στις 29/05/2010 10:40, O/H Przemysław Czerpak έγραψε:

> This is my last massage in this thread. I strongly suggest to invest
> resources necessary to create such long messages about "how to create
> harbour documentation" in creating some real documentation. It will
> be really productive.
> best regards,
> Przemek

To (Przemek, Viktor and co-developers)

I understand that you, the leaders of Harbour, along with a bunch of very capable and helpfully dedicated developers, have undertaken an abandoned-on-the-shelf project and have made it such an outstanding programming language with an unparalleled quality, similar to which is not easy to find in the FOSS arena. We the "standalone" HB_users, mostly ex-clipper programmers, feel very happy, lucky and blessed to have you in the head of this great-great project:
        - happy because we were here to see it happen,
- lucky because we have (someone more, someone lesser) _benefited_ by your generously offered product, product of your hard work - blessed because (well, i 'm not such a religious man to speak about it, let say that..) we just feel it so!

I guess that some of us, being motivated by such thoughts, we're seeking ways to give back whatever we think could help the project, give back not as "a payment" but rather as "a moral obligation" . Sadly i see that till now the results is a mixture of plenty of good intentions along with much disturbing noise. It really doesn't help! To mumbling, in the event, our apologies does not help either. Maybe the best thing we could do is to follow your suggestion, that is, to try <<to invest resources necessary to create such long messages about "how to create harbour documentation" in creating some real documentation>>. [The only problem here is the very real case where some user (for many reasons, eg. lack of time, lack of knowledge, inefficiency in writing etc) is unable to create "some real documentation" but still he wants to contribute. That was the aim to create a Harbour-Foundation but since you consider that it'd produce more problems than it'd solve, we can let the proposition peacefully rest into recycle bin of the "never-said"].

Once again, we[*] feel the need to express ours warm thanks and sincere appreciation to your great work.
Many-many thanks for your patient too!

[*] and before any fellow reader comes and question me:
"who have made me the spoke-person of Harbour users", i must clarify
that i 'm not pretend that i represent anyone, nor i am doing it intentionally!
it's only because i find it humanly normal to express an opinion,
it's only because we sometimes have to speak about things that touch our common interests,
but also because this _dumbness by the users side_
is unfitting to thinking people, and certainly discouraging and disheartening
for the developers! [forgive me if you find my words are
wrong and/or upsetting, but Please let's take, from time to time, the chance to reply to them just to say 'thanks'. eventually, it seems that still it counts more than we guess...]

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