Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/21/2012 05:35 AM:
Ken Mandelberg:
It seems like AU/AT with the MM macros is not
working properly.
The problem is with the Memorandum-style signature
Without .warn in the beginning of your file you were
missing several warnings from Groff. I added it and
saw where the errors were. It turns out that the
..SG macro requires that at least four arguments be
passed to the .AU macro. This example works:
.TL "Anton's title"
.MT 5
.AU Smith J. Location Dept.
The "--" you are talking about are two field divi-
sors, between location, department and initials, and
the signature macro seems to handle them incorrectly
when at least one of them is empty.
I'm missing something. I tried your example and this is what I get:
Yours very truly,
Location‐Dept.‐J. Smith
If I move the .MT 5 down after the .AT I get
Charge Case Anton’s title
January 22, 2012
Yours very truly,
Location‐Dept.‐J. Smith
Still no CEO.
I'm trying to convert from the AT&T roff code on Solaris to groff on
Linux. On Solaris I get CEO.