicated huge amount (many years) of (maybe even full
time) to take this project where it is now. Maybe
you could ela
στις 22/04/2010 21:49, O/H Winston Garcia έγραψε:
Have you a sample of Netio server what received many conections ?
The samples en contrib/netio only accept one conection at time ?
Winston Garcia
Take a look there:
στις 24/03/2010 12:01, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
C:\DEV\Harbour\Mytests>hbrun tst.prg
aa->DACC : hello
aa->&("DACC") : hello
Press any key to continue...
στις 21/03/2010 20:31, O/H Przemysław Czerpak έγραψε:
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Alexandr Okhotnikov wrote:
DBCREATE( "aa.dbf", { { "DACC", "C", 10, 0 } } )
use aa.dbf alias aa new
aa->DACC := "hello"
? "aa->DACC :", aa->DACC
? 'aa->&("DACC") :', aa->&("DACC")
στις 17/03/2010 18:18, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
The rest would need hbmk2 to parse all source files for
make options, which would in turn have a rather huge speed
penalty. Plus it'd need a 3rd kind of option syntax to
maintain (above existing .hbp and .hbc).
No, in no way I did mean to parse
I don't know if it is technically easy or even possible to implemented,
but i think it might be very handy to have inside main .prg one (or
more) make-time directive(s) instructing hbmk2, about desired compiler
options and/or libraries inclusion.
Something like:
#makeoption "/switch1",
στις 13/03/2010 12:52, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
And here you answered the question. ADEL() is a Clipper
compatibility function, so it's expected to behave exactly
the same way as in Clipper, regardless of what we think
about some of that behavior.
Hi Viktor,
Thanks you for your reply. I don
According documentation a proper use of the Adel() function, is:
ADEL(, ) --> aTarget
where is the array element being deleted.
However, function ADEL() does interesting, -yet unexpected at least for
me, things when it's invoked with a "slightly fuzzy" way shown in the
sample below:
στις 18/02/2010 17:27, O/H Viktor Szakáts έγραψε:
Hi All,
So, I'd like to ask prospective contributors to _ignore
these_ and concentrate on our path. It has been said
many times: There will only be a documentation (in any
format, or medium), if someone actually writes them.
There is no other
WCenter() does not seem to work properly, at least in my installation.
The problem arises when I pass the parameter [.t.], in order to obtain a real
centering, that is, in the center of 'physical screen' (or terminal window).
Although the wrow() wcol() coordinates seems to been updated co
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