On Sunday 07 February 2010 01:46:42 am Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> Of course! I would be really glad if there are helping hands since my
> time is quite limited (and I'm a lazy person).
Werner, if you're lazy, the rest of us might as well retire our
shingles and sink back into the slough of entropy.
> I'm thinking groff needs the concept of namespace .
I don't think so. This concept is not very meaningful for something
which gets interpreted at runtime. The only benefit would be that you
can shorten the macro names slightly. However, groff still had to
look up the real macro names, whic
> [...] it means we really need only focus on namespaces for *support*
> packages.
Exactly. Additionally, we should ensure that `main' macro packages
use a prefix (or a set of prefixes, if useful) for auxiliary stuff
> Besides, retrofitting namespaces into primary packages may brea