On 9/25/14, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Blake,
>> I always use the latest git version, and not any official release,
>> because it often contains corrections that are important to me.
> Congratulations, you're a "developer" and have to suffer all their
> tribulations. :-) A regular, nightly?,
>> A regular, nightly?, tarball produced from git with `make
>> distcheck' would package up a ./configure so that you could use it
>> and not git and need less installed/downloaded. But I don't know
>> if one exists, or if anyone has the time to set it up as a
>> contribution.
> This existed un
Thank you for the corrections.
If the concept of the daily snapshot is to be discontinued, the
remaining references to it ought to be removed from the documentation.
The most recent released version of
.I groff
is available at the
.UR http:
Hi Ralph and Werner,
On Thu, Sep 25 2014 at 01:10:35 PM, Ralph Corderoy
> Hi Werner,
>> Contrary to many other packages, a `/usr/local/X11' hierarchy normally
>> doesn't exist, and only the `/usr/X11' tree gets checked for
>> configuration files. Maybe this has changed recently, but I