Re: Accent mystery

2024-02-19 Thread Robert Goulding via
A, thank you so much (I needed to RTFM!) - R. On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 12:44 PM G. Branden Robinson <> wrote: > Hi Robert, > > At 2024-02-19T12:40:16-0500, Robert Goulding via wrote: > > To answer my own question: It seems that precon

Re: Accent mystery

2024-02-19 Thread Robert Goulding via
shortcoming of preconv - that if a file contains just a single accented character, it won't guess it correctly? The original file it failed on was a 2-page pdf, which has the word kataskeuê in the middle of it. Robert. On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 10:52 AM Robert Goulding wrote: > I have been t

Accent mystery

2024-02-19 Thread Robert Goulding via
is minimal file .LP kataskeuê Do you get a warning, and a weird character in the pdf? But *this *minimal file compiles just fine: .LP kataskeuê êéè No warnings, all the characters come out correct. What could be the reason? (Using groff 1.23.0) R. -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reill

Re: Help wanted: just run gxditview on your system and click

2023-07-27 Thread Robert Goulding via
s" always fails in mounted filesystems. Once I built it in my home directory, there was no longer an error. On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 12:11 PM G. Branden Robinson <> wrote: > Hi Robert, > > At 2023-07-27T11:54:13-0400, Robert Goulding wrote: > >

Re: Help wanted: just run gxditview on your system and click

2023-07-27 Thread Robert Goulding via
tly remembering that this > ever worked, or (b) a recent Debian package upgrade, possibly of > libxaw7, libxt6, or libx11-6, regressed this. > > Any ideas? > > Regards, > Branden > > [1] This can be worked around by giving that dialog pop-up a keyboard > accelera

Re: a morsel of groff 1.23.0 status

2023-07-05 Thread Robert Goulding via
As an ordinary user and lurker on this list, it has been extraordinary to watch this release come together. Congratulations! Robert Goulding Sent from my phone On Wed, Jul 5, 2023, 10:36 PM Steve Izma wrote: > On Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 07:31:50PM -0500, Dave Kemper wrote: > > Subje

Re: [TUHS] Re: GNU eqn clarifications and reforms

2023-06-16 Thread Robert Goulding via
Many years ago,as a graduate student in the history of science, I read an early-modern medical text that dealt with the method of "ſucking on ſores," which caused me chortle out loud in the British Library.... Robert Goulding Sent from my phone On Fri, Jun 16, 2023, 1:07 AM G. Brande

Re: Computer Modern Font

2023-06-07 Thread Robert Goulding via
produces the documentation > for the ms macro package using Computer Modern Unicode: > > % groff -Tpdf -t -ms -mcmu doc/ > doc/ms.pdf > > > Hope this helps > Alexis > > > ¹ For those wondering: The Makefile deletes hyphens from the font names > as groff did not p

Re: RC2?

2022-12-04 Thread Robert Goulding
Ah, thanks! Robert Goulding Sent from my phone On Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 5:02 PM Dave Kemper wrote: > On 12/4/22, Robert Goulding wrote: > > The ANNOUNCE file says that RC2 is available at > >, but I don't see it there -- only RC1. > > H


2022-12-04 Thread Robert Goulding
The ANNOUNCE file says that RC2 is available at, but I don't see it there -- only RC1. Robert. -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; Assoc. Prof

Re: Font path issue

2022-08-21 Thread Robert Goulding
in the font search path is read. If in doubt, copy the default download file (see section “Files” below) to the first directory in the font search path and add your fonts there." If Deri says it looks for *all* the download files, then that must be correct! But is the man

Converting between macro sets?

2022-08-18 Thread Robert Goulding
Just out of curiosity, has anyone written a script to, say, convert text written with -ms to -me? Robert. -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; Assoc. Professor, Program of Liberal Studies

Re: Updated

2022-08-17 Thread Robert Goulding
tall-font > > isn't officially part of groff or mom, but I'm posting this on the > list anyway. Someday, someone will grab the damned thing and make > it part of groff. > > Robert Goulding discovered that contents of the > system font/devps/download file must

Re: eqn formatting issues with grops and gropdf

2022-07-27 Thread Robert Goulding
I tend to agree. I've always thought that the italic Greek letters in eqn output look very odd, and unlike anything I usually see in mathematical texts. On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 5:48 PM DJ Chase wrote: > On Wed Jul 27, 2022 at 4:54 PM EDT, Robert Goulding wrote: > > That seems to

Re: eqn formatting issues with grops and gropdf

2022-07-27 Thread Robert Goulding
troff will not fall back on any special font when typesetting the math, so you should *expect* to see Greek glyphs as they appear in your main roman text font. On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 4:54 PM Robert Goulding wrote: > That seems to work! The only downside (if it is one), is that Greek in > m

Re: eqn formatting issues with grops and gropdf

2022-07-26 Thread Robert Goulding
ETTER DELTA > .char \[e*] \[u03B5] \" GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON > .char \[z*] \[u03B6]\" GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA > .char \[y*] \[u03B7]\" GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA > ... > > If you're stuck on groff 1.22.4, it's no big deal; the macro file uses > no post-1.22.4 features. You can grab it from Git, drop it into your > tmac search path, and go about your work. > > > > > Regards, > Branden > -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; Assoc. Professor, Program of Liberal Studies, Fellow, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame.

Re: Puzzle about ms files generated by pandoc

2022-07-08 Thread Robert Goulding
hness! - Robert. On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 9:33 PM G. Branden Robinson <> wrote: > Hi Robert, > > At 2022-07-07T08:00:20-0400, Robert Goulding wrote: > > I used pandoc to generate nicely formatted printouts of s.tmac > > (because I want to stud

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
I restarted my computer, and now groff is building dvi's and pdf's without complaining that it can't find DESC files (sorry, I didn't note exactly which error message came up before). Robert. On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 1:13 PM Deri wrote: > On Thursday, 7 July 2022 17:03

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
?); gropdf will only work if I set the font path explicitly with -F I don't have any environment variables set ($GROFF_FONT_PATH) -- I checked. On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:54 AM Robert Goulding wrote: > I completely uninstalled my 1.23 installation, and then the whole > make/make install w

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
I completely uninstalled my 1.23 installation, and then the whole make/make install went through without error. On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:47 AM Robert Goulding wrote: > The download file in the build font/devpdf directory correctly points to > the 9.53.3 installation of the Ghostscript

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
ts with no difficulties using my installed groff, even though the download file was pointing at non-existent fonts?) On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:30 AM Deri wrote: > On Thursday, 7 July 2022 05:48:33 BST G. Branden Robinson wrote: > > > Hi Robert, > > > > > > At 2022-07

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
And I checked out a brand new clone of the repository, and build failed with the same error about Ghostscript 9.27. On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 7:20 AM Robert Goulding wrote: > I can't understand it myself, but I did "make distclean" and > re-configured, and got precisely the

Re: Problem building latest git source

2022-07-07 Thread Robert Goulding
nd redownloading and rebootstrapping my copy, in case there is something stuck in there. Robert Robert Goulding Sent from my phone On Thu, Jul 7, 2022, 12:48 AM G. Branden Robinson <> wrote: > [looping in groff@gnu] > > Hi Robert, > > At 2022-07-06T17

Re: pic diagram on arbitrarily large page

2022-06-24 Thread Robert Goulding
Thanks very much, everyone! I'll give that a go. Robert Goulding Sent from my phone On Fri, Jun 24, 2022, 7:18 PM Deri wrote: > On Friday, 24 June 2022 16:35:55 BST Robert Goulding wrote: > > I am trying to draw a huge diagram with pic - a chart with lots of boxes > > and

pic diagram on arbitrarily large page

2022-06-24 Thread Robert Goulding
out of space, and new boxes do not appear on the chart (or appear in the wrong place). R. -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; Assoc. Professor, Program of Liberal Studies, Fellow, Medieval

Re: mm(7) DT string and super/subscripts (was: troff Memorandum Macros documentation derived from the paper "MM - Memorandum Macros")

2021-08-09 Thread Robert Goulding
tter. > > Yes; for things like this I think we need a reasonable solution for > general audiences, trusting people to redefine things to meet their > needs. Once we leave the fenced garden of man(7) and mdoc, the hood on > the *roff vehicle becomes transparent, and the document author

Re: Gremlin Format grn

2021-07-16 Thread Robert Goulding
I once managed to compile and run the source code to gremlin, the graphic frontend for producing grn files. But it was quite primitive, and kind of useless, so I didn't keep it. Robert Goulding Sent from my Google Pixel 4 On Fri, Jul 16, 2021, 9:53 AM Ingo Schwarze wrote: > Hi Wim,

Re: Adding a symbol to eqn

2021-06-26 Thread Robert Goulding
21 at 9:02 AM Dave Kemper wrote: > On 6/23/21, Robert Goulding wrote: > > When I run this through groff -ps -e -ms -k I get the message: > > > > warning: can't find special character 'u25B3' > > > > which I was kind of expecting. But is there any e

Re: Adding a symbol to eqn

2021-06-23 Thread Robert Goulding
t; is Delta \[*D] a feasible substitute for your case? > > Oliver. > > > On 23/06/2021 22:06, Robert Goulding wrote: > > I'm sure this is very easy, but I'm rusty on groff fonts, and I'm not > sure > > how to do it. I want to add the triangle symbo

Adding a symbol to eqn

2021-06-23 Thread Robert Goulding
are three sides. When I run this through groff -ps -e -ms -k I get the message: warning: can't find special character 'u25B3' which I was kind of expecting. But is there any easy way to point grops towards the definition of U25B3? Robert. Robert Goulding Sent from my Google Pixel 4

Re: [eqn] 'therefore' and 'implies' symbols

2021-03-20 Thread Robert Goulding
implies > or > therefore > > as the appropriate thing. > > Regards - Damian > > Pacific Engineering Systems International, 277-279 Broadway, Glebe NSW 2037 > Ph:+61-2-8571-0847 .. Fx:+61-2-9692-9623 | unsolicited email not wanted > here > Views & opini

Re: problem with mm macros

2021-03-16 Thread Robert Goulding
rom 57034? You can submit bug > reports here without creating an account. > > -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; Assoc. Professor, Program of Liberal Studies, Fellow, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame.

Re: problem with mm macros

2021-02-26 Thread Robert Goulding
owed by a trailing comma. If you change the first line to .LT BL or one of the other types, everything is printed correctly. Robert. On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 9:55 AM Robert Goulding wrote: > I get the same result; and then tried variants with .LT instead of .MT, > and the signature is not p

Re: problem with mm macros

2021-02-25 Thread Robert Goulding
on. > .FC Sincerely yours > .SG > > Now the problem is that groff doesn't show the author's title below the > author's name. Both heirloom and neatroff do, so it is maybe a bug in > groff? Also both heirloom and neatroff show name and tile in bold, > whereas g

Re: Mangled pdf in Chrome browser?

2021-02-20 Thread Robert Goulding
garbage in the Chrome browser. I don't use Chrome. > Can someone check if this is true? > > -- > Peter Schaffter > > > -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; Director, Program in History and Philoso

Re: Question about Unicode Greek

2021-02-12 Thread Robert Goulding
wrote: > Hi Robert and Steffen, > > At 2021-02-11T23:03:47+0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote: > > Robert Goulding wrote in > > : > > |I've been away from groff for a long time; I think the last time I > used it, > > |there was no Unicode support at all. Now I'

Question about Unicode Greek

2021-02-09 Thread Robert Goulding
onv; but then troff seems to decompose it into \[u03B5] which is ε and \[u0313] which is ̓ . So, if I wanted to tell groff how to print ἐ, how do I go about it, when there seem to be two internal representations? Thanks very much - Robert. -- Robert Goulding Director, John J. Reilly Center for S

[Groff] Compile error

2009-09-22 Thread Robert Goulding
n_interpreted_node::~non_interpreted_node()in input.o ld: symbol(s) not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [troff] Error 1 make[1]: *** [src/roff/troff] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of Science University of Notre Dame

Re: [Groff] Creating Word/rtf output

2009-03-04 Thread Robert Goulding
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Gaius Mulley wrote: > > > Hi Robert, > > For what it is worth, I've use: > > > > to post process output from 'groff -Thtml'.  The result is, imo, > reasonable for lecture notes and basic text.  Some examples are shown >

Re: [Groff] Creating Word/rtf output

2009-03-03 Thread Robert Goulding
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote: >> "GNU troff?? What is that? These days the publishers really want either >> MSWord or TEX files. We can try the HTML result, but I predict lots of >> issues in the typesetting! You'll be correcting proofs for weeks. > > Maybe try troffcvt >

[Groff] Creating Word/rtf output

2009-03-03 Thread Robert Goulding
OK, so I've almost finished writing an entire book with groff. Nothing fancy involved: no equations or pictures, but LOTS of footnotes and refer tags. I'm 2 weeks away from submitting the manuscript, and have just let the editor know that I can send him pdfs, and gnu troff source files -- or, if t

Re: [Groff] computer modern fonts in EQN with Tps?

2008-03-24 Thread Robert Goulding
typeset equations just as rich and complex as those in TeX. (You'll need to define eqn directives for them, of course, and play around with spacing etc.) On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Robert Goulding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In the past, I've played with the dvi backend, wh

Re: [Groff] computer modern fonts in EQN with Tps?

2008-03-24 Thread Robert Goulding
other issue: I use Helvetica Bold for > > gfont but Goudy Sans for grfont, > > Hmmm, I think it would have been better to use the same font > family for math as for body text (like on page 28, "u = u(x)"). > > > > but Helvetica is perhaps 10% larger th

Re: [Groff] gxditview feature request

2007-05-23 Thread Robert Goulding
could be wrong. Thanks, Ralph - that certainly makes it a little easier to scroll around. It would be nice, as you say, if hjkl (or the arrow keys) could be recognized as scroll keys wherever the focus happens to be. Robert. -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of Science University of Notre Dame

[Groff] gxditview feature request

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Goulding
preview page, I not only need to use the mouse, but also try to remember those awful, counterintuitive Mosaic mouseclick scrolls. Inevitably, I bash the arrow keys a few times hoping that they will scroll the screen, but vainly... so, could arrow-key scrolling be implemented easily in gxditv

[Groff] Kerkis

2007-05-22 Thread Robert Goulding
Just went through the digest of groff material, and saw there has been discussion of Kerkis. I used to have this online, while at Princeton, but now (as Ted's detective work revealed!) I've moved to Notre Dame. I'm on leave this year, in Europe, but somewhere I'm sure I still have the files for

[Groff] Omission in -ms man page

2007-05-11 Thread Robert Goulding
The -ms macros do in fact allow equation numbering (as I discovered much to my relief the other day, when writing up an article), but this is not mentioned in either groff_ms (7) or the info pages on -ms. The manpage should read something like: .TP .BR ".EQ [\fI\,align\/\fP|\fI\,equation label\/

Re: [Groff] Line length and page offset in MS

2006-07-26 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jul 26, 2006, at 11:23 AM, Ulf Bro wrote: Hi, With Groff 1.18.1 I seem to not be able to set line length and page offset with the .PO and .LL commands. Whatever I set in the input file the document produces a neat output file with something like 1 inch margin. Am I doing something w

Re: [Groff] generating macro files

2006-06-26 Thread Robert Goulding
This looks fascinating. It would be very useful for documenting some of the less user-accessible tmac packages (-me, especially). Can you make it available somewhere for download? - Robert. On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Erich Hoffmann wrote: Hello all. I'm rather hesitating to present my pr

Re: [Groff] refer warnings

2006-06-14 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jun 14, 2006, at 6:15 AM, Joerg van den Hoff wrote: hi, I asked this some 6 weeks ago but got no answers. hoping that the mail maybe reaches some other list members this time I dare to repeat my question: after upgrading to 1.19.2 I get new warnings from refer which were'nt there previ

[GROFF] New warnings appearing in CVS

2006-03-29 Thread Robert Goulding
when compiling pdfmark.pdf. Here they are: export GROFF_TMPDIR; GROFF_TMPDIR='.'; export GROFF_COMMAND_PREFIX; GROFF_COMMAND_PREFIX=''; export GROFF_BIN_DIR; GROFF_BIN_DIR=/Users/rgouldin/Data/groff-current/src/roff/groff; export GROFF_BIN_PATH; GROFF_BIN_PATH=`echo /Users/rgouldin/Data/grof

Re: [GROFF] irksome grog inaccuracy

2006-02-02 Thread Robert Goulding
On Feb 2, 2006, at 10:01 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: grog incorrectly identifies an -ms document as a -man document if it uses the TH macro (which, in -ms, is used for identifying a tbl header) together with the SH macro for an unnumbered heading. Sorry for the late reply. Please send a small e

Re: [GROFF] Groff wiki?

2006-02-02 Thread Robert Goulding
On Feb 1, 2006, at 10:10 PM, Larry Kollar wrote: Robert Goulding wrote: Has there been any movement on the groff wiki? Yet more interesting snippets and tips have been posted recently - it would be nice to preserve them somewhere accessible! I've been adding the tips and other good

[GROFF] irksome grog inaccuracy

2006-01-16 Thread Robert Goulding
grog incorrectly identifies an -ms document as a -man document if it uses the TH macro (which, in -ms, is used for identifying a tbl header) together with the SH macro for an unnumbered heading. -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of Science University of Notre Dame Notre

[Groff] Make balks on preconv (OS X)

2006-01-09 Thread Robert Goulding
Just tried to make the latest snapshot, on Mac OS X.3.9. The make fails with: g++2 -I. -I. -I/Users/rgouldin/Data/groff-current/src/include -I/Users/rgouldin/Data/groff-current/src/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -c preconv.cpp preconv.cpp: In function `void conversion_iconv(FILE *, const st

[GROFF] Install

2006-01-09 Thread Robert Goulding
Just an idea for the next release: (the source of the pdfmark manual) should be installed in the examples directory of the documentation tree. This annotated file is all but essential for understanding how to create a pdf with the ms and pdfref macros. Robert. __

[Groff] Still getting a makeinfo problem

2005-11-18 Thread Robert Goulding
on OSX, with makeinfo 4.8 installed. ./configure ends with the error: configure: error: `makeinfo' is too old. Get the `texinfo' package version 4.8 or newer. From config.log: configure:5470: checking for makeinfo configure:5486: found /usr/local/bin/makeinfo configure:5496: result: makeinfo c

Re: [Groff] Typesetting arbitrary fractions?

2005-11-04 Thread Robert Goulding
On Nov 4, 2005, at 10:46 PM, T. Kurt Bond wrote: What's a good way to typeset arbitrary fractions like 1/100 and 1/1000 after the styel of \(12? Preprocess with eqn (i.e., groff -e -ms): .EQ delim $$ .EN .LP We can write one-thousandth as $1 smallover 1000$. ___

[Groff] makeinfo problem

2005-11-02 Thread Robert Goulding
Just tried to compile the latest CVS on Mac OSX 10.3.9. The config script fails with the message: checking for makeinfo... makeinfo sed: 1: "1 {s/^.* \([^ ]\+\)$/\1 ...": extra characters at the end of q command configure: error: `makeinfo' is too old. Get the `texinfo' package version 4.8 or

Re: [Groff] Groff wiki?

2005-10-28 Thread Robert Goulding
y to do it, then to start the ball rolling, I'll take on 2004. Robert. -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of Science University of Notre Dame Notre Dame IN 46556 ___ Groff mailing list

Re: [Groff] Groff wiki?

2005-10-28 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 28, 2005, at 3:00 PM, (Ted Harding) wrote: On 28-Oct-05 Robert Goulding wrote: With all the discussion recently on the need for groff documents teaching fundamentals and techniques - and with all the terrific stuff that is frequently posted to this list (most recently, Ted's sol

[Groff] Groff wiki?

2005-10-28 Thread Robert Goulding
With all the discussion recently on the need for groff documents teaching fundamentals and techniques - and with all the terrific stuff that is frequently posted to this list (most recently, Ted's solution for pie-graphs), it seems to me that a wiki for groff would be very useful. We could:

[Groff] REVISION needs updating

2005-10-26 Thread Robert Goulding
REVISION should be updated from 2 to 3 in the CVS, to avoid confusion with the released version. Robert. ___ Groff mailing list

Re: [Groff] Re: [Mingw-users] Spelling Tip

2005-10-24 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 24, 2005, at 7:43 AM, Jeremy Bettis wrote: Or perhaps that separate has (sep)A RAT(e) in it. - Original Message - From: "Keith MARSHALL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 6:38 AM Subject: [Mingw-users] Spelling Tip Or perhaps that t

Re: [Groff] Re: Info versus man

2005-10-24 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 24, 2005, at 9:46 AM, Larry McVoy wrote: On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 08:36:43AM -0600, D. E. Evans wrote: Perhaps only rms, and a couple of others actually use 'GNU OS,' but those who do, use info. I wouldn't say they it is right to call all GNU OS users, developers. This sounds like

Re: [Groff] Introduction

2005-10-24 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 24, 2005, at 3:30 AM, Keith MARSHALL wrote: Werner Lemberg wrote, quoting Larry McVoy: And as the primary whiner on this topic, I'll volunteer to do the work to convert the existing texinfo docs to roff. This is a great offer, but I wonder whether it makes sense to use the time you ar

Re: [Groff] Colors, PowerPoint and PDFs

2005-10-20 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 20, 2005, at 4:37 PM, Clarke Echols wrote: I'd like to create the equivalent of a PowerPoint presentation using PDF or other reasonable display. It would be nice to be able to use the entire screen instead of a window, like PowerPoint does. It has to run on Windows 98 and newer machine

Re: [Groff] Introduction

2005-10-18 Thread Robert Goulding
On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:54 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: And there seems to be a good groff mode for vim. Unfortunately, the groff mode for emacs is rather bad AFAIK... Yet roff (1) reads "The best program for editing a roff document is Emacs (or Xemacs)"...! Robert. ___

Re: [Groff] character garble

2005-10-14 Thread Robert Goulding
D. E. Evans wrote: I have installed 1.19.2 (via todays cvs checkout) onto an OpenBSD 3.7 system, (which uses 1.15 by default). This also required an upgrade of texinfo to 4.8, (both of which I installed from source). I get the following result when accessing the man page for groff (though te

[Groff] Minor bug in mom installation

2005-08-10 Thread Robert Goulding
The new documentation files are not installed by the Makefile. Robert. ___ Groff mailing list

Re: [Groff] CVS fails on Mac OSX (10.3.9)

2005-06-23 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jun 23, 2005, at 12:31 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: %^&*! OK, I've just committed my fourth try to fix the eternal getopt problem. This time I use the gnulib version with a prefix to avoid any collision with local getopt versions. Groffers, please test! Works perfectly for me now on OSX! -

Re: [Groff] CVS fails on Mac OSX (10.3.9)

2005-06-22 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jun 22, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: The latest changes in CVS lead to the following errors when compiling on a Mac: [...] Thanks, I hope this is fixed now in the CVS. Please test. This morning I get: g++ -I. -I. -I/Users/Robert/groff/src/include -I/Users/Robert/groff/src/in

[Groff] CVS fails on Mac OSX (10.3.9)

2005-06-21 Thread Robert Goulding
The latest changes in CVS lead to the following errors when compiling on a Mac: g++ -I. -I. -I/Users/Robert/groff/src/include -I/Users/Robert/groff/src/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -c color.cpp In file included from color.cpp:30: /usr/include/unistd.h:183: error: declaration of `int getopt

Re: [Groff] groff for Mac OSX

2005-06-10 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jun 8, 2005, at 1:49 PM, Larry Kollar wrote: Robert Goulding wrote: ... it *would* be good if there were a precompiled binary around - I'm on vacation with a laptop without development tools installed, and would very much like to be able to download a ready-made binary of the lates

Re: [Groff] groff for Mac OSX

2005-06-07 Thread Robert Goulding
On Jun 1, 2005, at 5:14 PM, Miklos Somogyi wrote: Is there a Mac OSX (Panther-Tiger) compiled version of groff available? Does anyone have a commented version of the "me" macros? Thank you very much, Miklos There doesn't seem to be a ready-compiled version of the latest groff around. OS

[Groff] Warnings with -mm docs

2005-05-04 Thread Robert Goulding
as the -ms macros do. [This is using the latest CVS]. -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of Science University of Notre Dame Notre Dame IN 46556 ___ Groff mailing list

[Groff] Prerelease fails on OS X.3.9

2005-05-02 Thread Robert Goulding
from integer without a cast getopt.c:1063: warning: passing arg 2 of `fprintf' makes pointer from integer without a cast getopt.c:1137: warning: passing arg 2 of `fprintf' makes pointer from integer without a cast make[2]: *** [getopt.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [src/libs/libgroff] Error 2

Re: [Groff] Including graphic images in a printed document

2005-03-24 Thread Robert Goulding
On Mar 24, 2005, at 9:39 AM, John Poltorak wrote: Does GROFF handle the insertion of graphic images in a document? I haven't seen any docs which tell me how this can be done. If there are any, then please point them out to me. man groff_tmac (if you have the latest version of groff) or man grops

Re: [Groff] TeXifying groff possible?

2005-03-23 Thread Robert Goulding
On Mar 23, 2005, at 1:36 PM, John Doe wrote: Heh, just kidding. I was thinking more along the lines of the TeX's fonts. Some people are allergic to anything but TeX so I would enjoy fooling them if that was possible :-) Well, the easiest way is to produce dvi output, then run it through dvips as u

Re: [Groff] mom: Some follow-up questions

2005-03-14 Thread Robert Goulding
On Mar 14, 2005, at 3:52 PM, Dorai Sitaram wrote: I don't mind (too much) that the groff doc is currently in texinfo, but does groff.texinfo convert into Info or HTML for anybody? It must, I know, so what is the magic? It consistently fails to for me, and I have texinfo and makeinfo 4.7 (and th

Re: [Groff] mom: Some follow-up questions

2005-03-14 Thread Robert Goulding
output; on the other hand, the -mm crossref macros do everything you need for a written report or article. They are every bit as powerful as LaTeX's native crossref macros (i.e., without the addition of packages like hyperref). Robert. -- Robert Goulding Program in History and Philosophy of S

Re: [Groff] mom: Some follow-up questions

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Goulding
Quoting Jon Snader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 11:17:45AM -0500, Peter Schaffter wrote: > > On Sat, Mar 12, 2005, Jon Snader wrote: > > > I do have cross reference macros that I use for my books. > > > > > Peter, if you'd like to include them in mom or use them as a > > > start