It seems like AU/AT with the MM macros is not working properly.
Here is a simple test
.AU "John Smith"
.MT 5
What comes out is:
January 20, 2012
Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/21/2012 05:35 AM:
Ken Mandelberg:
It seems like AU/AT with the MM macros is not
working properly.
The problem is with the Memorandum-style signature
Without .warn in the beginning of your file you were
missing several warnings from Groff. I added
Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/26/2012 02:53 PM:
I don't have access to any other implementation of
troff than groff, but I have consulted "The Docu-
menter's Workbench", and it seems that groff's mm
signature macros have incompatibilities more serious
than the omission of the title, and so
Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/28/2012 04:58 PM:
Ken Mandelberg:
It seems like AU/AT with the MM macros is not
working properly.
Here is a simple test
.AU "John Smith"
.MT 5
So the AT title string