On 21-Feb-05 Ersin Akinci wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I get the feeling this is going to be a RTFM question, but I haven't
> been able to find a straight answer anywhere...What exactly is the
> DESC file? When I type in "groff" on my Debian testing box all it
> does is wait for input (it doesn't re
> thebeast:/usr/src/groff-1.19.1# groff
> groff: can't find `DESC' file
> groff:fatal error: invalid device `ps'
> The groff on my Debian system is 1.18.1 and the groff I compiled is
> 1.19.1. I compiled the new groff statically, could that be a
> problem? Is this a bug, or do I need to set up
> ... But I recently
> compiled groff from scratch in another directory with a seperate
> native toolchain I've been building, and when I run groff with no
> options, this is the result:
> thebeast:/usr/src/groff-1.19.1# groff
> groff: can't find `DESC' file
> groff:fatal error: invalid device `
Ersin Akinci wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I get the feeling this is going to be a RTFM
question, but I haven't
>been able to find a straight answer anywhere...What
exactly is the
>DESC file? When I type in "groff" on my Debian
testing box all it
Stating the obvious, and despite all good answer
Hello all.
I started learning japanese and it could be of great help if I had
a japanese kana (and perhaps kanji) typesetting method. Is that
possible in groff?
Here is how I tried to do it on my own:
(1) I googled on groff and japanese. There seems to be a "ja-groff"
or "jgroff" with th
Hey everyone,
Thanks for all your suggestions and help! I did manage to find my
"problem", though. Just for the record (for anyone else who might
have this problem), compiling statically will yield the "No DESC"
error. You need to compile linked to shared libraries. Alejandro
made the point th
Ersin Akinci wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Thanks for all your suggestions and help! I did manage to find my
> "problem", though. Just for the record (for anyone else who might
> have this problem), compiling statically will yield the "No DESC"
> error. You need to compile linked to shared librari