
Thank you for the corrections.

If the concept of the daily snapshot is to be discontinued, the
remaining references to it ought to be removed from the documentation.


     The most recent released version of
     .I groff
     is available at the
     .UR http://\:groff.ffii.org/\:groff/\:devel/\:groff-current.tar.gz
     groff development site
     .UE .

This doesn't even seem to be an accurate statement of the previous
state of affairs, since the given URL didn't point to a *released*
version of groff, but the latest (give or take 24 hours) CVS source.
In any case, that URL now only gets more obsolete by the day.


This document twice points to http://groff.ffii.org/groff/devel/ as
the location of the development snapshot, and later refers to a "daily


contains one reference to a "daily snapshot."

And it's not in the source tree, but
http://www.schaffter.ca/mom/mom-05.html#testing also contains a link
to the stale January tarball.  That tarball's code may be current
enough to do what this page requires of it, so it may be a useful
link, but the page shouldn't refer to this as the "latest" code, or
the tarball as a "daily snapshot."

I can open a bug-tracker issue on this if it's not a fix anyone can
get to immediately.

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