So in my opinion and before going into implementation details
HbQt is more attractive for business applications developers
Mahmoud Fayed
http://doublesvsoop.sourceforge.net (Programming Without Coding Technology)
http://supernova.sourceforge.net (Simple scripting pro
in the planet must have
problems so we have our jobs as maintainers) we could study this and try to
works around that until we solve it and nothing will stop us from using Qt
power with our language which we like (Harbour).
Mahmoud Fayed
http://doublesvsoop.sourceforge.net (Programming
red to be done first including but not
limited to (Having a stable and static design, clear project kernel, better
code, ...etc) when i finish that i will go open source ( the dead line for
that is less than 30 days )
Mahmoud Fayed
http://doublesvsoop.sourceforge.net (Programming Without