On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Jeremy C. Reed <r...@reedmedia.net> wrote:
>> "GNU troff?? What is that? These days the publishers really want either
>> MSWord or TEX files. We can try the HTML result, but I predict lots of
>> issues in the typesetting! You'll be correcting proofs for weeks.
> Maybe try troffcvt
> http://www.snake.net/software/troffcvt/

Thanks, I'll definitely try this.  Looking through the documentation,
it seems that it has no support for macro packages, and would not be
able to handle footnotes in an intelligent way (it also ignores page
position traps).  So I don't know whether it's going to be better than
my grohtml workflow - but I'll try anything.

Will still appreciate improvements to my native-groff procedure!


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