> [...] it means we really need only focus on namespaces for *support* > packages.
Exactly. Additionally, we should ensure that `main' macro packages use a prefix (or a set of prefixes, if useful) for auxiliary stuff consistently. > Besides, retrofitting namespaces into primary packages may break > documents that call low-level macros to fix a particular issue -- > we're not supposed to do it, but we do (and I'll admit, you'll find > an occasional "....@reset" in my documents). Hmm. This is a difficult topic. Ideally, we shouldn't care about this at all, preferring a clean implementation. In other words, only the documented macros should have unmodifiable names. For backwards compatibility we could retain the `original' macros under a different package name (cf. -mdoc and -mdoc-old). > That leaves us with the nature of the namespaces themselves. [...] I don't have any preference. It would be a good start to simply document the prefixes of the main and auxiliary macro packages which are floating around, additionally looking for (and documenting) irregularities. Any takers? BTW, a `prefix' in the above sense can be a special character too, located somewhere inbetween: foo*bar foo:bar foo!bar f...@bar Again, it would be great if someone documents that. Werner