the man page for rpm(8) has a section that causes a warning
on display (added ".TH" here for a reproducible example):
| .TH "RPM" "8" "09 June 2002" "Red Hat, Inc."
| .TP
| \fB--macros \fIFILELIST\fB\fR
| Replace the list of macro files to be loaded. Each of the files in the colon
Hi, Tim!
At 2021-02-28T01:08:37+, Tim Landscheidt wrote:
> Hi,
> the man page for rpm(8) has a section that causes a warning
> on display (added ".TH" here for a reproducible example):
> When run through "groff -mandoc -rLL=162n -rLT=162n -Tutf8 <
> rpm.8 | sed -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//
Hi Dave!
At 2021-02-26T20:19:11-0600, Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 2/25/21, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > So I could use the help of a practiced me(7) user, particularly of
> > the macros noted in Werner's commit above, to verify that my fix has
> > not regressed desirable me(7) behavior.
> I'm on