using pic with -Thtml

2023-11-28 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear all, I'm trying to create a html file with some graphics created by pic. Maybe I'm missing the obvious but I'm not able to get it to work. The following command: echo ".PS\nbox\n.PE" | pic | groff -Thtml -U results in:";> p { margin-t

Re: using pic with -Thtml

2023-11-29 Thread hbezemer--- via
text-align: center } - 1 - Maybe groff_mm(7) is the culprit? Kind regards, Hans Gaius Mulley wrote: > hbezemer--- via writes: > > > Dear all, > > > > I'm trying to create a html file with some graphics created by pic. > > Maybe I'm missi

Re: using pic with -Thtml

2023-11-29 Thread hbezemer--- via
e macro package is provided with groff by default? Hans Dave Kemper wrote: > On 11/29/23, hbezemer--- via wrote: > > When changing -ms to -mm (the macro I'm using): No images are created. > > > > Maybe groff_mm(7) is the culprit? > > Different macro packag

Re: using pic with -Thtml

2023-11-29 Thread hbezemer--- via
From comparing the different PS and PE macros of ms and mm I learned the adding .HTML-IMAGE and .HTML-IMAGE-END respectively does the trick. At least it works in my case. Hans hbezemer--- via wrote: > Thanks Dave, that makes it clear for me. > > I've tried my first minimal ex

Re: Help with citations in groff

2023-12-02 Thread hbezemer--- via
Darris, I'm by no means an expert, but I'll be happy to help. Question 2: Are you using a macro package like ms, mm or mom? These packages could provide a footnote and you can fill the footnote with your full citation (see for instance the mom-documentation on this topic). Question 1: From wha

Using .[ and .] in a macro

2023-12-02 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear all,I would like to create a macro along the lines CITE.[\\$2\\$1.]\\$3..Which would result in:.CITE The problem that arises is that refer sees the definition of the macro asa citation (of course).Is there an elegant way to get this to work?Kind regards,Hans

Re: Is there a Groff showcase?

2023-12-08 Thread hbezemer--- via
You're not bold it's a fair question. I've worked with LaTeX a lot and also with Word, besides Groff. Groff outshines the alternatives by far in my humble opinion. Why? For me the ability to create pictures, graphs and tables all text based is a big advantage. Almost all my exams (being a science

Re: Is there a Groff showcase?

2023-12-18 Thread hbezemer--- via
Will post an example soon. Mike <> wrote: > > Almost all my exams (being a science teacher) are created using > Groff. > > That sounds really interesting. If it isn't confidential, I'd love to > see a copy of your exam paper to see how it was made and how you create > two

Re: using groff/troff in producing academic journals

2022-08-10 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear Robert, Robert Marks wrote: > More recently ??? last year in fact ??? as the Editor I used troff to set the > text for an especially mathematical paper in the Journal and Proceedings of > the Royal Society of New South Wales (Sydney). See the paper, > Basil Hiley. > The Moyal-Dirac controv

Re: using groff/troff in producing academic journals

2022-08-10 Thread hbezemer--- via
Thank you Robert! I've downloaded the documents and will look into them. Hans Robert Marks wrote: > Following suggestions from and Larry McVoy, > I have put the source file (and the latest PDF output) in a directory, at > > > There are

Re: using groff/troff in producing academic journals

2022-08-10 Thread hbezemer--- via
Damian McGuckin wrote: > On Wed, 10 Aug 2022, Larry McVoy wrote: > > > Well my papers are copyright sun, sgi, google, bitmover, and there has > > been enough time passed that nobody cares any more. > > Journals have a long memory unfortunately. I think Elsevier are looking to > waive copyrigh

Re: APA Format

2022-10-10 Thread hbezemer--- via
Hi Aaron, Refer doesn't support APA-style referencing out of the box. IMHO there's a need for some macrosets which would allow APA or Chigaco-style referencing along with groff_ms (7) and groff_mm (7) macro packages. I've gave it a try a while ago. If you put all the attached files in the same fo

Creating macro for inline placement of pdf images

2022-11-14 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear all, I would like to place small pdf images (of short musical phrases) in my text I can do so manually by inserting horizontal space at the spot where I want to insert the pdf and store the horizontal and vertical position of the spot and use that to place the pdf using: \Z'\h''\v' width

Re: APA Format

2022-11-14 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear Aaron, Did you find a solution for citing apa-style? Kind regards, Hans Lokote Jones wrote: > Hello, > > I am currently writing my PhD dissertation ARB using Groff and am having > trouble getting APA format references to work. > > I am creating my document using the following. > > ref

Re: Creating macro for inline placement of pdf images

2022-11-15 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear Peter, Thank you for your eloborate answer. I will look into it and give a heads up when I got it working. Regards! Hans Peter Schaffter wrote: > Hans -- > > > What would be the best approach to create a macro which inserts a > > image inline? > > I field this question a lot from mom u

Re: Creating macro for inline placement of pdf images

2022-11-16 Thread hbezemer--- via
tence (either to low or to high, but it can't be adjusted to match the preceeding part of the sentence). I don't now why this happens, lowering a character with any amount of space and moving back up to the starting position works all the time. Maybe it has to do with the \X'pdf: pdfpi

Re: Macro to add sheetmusic either inline or as a figure with lilypond

2022-11-18 Thread hbezemer--- via
That's okay. I allready placed it in: Regards, Hans Thomas Dupond wrote: > hbezemer--- via wrote: > > > Dear all, > > > > I've created a macroset (see below) which enables me to use lilypond s

[mm] dutch localization

2022-11-19 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear all, For those interested: I've added dutch localization for the mm macro. the files: - nl.tmac - mnl.tmac - mmnl.tmac - mm/nl_locale - mm/nl_ms.cov - can be found here: Regards, Hans

[mmse] Adding a footnote yields a infinite loop.

2022-11-19 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear all, I noticed that when using mmse it seems to give an error when adding a footnote. Groff terminates with the following error message: "fatal error: input stack limit exceeded (probable infinite loop)" I can reproduce it with: groff -Tpdf -mmse SE.groff > SE.pdf Kind regards, Hans cat >

Re: [mmse] Adding a footnote yields a infinite loop.

2022-11-20 Thread hbezemer--- via
seen the line you've changed when looking for the error, but did not noticed the missing unit. > Hi Hans, > > At 2022-11-19T21:42:41+0100, hbezemer--- via wrote: > > I noticed that when using mmse it seems to give an error when adding a > > footnote. Groff terminates with

Re: [mmse] Adding a footnote yields a infinite loop.

2022-11-20 Thread hbezemer--- via
Thanks. I've copied troffrc to my own tmac folder and pasted the lines in. Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote: > On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 12:37:56PM +0100, hbezemer--- via wrote: > >[...] > > A4 is de facto the standard for all documents in Europe. > > (Since A4 and letter don&

Unexpected behaviour when using linenumbering and tbl

2022-11-24 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear All, When I make exams I sometimes use linenumbering so I can refer to a specific line of a source. I noticed some unexpected behaviour when having a table after the part that has linenumbers. The table also gets linenumbers added, which should not be the case of course. I can reproduce the

Re: Unexpected behaviour when using linenumbering and tbl

2022-11-26 Thread hbezemer--- via
; Hi Hans, > > At 2022-11-24T19:47:35+0100, hbezemer--- via wrote: > > When I make exams I sometimes use linenumbering so I can refer to a > > specific line of a source. I noticed some unexpected behaviour when > > having a table after the part that has linenumbers. T

Re: words (and commands) that I learnt because of Branden (was: preferred /proc//xxx style?)

2022-12-09 Thread hbezemer--- via
This thread made my morning and I fully agree: Love to read the elaborate delicately humourful e-mails. In Dutch there's a saying: Schrijvers zijn blijvers, which can be loosy translated as: Who writes, will be remembered. True in this case. Regards, Hans John Gardner wrote: > > > > Your ema

Re: Newbie question - Indents and paragraph filling

2023-04-16 Thread hbezemer--- via
Dear Ben, You could use this simple set of macro's I use for my exams as a starter. Kind regards, Hans Ben wrote: > Hi > > I am by no means an experienced user of groff. I thought I would give it a > go as it