> Hi, create a file foo.pic containing just one line:
> box "hello world"
> process like this:
> pic2graph -format jpg -density 90 < foo.pic > foo.jpg
> if you put foo.jpg into a web page you can see that there is a load
> of blank space below the box.
> This was using groff version
> By the way, another weird little quirk which doesn't seem to be
> mentioned in my admittedly brief read of the documentation: if your
> diagram goes beyond the default width as understood by pic then it
> starts scaling the image automatically! It's really baffling when it
> first happens - you m
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On Saturday 14 May 2005 7:18 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > The new pdfmark.tmac macros (thanks for these!!!) have a string LB:
> >
> > This conflicts with mm's macro LB that is used internally to begin a
> > list. I worked around this by renaming the pdfmark LB to PDFLB, but
> > it would be worth f
What is the current status regarding the denoted combination?
I would really like to have cyrillic working out-of-the-box (together with
other scripts, but Russian cyrillic worries me most :) with (at least)
PostScript output.
Currently, I have to build my own Debian/OS X packages that incl