
I'm by no means an expert, but I'll be happy to help.

Question 2:
Are you using a macro package like ms, mm or mom? These packages
could provide a footnote and you can fill the footnote with your
full citation (see for instance the mom-documentation on this topic).

Question 1:
From what I've understand you want a shortend label if a citation is used
for the second time and more.
You could write a macro which takes your keyword as input.
Let the macro check if number register with (for instance) the name
of the keyword exists.
If not then:
and set the number register to 1.
If so

Question 3:
You could take a look at the mm package and use the `SETR` macro. 
This will store the page number in a string.
You could when formatting your reference list.

Question 4:
Do you mean that you now get: (label1, label2,...) and want to get rid of the 
'(' and ')'?
If correct than:
.[<insert space or any other string you want>
.]<insert space or any other string you want>

The space or string you want to add at the beginning and end could be a 
variable for your custom macro.

So if you're using mm as your package a example should look like this:

Text of the article\*F
.MYCITEMACRO <keyword1> "space or string"
.MYCITEMACRO <keyword2>
.MYCITEMACRO <keyword3> "" "space or string"
More text...

Lastly, I frequently use Google scholar, which has the option to download an 
endnote file, which is very similiar to the
refer syntax. 
I use these files straight for my bibliography.
Endnote uses %0 to give the type of document.
You could use that (or any other register) to determine how you want your 
citation to be formatted.
The wikipedia entry on Endnote gives some good information.
You probably have to write a second macro which takes care of formatting you're 
reference list.


Darris Hawks <dar...@hawkslegal.com> wrote:

> There are a couple of things that are unclear to me after reading the
> manual for GNU refer. I have been toying with it with limited success.
> So these are my questions:
> 1. How do I change the label expression conditionally?
> 2. How do I make the citation appear in the footnotes with only a
> superscript number in the text?
> 3. Is it possible to modify the references section to include a page number
> for every time a reference was cited?
> 4. How do I delete the parentheses surrounding citations to more than one
> source?
> *Conditional label expressions.*
> In the refer documentation, there are five types of citation:
> Type 0: if the reference doesn't trigger the other types
> > Type 1: If it has a J field
> > Type 2: if it has an I field
> > Type 3: if it has a B field
> > Type 4: if it has a G or R field
> And the label command between .R1 and .R2 applies to every citation beneath
> it until the next .R1/.R2 block.
> *Conditional based on type.*
> I generally only cite two or three types of reference (cases, court rules,
> and statutes), but there are *many *types of reference in the law, and they
> all have particular styles. There are also rules about citation styles when
> citing to a source that has already been cited. Therefore, I would like to
> have another field, %Y(type), in the .ref file, and have refer choose the
> label expression based on the content of that field. Is that doable?
> *Conditional based on repetition.*
> I know that I can use the # flag to trigger the short style of the citation
> with refer, but the rule in my citation style is to use the long style the
> first time a reference is cited and the short style or ibid style for every
> subsequent reference. How can I trigger the short style or ibid style
> programmatically?
> *Citation footnotes*
> Another thing I could not find in the documentation is how to make a
> footnote of the reference with a superscript number as the label in the
> text and the full citation as the label in the footnote, kind of like how
> Wikipedia does it. I've tried a couple things, but I could not figure out
> how to get that behavior
> *Parentheses around multiple citations in text*
> For some reason, when I do multiple citations in a row, if I do not add my
> own argument to .[ or .], groff puts parentheses around the label. Because
> the delimiter for US legal citations is a semicolon, I can suppress that by
> just putting a semicolon after the .] of all but the last citation.
> However, that is inconvenient for moving things around later because I will
> not want a semicolon after every citation. So how do I stop the ( citation)
> and make it use only ;?
> *The references section*
> *Changing the label style in the references section.*
> If I do not do the no-label-in-references command, the references section
> has a completely different label style from the style I defined in the
> label expression. How do I change the style used in that REFERENCES section?
> *Putting page numbers in the references section.*
> In legal briefs, in the references section, we put each page number on
> which a reference was cited. I also like to break that down into a cases
> section, a rules section, and a statutes section (another reason for the %Y
> field, I think). Is it possible to have refer add a reference for page
> numbers to be collected and placed by groff in the references section for
> every citation in text?

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