s looks interesting too, that I just found:
2: <https://debbugs.gnu.org/server-request.html#introduction>
Will have to try it. Maybe emacs already has a mode for that?
(I need to refresh my emacs-fu ;/ )
> Cheers,
> simon
Bengt Richter
cussed [1]. :-)
> 1: <https://yhetil.org/guix/87r13aifi3.fsf...@gnu.org>
> Cheers,
> simon
I am not forgetting that I should be thankful for anything I am provided
freely. So thank you all!
Bengt Richter
Hi zimoun,
On +2022-07-04 10:21:13 +0200, zimoun wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 03 Jul 2022 at 12:38, Bengt Richter wrote:
> >> I do not think committers are pushing code about #1, #2 or #3 that they
> >> know beforehand it will cause a problem.
> >
> > Hm
│ 4 guile --no-auto-compile -c '(display (getenv "PS1"))(newline)'$
│ [13:25 ~/bs]$
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
I need to go back to square 1 default .bash_login and .bashrc to debug this I
guess :-(
(so .profile and my mods down the .profile sequence will be ignored). Gaah :-/
Bengt Richter
Hi Josselin,
I naively don't buy the rationale against a non-root guix daemon :)
Skip to [2] if tl ;)
On +2022-07-21 18:10:53 +0200, Josselin Poiret wrote:
> Hello,
> b...@bokr.com writes:
> > Naively:
> >
> > Why does "the" guix daemon per se need root access at all?
> The main thin
through those SATA channels during what you timed? That
would give an idea of what faster phusical disk memory
access would do for you. If many people are waiting longer
that they like, maybe they would chip in to fund an upgrade,
to feed that 12(24)-core "beast" :-)
I'd bet it is waiting a lot, if not more than computing :)
Bengt Richter
I see asking for trust info being relevant to derivations :)
Bengt Richter
der avatars ;-)
Yeah, that sounds like more fun. VRML?
Well, that's a big fantasy about "discovery" :)
Hm, how to get that running as native RISC-V code on open silicon? ;-)
> Cheers,
> simon
Bengt Richter
game enhancement" and a screaming
(with all the DOS threats and nuisances taken into account?
Dreaming on .. but we have to dream things up before we can make them ;-)
Bengt Richter
2. Are the http [sans 's'] links necessary?
> Thanks for the great update, as always!
> Ludo’.
Bengt Richter
ing used and not HTTPS".
I've gotten the impression that it's a compromise
having to do with making load balancing easier somehow,
but that's my ignorant speculation, which any real factoid
could improve on :)
Bengt Richter
a friend’s AMD GPU system. Probably
> one could blacklist yet another AMD graphics module instead of passing
> nomodeset. But then the installer on AMD systems where the module is
> working fine would be limited to uvesafb.
> Regards,
> Florian
Bengt Richter
tar® http://AvatarAcademy.com
Bengt Richter
service-type” we discussed with Danny[1].
> Instead of extending “etc-service-type” we would use
> “activation-service-type”, as “%modprobe-wrapper” is currently put
> in place by a simple activation service.
> [0]: https://issues.guix.info/issue/40422
> [1]: https://issues.guix.info/issue/40274#29
> - Brice
[1] python -c 'import this'
Bengt Richter
not comfortable with script-kiddies [1]
getting too easy access to knowledge they are not mature enough to handle ;-/
Amateur Jurassic Parks, anyone? Oops, that became a virus, not a tame T-Rex we
can ride,
what shall we do?
[1] Not to mention Scrooge amd Dr.Strangelove ;-/
Bengt Richter
und with expensive toys,
just to keep their competition out of the market.
Or that they'll be disrupted by metoo accusations.
So what makes you hopeful about guix? :)
> Cheers,
> Konrad
Bengt Richter
Hi Konrad,
> > So what makes you hopeful about guix? :)
> It's so technical that politics-minded people won't even look at it.
LOL :))
Bengt Richter
rtant, as people may go there out of
sparked elsewhere, to get up-to-date info on guix.
Is updating wikipedia part of guix documentation work-flow?
My 2¢ ;-)
Bengt Richter
goes *much* further beyond any NixOS origins than that commenter believes.
Anyway, guix is cool :)
(Nice dictionary to help my creaky German ;-)
> Cheers,
> Konrad
Bengt Richter
(Not to mention your personal productivity -- are you part 'bot? ;-)
Bengt Richter
sh pts/0 6555 S+ sh -c emacs
muttpts/0 4379 S+ mutt
bashpts/0 2822 Ss /bin/bash
tilix ? 2817 Sl /usr/bin/tilix --gapplication-service
systemd ? 1441 Ss /lib/systemd/systemd --user
systemd ?1 Ss /sbin/init splash
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
> Thank you for your feedback.
> All the best,
> simon
Bengt Richter
2:8.1.0875-5 all Vi IMproved - Common files
un vim-gnome(no description available)
un vim-gtk (no description available)
un vim-gtk3 (no description available)
un vim-nox (no description available)
ii vim-tiny 2:8.1.0875-5 amd64Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor -
compact version
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
you can obviously grep ^ii to see what's installed only,
or grep -v ^un to keep the headers with the ii's
> > The the search command would fulfill it's function by giving you an
> > overview about the available options.
> I agree as explained above. :-)
> Room of improvements for "guix search". :-)
> > >> * Multi user package concept not clear (root as different packages then
> > >> normal user).
> > >
> > > This is related to expectation about "installed", IMHO.
> >
> > Yes. But can be confusing for all the people coming from traditional
> > package managers where root and user share the same packages.
> Yes shifting is always difficult. :-)
> Cheers,
> simon
Bengt Richter
have different results, those benches are not very accurate
> though.
Might it throw some light to see your different results for
--8<---cut here---start->8---
$ lscpu|grep -i bogo
$ top -n1|grep ^MiB
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
At least I'm curious :)
> Thanks,
> Mathieu
Bengt Richter
u want a more visual package manager, don't use
To me it looks like he *is* using a terminal to get the above :)
(or faking it from some re-purposed console cli sql output snippet?)
> a CLI tool. A proper GUI will be more accessible.
By "proper" you mean browser-presented html/javascript ? ;-)
> As one example, ASCII formatting makes screen readers a lot harder to
> use.
I don't think that has to be so :)
Bengt Richter
ity/brevity filters or the user's
It might be nice to have an option to menumonic-tag-name the log for easier
later access and review.
Bengt Richter
of info that may have extra
info for their particular distribution and use case. Links for pursuing that
would help.
Sometimes going to duckduckgo.com and typing "site:gnu.org what you want" in
the slot
can get you useful urls faster than navigating down from
I don't think there's any shame in suggesting that :)
> Yes, it cost nothing and could improve.
I think that's way too unassertive :)
> All the best,
> simon
Bengt Richter
cooperating users. That should be fast, since it's just like mmap
table manipulation IIUC.
So there's my 2 cents worth of bike shed paint :)
Well, a little more, I hope. I'll be poking at it, but now
will hope for ideas and prior art revelations here ;-)
BTW, might encapsulating all of guix in the guixurootd $HOME file space
serendipitously work with that systemd home encapsulator/migration-
facilitator that I don't even know the right name of, possibly?
Bengt Richter
eliminated by not
servings .sig's
at all from mirrors? (it would be inconvenient when official server was down,
not a showstopper inconvenience, since the tgz would be be mirrored and could be
validated with published sha256sum's).
Bengt Richter
;d like to know if you find the page useful so that I can hopefully start
> working on incorporating the search functionality into this page:
> https://guix.gnu.org/packages/.
> Best Regards,
> Danjela
Bengt Richter
missing that too? What do you think?
> Good night
> Jonathan
> [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Readline
> [1]
> https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/inputrc?h=packages/readline
> [2] https://packages.debian.org/buster/all/readline-common/filelist
Bengt Richter
, that might be true sometimes for meetings of specialists with urgent
work to do,
but not for inclusive public mailing lists :)
Bengt Richter
length digests may produce other remainder end values.
BTW, how did nix get such a weird alphabet for 0-31 ? Watermarking themselves?
Bengt Richter
or the former, preserving header and excluding non-installed, e.g.,?
dpkg -l '*your*globbed*name*here*'|grep -v ^un
> --
> Regards
> Hartmut Goebel
> | Hartmut Goebel | h.goe...@crazy-compilers.com |
> | www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |
Bengt Richter
> 17 October. This will be a contrast between Guix and Nix.
> I have prepared a self-shot of my presentation,
> https://share.riseup.net/#N9ggM6bRWviQCTro3_qerQ
> Please leave your feed-back.
Bengt Richter
Perhaps such an emacs package could have a smaller closure,
by depending as simply as possible on wayland (sans Xwayland)?
If the low level stuff were wrapped nicely in some guile extension modules,
I suspect other uses than emacs would be found.
[2] https://packages.debian.org/sid/emacs-nox
Bengt Richter
door just
long enough for some exploitation -- or at least require the conscientious to
think about
whether the whoops really could have been exploitable somehow.
I see a waste of developer time, that can be much better used.
My 2¢ :)
Bengt Richter
> "let-from-record-type" i just made up since i dont know what it should be
> called. Anyhow, it seems like we're stepping back a few centuries in
> computer
> science by needing to jump through these hoops.
> The list of symbols can be retreived with (record-type-fields
> ), but I can't think of how one would write the above
> syntax.
> Opinions?
info guile record
may be useful :)
Bengt Richter
:UUID 28:OS 29:PGP 29:REPL 31:PID 31:TFTP
32:URI 33:GNOME 33:TCP 34:USB 34:VPN 35:API 35:LDAP 36:HTTPS
36:ID 36:QEMU 37:NFS 38:HOME 38:SERVER 40:VM 41:GCC 43:SSL
90:GUIX 103:SSH 119:URL 454:GNU
--8<---cut here
and deleting it when wanting to allow it to continue.
Later, if that works, .sfx files could have content, for as yet unimagined
purposes ;)
> Conclusion: I don’t think we can implement this reliably.
IDK from the outside, but inside-out, WDYT?
> HTH!
> Ludo’.
Bengt Richter
ut here---end--->8---
on pureos, debian-based
--8<---cut here---start->8---
4.19.0-12-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.152-1 (2020-10-18)
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
NBD, just thought you might like to know :)
Bengt Richter
nbound-variable hints and documentation.
> All the best,
> simon
> 1: https://yhetil.org/guix-devel/87tuttci4z.fsf...@gnu.org
> 2: https://yhetil.org/guix-bugs/87y2jie1aj@gmail.com/
> 3: http://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/38529#60
> 4:
> https://yhetil.org/guix-devel/caf-xjgsynm3kszum__f9dspuc0epj2qkdfwdftilhttumfa...@mail.gmail.com
> 5: https://yhetil.org/guix-devel/87woitz1xx@gnu.org/
Bengt Richter
supports composition[1], how do they handle
> this standard case ? How can we get Docker to generate /etc/services,
> /etc/passwd and /etc/group for the composed docker image ?
I guess this question would morph if guixbuilder* became "projects",
where "you can set the
t not for deciding separate and separable distribution components.
(I think I got my nostalgic ideas of components from Meccano kit from
the '40s ;)
1. I vote for running all code to be submitted through a standard
pretty-printing canonicalizer.
It could even inject TODO stubs for missing synopses, and doc strings (as
an option :)
Bengt Richter
dig through the Git history
> to find information about what's going on.
> Anyway, I think the most useful output from this discussion is amending
> or adding to the packaging guilelines to cover this:
> https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Packaging-Guidelines.html
Bengt Richter
x_inotify_instances <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_inotify_watches <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_ipc_namespaces <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_mnt_namespaces <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_net_namespaces <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_pid_namespaces <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces <==
==> /proc/sys/user/max_uts_namespaces <==
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
HTH some way :)
Bengt Richter
re pro saboteurs, and genius
amateurs :)
I like the stackoverflow scoring of answers. I'd like something similar for
> This is based on my expectation that Guix users who can tolerate
> unscheduled breakage from kernel updates will probably just use our
> default "linux-libre" kernel, and that users who would choose
> "linux-libre-lts" are probably doing so because they wish to avoid being
> caught off guard by unscheduled breakage. Does that make sense?
> What do you think?
See above :)
> Thanks,
> Mark
Bengt Richter
sphere within Guix will help
> it continue to grow, and channels can satisfy the need for things that
> don't fit the FSDG. If Guix becomes large enough, it could be
> transformative for the free software movement.
> [0]
> https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html
Bengt Richter
> guix-bimsb a8b539d
> repository URL: https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/guix-bimsb
> branch: master
> commit: a8b539d61a359060c35f3cb34c7edd1d9d14241d
> bimsb-nonfree 4084e63
> repository URL: https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/guix-bimsb-nonfree.git
> branch: master
> commit: 4084e63c9c0d662780870aded9f5a6ca1b063780
> guix-science cf87b05
> repository URL: https://github.com/guix-science/guix-science.git
> branch: master
> commit: cf87b0501c4a38b96edf41025a27bf1cb91f521a
> guix 957f0c4
> repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
> branch: master
> commit: 957f0c40327ce00f53db22737e3775ce616ac258
> $ guix time-machine -C /tmp/img/channels.scm -- pack -f docker
> --save-provenance -m /tmp/img/manifest.scm
> Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at
> 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git'...
> /gnu/store/xzk604g8gysv4azn7sf9nylr6iah97gl-docker-pack.tar.gz
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> To compare with
> /gnu/store/wxymmnxdvdvf08ifsfy39xjaxilhrigk-docker-pack.tar.gz.
> On a third machine, I get:
> /gnu/store/wxymmnxdvdvf08ifsfy39xjaxilhrigk-docker-pack.tar.gz
> Well, that’s another story and I have not inspected yet the
> derivations and what could be wrong on the machine B.
> Cheers,
> simon
Bengt Richter
ays there and Powershell comes with it!"
Is that a sales pitch ?? For what?
Caveat emptor!
"I say Powershell is almost synonymous with IT worker rights..."
Sounds political -- something lost in translation?
Sorry if I totally misread your post.
Bengt Richter
nnards right now,
so I haven't done anything rash :)
Bengt Richter
link a C program (source and
commands all in script) that will do the same,
assuming you have a usual x86_64 tool chain at hand, or
5. write it in some other interesting language (rash? :)
I am not sure having the solution be dependent on emacs' (or any limiting
entity's) internals
is the most generally useful, but it's something I think about.
I'd be interested in what you all think, though maybe it ought to be a new
thread ;)
> --
> Chris
Bengt Richter
And please use '+%F %T ' date format for time stamps, UTC, so one doesn't
have to wonder what year it was when looking at an old copy/paste or screen
capture ;-)
That'd be enough to please me, anyway :)
Good tags for searching are helpful, of course.
> Thanks,
> Chris
Bengt Richter
5888 235F ACAC
[17:30 ~/bs]$
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Thought someone might want to know.
Bengt Richter
On +2021-02-11 21:37:56 +0100, Ricardo Wurmus wrote:
> Bengt Richter writes:
> > gpg --verify gwl-0.3.0.tar.gz.sig
> > gpg: assuming signed data in 'gwl-0.3.0.tar.gz'
> > gpg: Signature made Sat 06 Feb 2021 09:28:59 PM CET
in a problem in modern systems; as of 2019, a
TOCTOU race condition in Docker allows root access to the filesystem of
the host platform.^[5]
[ ]
--8<---cut here---end------->8---
Bengt Richter
t; That said: XZ compression currently saves 27% (559M -> 405M).
> >> Transparently serving pre-compressed ISOs with nginx (gzip level
> >> 9) would save about 25% (559M -> 415M), which is surprisingly
> >> similar.
> >>
> >> Kind regards,
> >>
> >> T G-R
> >>
> >>
> --
> - EJR
Hm, I wonder how large a tarball "guix pack" as it works now would create
to create something runnable with the my-neat-system-bootstrap.sh
functionality described above, vs depending on the foreign system's
bash, wget, dd, etc.
Bengt Richter
up with a filesystem that is
essentially overwritten by random swap data. This is what we in the
industry call "double ungood".
--8<---cut here-------end--->8---
Bengt Richter
rs (regressions vs fixes), packages (estimated
number of times executed without problem, dangerous bugs
in development history, etc).
Bengt Richter
f, you first need a proof of the
> > claim, then find a clever way to proove you have the proof, without
> > disclosing it. Not sure it's helpful here. If you have a proof that you
> > don't need to rebuild, why not share that proof to everyone in the first
> > place?
> Sure, you only need the succinctness property. I should have been more
> precise, what I am mainly after is resolving the tradeoff between shallow and
> deep traces.
> I hope that this discussion can at least be helpful for people that are not
> familiar with these ideas, even if - as it seems from your response - the
> idea does not have merit.
> Kind regards,
> - ilmu
Bengt Richter
age names, which could lead to a proliferation of undesirable
> diversity in our choices of hyphen-like characters. Then, we'd all have
> to remember when typing a package name: "is this one of those packages
> that uses underscores instead of hyphens?"
> Mark
> Anyhow, it’s awesome to see you work in this area. Like Chris Marusich
> wrote, Guix is in a good position to address security issues, and you’re
> obviously in a very good position to know what and how to improve the
> state of things in Guix, so all hail!
> Ludo’.
> ¹ https://issues.guix.gnu.org/31442
Bengt Richter
urtès wrote:
> > > Could interested developers raise their hands? :-)
> >
> > I previously applied for early access to the BeagleV:
> >
> > https://beagleboard.org/beaglev
> >
> > I wasn't selected and I decided to focus on aarch64 for now.
> >
> > Hopefully some other people can step up and apply via this new program!
> >
Bengt Richter
nd links to more :)
> Cheers!
> --
> Pierre Neidhardt
> https://ambrevar.xyz/
Bengt Richter
Bengt Richter
On +2021-05-08 12:56:36 +0200, Bengt Richter wrote:
> Hi minimalists :)
Forgot the main project link [6] ;/
> In case you hadn't yet come across this (LWN did a piece [5] about a year ago,
> which was the first I heard of it. (Chasing a dream led me to check
> more c
I can provide in return
> > for such a great FOSS app as Audacity.
> +1
My 2 cents: :)
I like options, but I would feel more secure if it were implemented in a
dynamically linked when opted-in,
which I could get the kernel to prevent access to, e.g. by
# chmod 400 some-implementation.so
Bengt Richter
planner-importable xml here
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Discussion without triggering automated import would just leave
"[release-plannng]" out of the Subject: line, or have e.g. [release-discussion]
in the Subject: line.
Anyway, I thought
And on a forum, someone else can say,
"Don't trust that thing with hash xxx...zzz, it blew up for me," and I can hold
off until there's a consensus.
BTW, why not build multiple installer ISOs targeted for different
architectures, and specialized needs?
(for smaller ISOs and other benefits). I assume one could already do this with
guix, but why not leave the
whole ball-of-wax to git clone, and let people with common architectures have
less to download and less
irrelevant-to-them choices?
> Bye
> Stefan
> ¹ <https://documentation-service.arm.com/static/5fb7e415d77dd807b9a80c80>
Bengt Richter
This would be a radical change in the approach to
reproducibility, maybe dynamically selecting from a
whitelist of trusted/tested substitutable executables with
hash names in /gnu but not necessarily (though not
excluding) binaries produced with guix source guarantees.
Seems like guix is turing-complete enough to provide this
kind of substitutable foreign functions already, so might
this be a way to avoid mass recompilations?
Or is this already available, but not so much used?
I am not sure where to contibute thoughts like these, where
they would be of interest rather than distracting. (Pls
excuse the noise, if that's what this is to you).
Bengt Richter
On +2021-07-06 15:28:43 -0300, Nathan Benedetto Proença wrote:
> Bengt Richter writes:
> > Hi Nathan,
> > Nice writeup!
> Thank you!
> > On +2021-07-05 11:03:46 -0300, Nathan Benedetto Proença wrote:
> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> I
I see a third viable option (3): treat the "go.sum" as a mere
> > ‘friendly suggestion’, and just use the latest version when feasible.
> > Again, I don't see much difference with, say, haskell, python, ruby,
> > guile, java ... packages.
> my point here is not that all go projects should be packaged like this
> (i.e. with exacly pinned dependencies), but that applications like
> geth should be, regardless of the language they are written in.
> in case of a random image viewer written in go, i'm all in for a
> relaxed handling of dependencies.
> > Have there been any problems in practice with just using the latest
> > version (updating the version currently in guix where applicable)?
> not that i'm aware of, but the first such identified issue could turn
> out to be very expensive.
> - attila
Bengt Richter
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
> > (A quick search of the ML turned up one previous discussion [0]; does
> > anyone know of others?)
> >
> > [0]
> > https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2017-02/msg00362.html
> W.r.t. native-inputs, I think native-inputs should propagate
> propagated-inputs, but not linked-inputs. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Bengt Richter
"C-s whatever" once inside "info guix whatever", but though concept and api
are great, they are not a Jargon File, and not as handy for an outsider :)
On +2021-09-05 12:50:56 +0200, Liliana Marie Prikler wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Sonntag, den 05.09.2021
ore re-inventing
things you may already be way ahead in :)
Oh, if you haven't already, also check into guile's regular expressions, e.g.
"info guile Ret Ctrl-s regular expressions Ret Ret"
And also try guile's repl by just typing "guile Ret" and then ",help
e based on
> dates or interest. My trick to deal with such traffic is “just” to
> quickly be able to determine if it is worth, for my interests, to jump
> into the details. If it requires less than 10min to answer, then I do
> it (obviously, it always take more time than expected :-)), else if I am
> interested in, I mark the email to revisit it later – coupled with
> Org-capture and scheduled TODO tasks. On the top of that, I use a
> “structured procrastination” approach: do what I am interested in at the
> moment, not what it is important or urgent.
Bengt Richter
In the latter case, maybe an automatic substitute for the
backlisted file could be provided that would generate
informative hints when used in a build instead of aborting
the whole thing. A flag in the blacklist line might be a way
to select alternative automated actions?
> What do others think?
Bengt Richter
release’? :-)
> >> The main argument for releasing, IMHO, is communication and so attract
> >> potential new users. :-)
> To me, it's a milestone that can be communicated and provides a more
> thoroughly tested (in theory) Guix installation image.
> Thanks for helping shape the release plan,
> Maxim
Bengt Richter
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone,
“it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many
different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – – that’s all.”
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Bengt Richter
; > above ways
> Guix can comfortably be used outside of Guix System. And you can
> *still* use most “guix system” commands, e.g. to build containers or
> virtual machines.
> --
> Ricardo
Bengt Richter
all_ hot-pluggable hard disks,
even if two (for raid or cloning) of them have convenience slots
to hold them as cartridges.
Dreaming on ...
Bengt Richter
for reviewed patches that can be applied.
> >>
> >> There could also be a tag 'reviewed-looks-good2' if the patch appears ok
> >> to two reviewers, or a 'reviewed-needs-work', etc.
> >
> > This is a great idea. I guess we will need to adjust the software that
> > runs issues.guix.gnu.org to make use of it, but in the meantime you
> > should keep using this tag. Thanks!
> I like it as well.
> Maxim
Bengt Richter
tation could be a start on some kind
of abstract model validation test? It's simple, but it pulls
on a lot of simulation tool chains. WDYT?
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.
Bengt Richter
by allergy and spice concerns.
(I have nothing againt special venues catering to sensitive
minorities, don't get me wrong. What do I mean "minorities" eh? :)
Wonder what George Carlin (R.I.P) would say about all this
Bengt Richter
On +2022-02-25 14:04:34 +0100, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote:
> On 2022-02-25 13:41, Bengt Richter wrote:
> > And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
> > where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
> > endless complaints.
> This
tl;dr: Sleep deprivation ;-/ SFTN
On +2022-02-15 17:23:23 +0100, Maxime Devos wrote:
> Bengt Richter schreef op di 15-02-2022 om 13:23 [+0100]:
> > Hi guix,
> >
> > It sounds like a good idea, but ISTM we don't need yet another markup syntax
> > if emacs o
t ) [...]))
> > ...))
> >
> > Why would things be different for 'commit' here? How does putting
> > the value of 'commit' in a let-form reduce surprises?
> The main goal of let-binding commit and revision is to allow for easier
> change. Suppose you need to reference some half-release for some
> obscure reason, then this style makes it easier to switch to what is
> already established praxis.
> In general, consider the poor soul who may have to read and maintain
> your code after you get hit by a car because neither busses nor trams
> run in your region.
Bengt Richter
glyph codepoint .int name...
_^G_+U07 7 ASCII bel, aka #\alarm
I us
ation of physical page
when blocks are pure zero, and just store the fact of their existence in inode
If that's right, then it would seem that it would be possible to access both
the full physical size and alternatively just the sum on non-zero blocks' sizes.
One wo
got to doing
which started out fast, but got really slow -- though it did finally crawl
the finish line, and cooled off.
I guess it would show up in dmesg or journalctl -xe but I didn't look, sorry.
Bengt Richter
cycle somewhat larger than
> usual. Shortlog below.
> Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Bengt Richter
On +2019-10-15 11:32:38 -0700, Chris Marusich wrote:
> Hi Bengt and Matteo,
> Bengt Richter writes:
> > Have you checked sensors for overheating that might induce CPU clock
> > throttling?
> Actually, yes, I happened to be watching dmesg output at the
Hi Chris and Matteo,
On +2019-10-15 22:11:50 -0700, Bengt Richter wrote:
> On +2019-10-15 11:32:38 -0700, Chris Marusich wrote:
> > Hi Bengt and Matteo,
> >
> > Bengt Richter writes:
> >
> > > Have you checked sensors for overheating that migh
ystème" sound right to you?
It doesn't to me, unless même has a sense of pareil used that way.
Maybe "en utilisant le même système" ? (note le/the -- not un/a)
Bengt Richter
uld be and divide by
the number of cpus allocated and make the line buffer writes thread-safe.
... and use base>10 digits potentially ;-)
> > - Can we configure the default value?
> Yup, just pass ‘--max-jobs=N’ to the daemon.
> HTH!
> Ludo’.
Bengt Richter
(get-string-all (current-input-port))
"---cut here---end--->8---"
--8<(original did not do this)---cut
Oops. still using /usr/bin/... there ;-)
And I see easy improvements, but my point is it would have been less shareable
as an emacs-only macro.
Where guix is factorable into separately useful components, I think the same
idea applies.
The unix way of small things :)
Bengt Richter
e the build daemon
which could run sandboxed guile expressions safely?
If designed for the future, maybe such a daemon's interface could anticipate
replacing the daemon and talking to a hypervisor dom0 as in Qubes-OS?
Bengt Richter
--8<(OT PS)---cut here---
e different names for the same thing, except for local convenience
I see the de-duping gc does when it converts to hard links, and wonder there
What am I missing?
(request for enlightenment :)
Exactly how are the /gnu/store prefixes computed? What _exactly_ is/are the
input(s) that get hashed??
Bengt Richter
f the cloned repository does not have a
worktree/checkout (i.e. if any of --no-checkout/-n,
--bare, or --mirror is given)
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Bengt Richter
Hi Ludo,
On +2019-11-23 15:05:49 +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
> Hi,
> Bengt Richter skribis:
> > Can "collisions" be collisions even if the targets are bit-identical?
> Collisions are when the same package appears several times with
> different vers
Hi Timothy,
On +2019-11-24 02:17:20 -0500, Timothy Sample wrote:
> Hi Bengt,
> Bengt Richter writes:
> > ┌─┐
> > │ So again, what exactly goes into computing those /gnu/stor
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