> Hi, create a file foo.pic containing just one line:
> box "hello world"
> process like this:
> pic2graph -format jpg -density 90 < foo.pic > foo.jpg
> if you put foo.jpg into a web page you can see that there is a load
> of blank space below the box.
> This was using groff version 1.19.1 and convert version 6.2.2.

Hmm, with the current CVS and my installed `convert' program (from
ImageMagick 5.5.7 03/11/05), I get the attached JPG image which has a
size of 69x47 pixels.  This is the smallest bounding box possible.

> You get the correct behaviour with a file foo.pic containing:
> .PS
> box "hello world"
> .PE
> and processed like this:
> groff -p -P-pletter foo.pic | convert -trim -density 90 - foo.jpg

It seems that newer `convert' versions have changed the meaning of
`-crop'.  I've added `-trim' to pic2graph in the CVS.  Thanks for the


<<inline: pictest.jpg>>

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