> ...  But I recently
> compiled groff from scratch in another directory with a seperate
> native toolchain I've been building, and when I run groff with no
> options, this is the result:
> thebeast:/usr/src/groff-1.19.1# groff
> groff: can't find `DESC' file
> groff:fatal error: invalid device `ps'

The DESC file you need is included in the groff distribution, but
seems not to have been placed where groff can find it.  This file
placement normally happens when you run `make install', after
configuring and making your scratch compiled build.

If you don't want to complete the `make install', you can use
the `-F <font_path>' option, as suggested by Werner, or you can
set and export `GROFF_FONT_PATH=<font_path>' to achieve the
same effect. 



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