Hello Guilers,
I'm pleased to announce Guile-PNG 0.5.0, Portable Network Graphics
(PNG)[1] library for GNU Guile, implemented in pure scheme:
This release includes several bugfixes and adds chunk decoders for
"gAMA" and "hIST".
> I tried to use g-golf on Guix recently, and gave up, because while Guix’
> guile-g-golf depends on glib@2.73.3, Guix’ gtk (GTK4) and gtk+ (GTK3,
> GTK2) depend on glib@2.72.3. In other words, I believe that currently,
> g-golf cannot be used with gtk in Guix. Upgrading gtk’s glib in the
> Guix
Hello Erik,
(and Florian),
> I am using Guix on Fedora 38. Via Guix I tried to install G-Golf
> version "a.1"[0] together with GTK@4.8.1. This raised a conflict
> during installation, as GTK (as well as libadwaita) require
> glib@2.72.3, but g-golf requires glib@2.73.3.
> ...
I don't use guix [1]
Hello Erik.
I tried to use g-golf on Guix recently, and gave up, because while Guix’
guile-g-golf depends on glib@2.73.3, Guix’ gtk (GTK4) and gtk+ (GTK3,
GTK2) depend on glib@2.72.3. In other words, I believe that currently,
g-golf cannot be used with gtk in Guix. Upgrading gtk’s glib in the
[[[ Hiermit widerspreche ich ausdrücklich der Erfassung, Speicherung
und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zu anderen Zwecken, als der Zustellung
meiner Nachricht zum Empfänger ]]]
Hello, G-Golfers,
hello, Guile users,
By the way running G-Golf in a shell environment yields different errors.
So, I exec
[[[ Hiermit widerspreche ich ausdrücklich der Erfassung, Speicherung
und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zu anderen Zwecken, als der Zustellung
meiner Nachricht zum Empfänger ]]]
Hello, G-Golfers,
I have some troubles getting G-Golf to run.
I am using Guix on Fedora 38. Via Guix I tried to install G