Hi, the man page for rpm(8) has a section that causes a warning on display (added ".TH" here for a reproducible example):
| .TH "RPM" "8" "09 June 2002" "Red Hat, Inc." | .TP | \fB--macros \fIFILELIST\fB\fR | Replace the list of macro files to be loaded. Each of the files in the colon separated | \fIFILELIST\fR | is read sequentially by \fBrpm\fR for macro definitions. | Only the first file in the list must exist, and tildes will be | expanded to the value of \fB$HOME\fR. | The default \fIFILELIST\fR is | \fI/usr/\:lib/\:rpm/\:macros\fR:\:\fI/usr/\:lib/\:rpm/\:macros.d/\:macros.*\fR:\:\fI/usr/\:lib/\:rpm/\:platform/\:%{_target}/\:macros\fR:\:\fI/usr/\:lib/\:rpm/\:fileattrs/\:*.attr\fR:\:\fI/usr/\:lib/\:rpm/\:redhat/\:macros\fR:\:\fI/etc/\:rpm/\:macros.*\fR:\:\fI/etc/\:rpm/\:macros\fR:\:\fI/etc/\:rpm/\:%{_target}/\:macros\fR:\:\fI~/.rpmmacros When run through "groff -mandoc -rLL=162n -rLT=162n -Tutf8 < rpm.8 | sed -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g;'", this displays: | <standard input>:10: warning [p 1, 1.2i]: cannot adjust line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | RPM(8) System Manager's Manual RPM(8) | --macros FILELIST | Replace the list of macro files to be loaded. Each of the files in the colon separated FILELIST is read sequentially by rpm for macro definitions. | Only the first file in the list must exist, and tildes will be expanded to the value of $HOME. The default FILELIST is /usr/lib/rpm/macros:/usr/ | lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.*:/usr/lib/rpm/platform/%{_target}/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs/*.attr:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros:/etc/rpm/macros.*:/etc/ | rpm/macros:/etc/rpm/%{_target}/macros:~/.rpmmacros | Red Hat, Inc. 09 June 2002 RPM(8) At first, I thought "cannot adjust line" means that groff cannot find a place to wrap a line, which was at odds with the plenty of zero-width break points, but I believe I now understand correctly that "cannot adjust line" means that groff finds no/not enough spaces between words to spread the words "from left to right"? Supposing that, is there a way to achieve a warning-free/"beautiful" look for such para- graphs with "words" longer than a line? Second, the warning can confuse the user. Therefore (if there is no way to set this long line "beautifully"), I'd like to disable it temporarily for this line. I found that I can achieve that by wrapping: | .\" If warnings for breaks (4) are set, disable them. | .nr saved-warn-level \n[.warn] | .if ((\n[.warn] - ((\n[.warn] / 8) * 8)) > 3) .warn (\n[.warn] - 4) and: | .warn \n[saved-warn-level] around it (and now I see that tmac/doc.tmac-u even has a si- milar piece of code). Is that the groffy way to to do that? Or is there some al- ready existing macro that says "my argument can be long, don't complain about it"? Any other advice is highly appreciated. TIA, Tim