Hello Guilers,

I'm pleased to announce Guile-PNG 0.5.0, Portable Network Graphics
(PNG)[1] library for GNU Guile, implemented in pure scheme:

This release includes several bugfixes and adds chunk decoders for
"gAMA" and "hIST".

* List of user-visible changes

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* Changes in version 0.5.0 (2023-05-29)
** Bugfix: Rename chunk modules                           :API_CHANGE:BUGFIX:
Now chunk modules in =(png core chunk ...)= are renamed in the lowercase
manner.  Also =tEXT= and =tEXt= classes are placed in the same module to
address the issue with case-insensitive filesystems where "tEXT.scm" and
"tEXt.scm" considered the same file.

Reported by Aleix Conchillo FlaquƩ in here:
** Fix color type 3 handling in "bKGD" decoder                       :BUGFIX:
** Fix "PLTE" chunk cloning                                          :BUGFIX:
=png-chunk-clone= for =<png-chunk:PLTE>= would fail to clone a chunk.  Now
that should be fixed.
** Add "gAMA" and "hIST" chunk decoders
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Happy hacking!

- avp

1. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2083

Artyom "avp" Poptsov <poptsov.art...@gmail.com>
Home page: https://memory-heap.org/~avp/
CADR Hackerspace co-founder: https://cadrspace.ru/
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