Re: [groff] 27/33: eqn(1): Fix content and style nits.

2022-10-24 Thread Mike Bianchi
: I agree that a LIMITATION is not a BUG, but sometimes a BUG is more severe than an LIMITATION. If so, then it belongs in the man page. Mike Bianchi On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 10:18:37AM +0100, Ralph

Coffee with Brian Kernighan - Computerphile

2022-08-28 Thread Mike Bianchi
start to talk about text processing and the question of how the next AWK book will be written. Naturally troff(1) and groff(1) come up. That part of the conversation starts here: -- Mike Bianchi

Re: Bug#1016412: dh-make: manpage.1.ex: Incorrect formatting for dash

2022-07-31 Thread Mike Bianchi
ect solution to the '-' controversy is to format everything at is an ASCII expression in an ASCII font which has no concept of '\-' . ((I come from the days when all UNIX documentation was formated using nroff.))

Re: Typesetting Mathematics by Kernighan and Cherry, retypeset in PDF

2022-07-02 Thread Mike Bianchi
he domains of UNIX Archeology and Software Preservation. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: Parallel Typesetting

2022-05-26 Thread Mike Bianchi
re I think you might have to manually format an item is if one side-by-side table item takes up _more_ than one page. -- Mike Bianchi 973 822-2085

Re: Parallel Typesetting

2022-05-26 Thread Mike Bianchi
went unanswered as well as a much more recent thread[2] that deals preferably more or less automagically. I've searched the list already page, the other on the verso page, synchronized somehow by paragraph, bilingual text parallel by pages, as in, one language on the recto and came

Re: Resources for *roff internals and PDF generation

2022-02-24 Thread Mike Bianchi
inks within the pdf, specifying meta-data for the pdf, etc.. This document > covers those areas. All these "extensions" are facilitated using the \X > escape > for example, which allows you to send information directly to the output > driver. > > The gropdf man page.

Re: Two trivial questions

2021-10-27 Thread Mike Bianchi
fferentiates the particular implementation. But if groff was the only command you were exposed to ... growl like a dog. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: troff Memorandum Macros documentation derived from the paper "MM -

2021-08-09 Thread Mike Bianchi
h, PWB/MM — Programmer’s Workbench Memorandum Macros, Bell Laboratories internal memorandum -- Mike Bianchi

Re: Introducing mu, my new macro package

2021-07-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
uilt-in troff macros are two letters (or more). So > if you see a one-letter macro, it's definitely a macro and not a > standard troff request. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: Introducing mu, my new macro package

2021-07-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
gisters or strings! > > For an example of an advanced document written with mu, see > > > I hope you find it interesting and perhaps even useful. Feel free to > write any questions or feedback. > > Best regards > John -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

[groff] Re: Modernising UNIX manpages.

2021-04-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
OC once the requirements > have been set. > > Has this already been studied? Would this be an initiative you > would support? > > Best regards, > JM Marcastel > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: problem with mm macros

2021-02-25 Thread Mike Bianchi
so it is maybe a bug in > > groff? Also both heirloom and neatroff show name and tile in bold, > > whereas groff only shows the name an does not do so in bold. > > > > Maybe someone with more experience in roff can explain what goes wrong. > > > > Sincerly, > > > > Andreas Eder > > > > > > > > > > -- > Robert Goulding > Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; > Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science; > Assoc. Professor, Program of Liberal Studies, > Fellow, Medieval Institute, > University of Notre Dame. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: Long text in tbl won't wrap, maybe related to mom

2021-02-05 Thread Mike Bianchi
> > This is a minimal version of the last example from the tbl document that > reproduces the funny behavior. It breaks the line as in the source, but the > table grows beyond the page and doesn't stay as nice as seen e.g. on the troff > FAQ or when using groff -Tpdf -t -ms. Am

Re: [DRAFT] Revised groff ms manual for review

2020-11-11 Thread Mike Bianchi
ldn’t matter much. My college roommate sent me a book he wrote > in -mm, back in the 80s, and I got Groff to format it by adding “\&” to > the beginning (he had a custom cover). The same should apply to -ms > documents. > > If we want to support data archaeologists, maybe we should write a > separate document for them. :D > > — Larry -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] 03/06: roff(7): Develop History section a bit more.

2020-10-26 Thread Mike Bianchi
Doug McIlroy. tx Michael Lesk -- Mike Bianchi

Re: UTP Revisited: scoping the project

2020-10-20 Thread Mike Bianchi
hat you wrote your first tutorial > for using the antecedents of groff more than half your lifetime ago! OK! Everyone line up in the order of their first exposure to *roff. Mr McIlroy all the way on the right ... -- Mike Bianchi

Re: UTP Revisited: scoping the project

2020-10-20 Thread Mike Bianchi
at about “upstart" scripting languages such as Perl or Python? > > OK, that’s all I have, and I’m up way past bedtime. Does anyone else have > ideas about > what should be in an updated UTP? > > — Larry > > --- > *This implies updating the macros to work

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-14 Thread Mike Bianchi
ed. Isn't > it sad that nothing more modern is available? > > Greg > -- > Sent from my desktop computer. > Finger for PGP public key. > See complete headers for address and phone numbers. > This message is digitally signed. If your Microsoft mail pro

Re: * RL * code review and strategy for macros set?

2020-08-13 Thread Mike Bianchi
c that starts with > something like `mso mm`. That is the equivalent. In the UNIX/Linux world there are many correct solutions. Enjoy the journey! -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: * RL * code review and strategy for macros set?

2020-08-12 Thread Mike Bianchi
Bench was happening and in one of the first groups to do our PL/I code development on a UNIX PWB machine that took the place of a card puncher, punch card reader and printer. Said another way, it was a work environment making use of a new Bell Labs innovation. It led into a career. > �: The New Hacker's Dictionary definition of RL is "Real life" >( -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: weird \s

2020-04-02 Thread Mike Bianchi
Bjarni, Nice, tight analysis and proposed solutions. Thank you. Mike Bianchi On Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 11:58:01PM +, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote: snip > 1) The missing part is information. > Solution: > a)

Re: weird \s

2020-03-31 Thread Mike Bianchi
occasionally, see. I think UTF-8 encoding may be such. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: weird \s

2020-03-31 Thread Mike Bianchi
n into trouble, but it would have been a more easily understood > trouble. > > What do folks think? > > Regards, > Branden -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: amusing bug

2020-03-17 Thread Mike Bianchi
y ship. See -- Mike Bianchi

Re: amusing bug

2020-03-17 Thread Mike Bianchi
I nominate Brian Kernighan. Mike Bianchi On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 12:30:21PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote: > Doug McIlroy : > > Please excuse my antediluvian hangover. > > *snort* > > If I had to make a list of the

[groff] An alternative to info(1) ?

2020-02-17 Thread Mike Bianchi
h a different terminal interface. Or a dialog interface. So my question is does any have experience with a terminal walk-the-decision-tree interface they like? Could it serve as a model for info2 ? -- Mike Bianchi

Re: GNUism in groff tests, was: pic anomalies

2020-01-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
at C would be greatly improved if it just added: Strings as first-class objects (instead of a collection of array side effects) Hardened memory management Hardened pointer management -- Mike Bianchi

[groff] Re: Space After A Heading with groff -mm

2019-12-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
he two. > > Before I go fishing for the problem, has anybody else experienced this and > have a fix? > > Thanks - Damian > > Pacific Engineering Systems International, 277-279 Broadway, Glebe NSW 2037 > Ph:+61-2-8571-0847 .. Fx:+61-2-9692-9623 | unsolicited email not wanted he

Jean Louis wrote on Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:12:51AM +0530:

2019-10-28 Thread Mike Bianchi
any languages where they exist. As to groff, et. al., they are stable enough that any translations would remain useful, especially for those approaching them for the first time. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] A poor mans Excel

2019-10-10 Thread Mike Bianchi
tranported from one > table line to a later one or even to another table. > > Code size: 130 lines of perl > > Limitations: Multiline table enties are not supported. > > If there is interest, I'll post the script and an example. > > Kind regards, > > ulrich lauther > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] anyone seen ".ny0" ?

2019-03-24 Thread Mike Bianchi
t; > .SH NAME > > . > > I could not find this in the groff manual. It seems to do nothing. > Any ideas ? > > re, > wh > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] [patch] modernize -T ascii rendering of opening single quote

2019-02-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
(unshift ") with straight and angled glyphs. Once again, is anyone working on a UTF-8/Unicode keyboard? I see a need coming. -- Mike Bianchi

[groff] modernize -T ascii rendering of opening single quote

2019-02-02 Thread Mike Bianchi
have the technology. Certainly an extension keypad of programmable glyph keys would be doable!) -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

[groff] modernize -T ascii rendering of opening single quote

2019-02-02 Thread Mike Bianchi
rogrammers had their favorites; document writers theirs. -- Mike Bianchi

[groff] ... the point of ascii ...

2019-02-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
be changed via a personalized configuration file. Say .groff-Ttxt.rc . Just don't go changing the definition of existing groff options such that what was rendered yesterday is different to what rendered today. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085 http://www.Aut

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-12-06 Thread Mike Bianchi
a credit. The same for ed . -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

[groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Bianchi
). I don't recall any place where this was all written down in an orderly fashion, though it's interesting and maybe some enthusiast could take it on. Maybe Doug McIlroy remembers -- he did a roff-like program, as did I, and several others. Brian --

Re: [groff] mom manpage

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Bianchi
be useful. Mom macros > really need the documentation that's in the html/pdf docs. It's > enough for the manpage to give the entry points, IMO. > > Since groff_mom(7) isn't actually my baby, I'm asking for opinions > before I go ahead. > > -- > Peter Schaffter > -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] Release Candidate 1.22.4.rc3

2018-11-29 Thread Mike Bianchi
d a footnote reference to "Edition 1.22.4". That way this could become a living document! A perpetual current resource! -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] How to show all hyphenation points?

2018-11-09 Thread Mike Bianchi
could add a "Tricks and Techniques" section that would collect gems such as this one. or maybe add this trick to It, and many like it, deserve a better fate than &qu

Re: [groff] Groff & tbl as a report generator

2018-07-25 Thread Mike Bianchi
appearance quickly realized the value of separating the those two concerns. The prevalence of What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get documentation ("... Is All You Get": Brian Kernighan) has hidden the possibilities from the popular mind. It is good to see the idea of computing documents being rediscovered. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] Spooky action at a distance in line adjustment...sometimes

2018-06-26 Thread Mike Bianchi
rnal_name] [-i n] [-o output_file] afm_file > > map_file > > +font_name > > : > : -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] hyphen, minus sign and hyphen-minus

2018-05-28 Thread Mike Bianchi
switches in postscript output via man -Tps: > > man -Tps groff | sed 's:/minus:/hyphen:g' > >: Hummm ... How about a character named asciiminusU+002D ? -- Mike Bianchi

[groff] Forwarded: Re: placement of const is _not_ a matter of style ...

2018-05-06 Thread Mike Bianchi
ki/Const_(computer_programming) : : I was wrong. Those two lines _are_ identical. The example code I lifted even illustrated that. const int *ptrToConst; //identical to: int const *ptrToConst, My apologies to [groff]. ((more to come)) -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] placement of const is _not_ a matter of style ...

2018-05-06 Thread Mike Bianchi
here a path by which the confusions such as these can be avoided in the design and implementation of C-like language? -- Mike Bianchi

[groff] placement of const is _not_ a matter of style ...

2018-05-05 Thread Mike Bianchi -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

[groff] Brian Kernighan on the evoution of eqn, pic, grap, into troff

2018-05-04 Thread Mike Bianchi
in language design without really trying." -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] groff as the basis for comprehensive documentation?

2018-04-25 Thread Mike Bianchi
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 03:58:33PM -0400, Steve Izma wrote: > When I write, I only want to think about the words ... > and the structure of my argument ... May I add a big Amen! -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] Macros in their own package ...

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
the ideas and features available in Plan 9 Troff, Heirloom Troff, and Groff. He has an ambitious hobby :) -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

[groff] Macros in their own package ...

2018-02-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
e a Z macro package containing both Z_Aroff.tmac and Z_Broff.tmac is something to be hope for. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] How does one recreate the \(bs symbol?

2018-01-10 Thread Mike Bianchi
&chips=q:bell+system+logo,g_3:vintage -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [groff] How does one recreate the \(bs symbol?

2018-01-10 Thread Mike Bianchi
Sans), so I guess it's somewhat of an > "official" rendering, although the coordinates are probably > munged a bit as a result of embedding in the PDF. > > > .\" > .\" > .char \(bs \X'ps: import ATa

Re: [groff] Problems redefining macro $c for -me macros

2017-12-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
> > eqn as part of the inline equation delimeters set beforehand with `delim > > $$'. Moving the `.de $c' definition to before the `.EQ' to `.EN' block > > would seem the simplest solution. > > > > -- > > Cheers, Ralph. > > > > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] Gpresent version 2.4 Released

2017-11-16 Thread Mike Bianchi
useful/gpresent/ -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [groff] * SL * Gpresent version 2.4 Released

2017-11-16 Thread Mike Bianchi
e use of the PAUSE macro, it can also be used > for making slides. > > Enjoy, > Bob -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff]

2017-09-27 Thread Mike Bianchi
On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 11:43:40AM -0400, Doug McIlroy wrote: > The Fedora system I have access to lacks /usr/share/doc/groff, and > in particular the wonderful tutorial /usr/share/doc/groff/ On Debian 8 locate returns /usr/share/doc/groff-base/ --

Re: [Groff] parallel text processing ; vertical and horizontal mode

2017-09-07 Thread Mike Bianchi
089 09814 08943 098431 0894132 0 = = = = = = = = = = -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] mom : unicode in .INCLUDE'd files

2017-07-23 Thread Mike Bianchi
. The order of the checks I perform are: BOM UTF-8 UTF-16 (newline) UTF-16 (null distribution) : : -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] mom : unicode in .INCLUDE'd files

2017-07-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
convert just because a "better way" comes along. Remember when the "modern" way to archive was to put everything onto microfiche? -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] mom : unicode in .INCLUDE'd files

2017-07-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
Woops. Never mind. Mike On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 12:08:29PM -0400, Mike Bianchi wrote: > On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 05:00:37PM +0200, E. Hoffmann wrote: > > Am Fri, 21 Jul 2017 16:28:04 -0400 > > schrieb

Re: [Groff] mom : unicode in .INCLUDE'd files

2017-07-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
utf8 foo ? see man 1 groff : -k Preprocess with preconv . ... -s Preprocess with soelim . That way groff knows the crucial ordering, etc. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] ASCII Minus Sign in man Pages

2017-05-04 Thread Mike Bianchi
complicated than _I_ would like. Typing \(hy for hyphen would have been a heavy burden, especially in the absence of the .char groff extension. Probably the best solution available now is fixing any incorrect documentation so as to speak truth. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] ASCII Minus Sign in man Pages

2017-05-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
to gain support. :-) > How to produce it is the issue. Absolutely. I propose wc -l if - was \N'45' It would make sense for future generations. As a first generation UNIX citizen it is interesting to contemplate how much longer the man pages groff documents will be relevant. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] ASCII Minus Sign in man Pages

2017-05-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
inally did, and \(pl and \(mi come > from the the current font per the previous paragraph, they > become redundant. > > So I remain confused. > > Doug -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] Trying to use tabs and tab stops in groff

2017-04-05 Thread Mike Bianchi
00- > .tc - > Bob Williams\t3/3/56\t(999) 555- > .fi > .P > A sentence to end the example. > > > I get a result with everything smashed together, as if the "\t"s weren't > there at all. > > Any idea what I'm doing wrong? > >

Re: [Groff] mom and toggling pagination

2016-12-07 Thread Mike Bianchi
ong ago I developed the habit of putting lines consisting of only a . wherever I wanted some white-space to help my understanding of the document content as opposed to the formated document appearance. It sometimes makes editing the groff input much easier. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-

Re: [Groff] Applying commands to all pages

2016-11-10 Thread Mike Bianchi
d.pdf or troff-revised.pdf Are you referring to the 1992 version by Brian Kernighan? THAT I can find. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] *roff for desktop publishing - is it feasible?

2016-10-26 Thread Mike Bianchi
the content. So I have used [ntg]roff all these years because I can concentrate on the content. The presentation (once I've picked and implemented a style) takes care of itself. I even use an nroff filter I wrote in the 1980s on my outgoing e-mail for exactly that reason. -- Mike

Re: [Groff] Problem with MM spacing with macro immediately after a heading (H)

2015-12-23 Thread Mike Bianchi
> .TE > or > .H 2 "Another Heading" > .DS 0 > .\" some display which needs to be done literally > . > .DE -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] Problem with MM spacing with macro immediately after a heading (H)

2015-12-23 Thread Mike Bianchi
he real fix please? > .\" Finish of example > > Regards - Damian > > Pacific Engineering Systems International, 277-279 Broadway, Glebe NSW 2037 > Ph:+61-2-8571-0847 .. Fx:+61-2-9692-9623 | unsolicited email not wanted here > Views & opinions here are mine and not those of any past or present employer > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] Groff - weird error with line spacing

2015-10-08 Thread Mike Bianchi
cat | gv /dev/stdin gv: Cannot open file /dev/stdin (No data available) cat | ( sleep 1; gv /dev/stdin ) gv: Cannot open file /dev/stdin (No data available) I suspect a funny race condition involving pipes. All my shell code using gv employ files na

Re: [Groff] Trouble switching to groff, macro gives syntax error...

2015-09-15 Thread Mike Bianchi
d i am trying to use the ".1C" macro. > > Any ideas? > > Marisa Try changing .1C to .DS and add the line .DE at the bottom. Does that get closer to what you want? -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] MIssion statement

2015-07-08 Thread Mike Bianchi
" documents they once were. Occasionally I use the hack of extracting the PostScript with pdf2ps(1) and then use ps2pdf12(1) to turn it back into PDF. I've no idea why it works; it is just a lazy get-around. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] Heirloom TBL problem

2015-06-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
, it would involve making the warning within the .PGFORM dcoumentation unnecessary. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] Heirloom TBL problem

2015-06-22 Thread Mike Bianchi
agine themselves to be experts in groff _and_ the macro packages. I am one such person, and have many sad tails to tell of my ignorance. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] calling all automake'ers ...

2015-04-18 Thread Mike Bianchi
;#ifndef foo" > print "." > next > } > > END { > print "w\nq" > } > ' >foo.ed > cat foo.ed > echo > > sed -i '/^\t=/d' foo.ed > ed -s > diff <(diff -Dfoo foo bar) && echo ok > --8<--snip-- > > It's not had much testing as I've just knocked it up, but it shows the > idea. And you might want to ditch the cpp commands and switch to > something that's nicer to handle in the rest of the script. Or maybe do > the .mk-up directly. > > Cheers, Ralph. > -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] calling all automake'ers ...

2015-04-18 Thread Mike Bianchi
Hi Mike, > > On Thu, Apr 16 2015 at 08:23:21 PM, Mike Bianchi wrote: > > I've been dealing with updates to contrib/gmkdiff within groff, and there > > is an issue that I could use some help with ... > > > > Over the years, the bash-isms of the original shell s

[Groff] calling all automake'ers ...

2015-04-16 Thread Mike Bianchi , etc. Is there any autoconf/automake guru out there willing to help me get this right? Discussion can be found at -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] Building a troff parser

2015-03-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
recursively > ├── -f ignore nonexistent files, never prompt > └── *Remove (unlink) files matching this text pattern. Are you aware of rm --help ? The --help argument is very common in commands. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] Proper Small Caps.

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
(Commentary) -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] groff_char(7): Combination of characters vs. single unicode character

2014-12-16 Thread Mike Bianchi
PostScript glyph name `notequal'. > > > I hope this helps. Patches to improve the docs are really welcome :-) Also: Could a trace option be added so the path of \[u2260] interpretation could be seen? May a tool that shows the choices when there are "equivalent" interpretations? -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] conditionals inside a table?

2014-12-05 Thread Mike Bianchi
is a device dependent measurement, which is quite small, ranging from 1/75th to 1/72000th of an ... Ens. In groff , this is half of an em. That's what I pointed you to which happens to be contained in info groff > groff.txt which is what Ralph suggested. Many roads lead to ... -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] conditionals inside a table?

2014-12-05 Thread Mike Bianchi
; . nr c1 1i > . nr c2 0.2i > . nr c3 1i > . nr c4 4i > . nr c5 3i\} > .el \{\ > . nr PS 9 > . nr c1 0.5i > . nr c2 0.01i > . nr c3 0.5i > . nr c4 2.5i > . nr c5 1.5i\} > .TS H > expand,center; >

Re: [Groff] conditionals inside a table?

2014-12-04 Thread Mike Bianchi
w(0.01i) lw(0.5i) lw(2.5i) lw(1.4i). >13 .el lw(1i) lw(0.2i) lw(1i) lw(5i) lw(3i). > > However, it seems tbl doesn't understand this: > > tbl:wish.1:12: `.' not last character on line > tbl:wish.1:12: giving up on this table > > Please advise > > T

Re: [Groff] Strange error messages from Groff 1.22.3

2014-11-21 Thread Mike Bianchi
h.article Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering I found that Go language article by Pike worth reading. Now it is a simple matter of translating Groff into Go. ;) -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] condition: OR of two string comparisons

2014-11-20 Thread Mike Bianchi
because if I've been reading code in one language for too long I forget and start misinterpreting code in other languages. It helps me make fewer mistakes and documents what I meant. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] [Heirloom] Double word space after :

2014-11-14 Thread Mike Bianchi
of its admirers. For now, I pretty much love it as it is and accept (and pride myself in sometimes mastering) its idiosyncrasies. Someday there may be a successor typesetting system where the writer thinks of the text in terms of _only_ I'm writing, and the typesetting _only_ in terms of clear rules that make it all look pretty and correct. Again, I dream. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] [Heirloom] Double word space after :

2014-11-14 Thread Mike Bianchi
hich are the reasons I prefer extra space after sentences, etc.) have nothing to do with "the rules." Sigh. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] No white space between . and PS?

2014-10-31 Thread Mike Bianchi
On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 07:13:06PM +0100, Carsten Kunze wrote: > Mike Bianchi > > It should be allowed, > > but the evidence is that pic does not see .PS and .PE as macros. > > Yes, but this is somehow an imcomplete implementation. ... For what it is worth, tbl and

Re: [Groff] new automake system

2014-10-03 Thread Mike Bianchi
ier to read because I read fast. I often copy text off of web pages and documents and run it through groff to get the double-space-after-sentence format and "reasonable" line lengths. I find it helps my reading and comprehension. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] .mk/.rt not work across a page?

2014-09-05 Thread Mike Bianchi
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 08:18:55PM +, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote: > On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 11:25:22AM -0400, Mike Bianchi wrote: > > [...] > > > > Oddly, this works as expected. > > .br > > .rs > > .nr Q \n[.ns] > > .sp |0.5i &g

Re: [Groff] .mk/.rt not work across a page?

2014-09-04 Thread Mike Bianchi
ot;no-space mode is OFF", so position of the Q = [01] text is opposite of what I expect. Am I confused about something? Oddly, this works as expected. .br .rs .nr Q \n[.ns] .sp |0.5i Q = \n[Q] Prints Q = 0 0.5 inch down from the top edge. So th

[Groff] What is the current state of Unicode support in Groff?

2014-09-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
e also published a Kindle book "Hello, World! Opinion columns from the Daily Princetonian", ... I've not kept up with the current Unicode state of groff. Any enlightenment would be appreciated. Brian is cc'ed to this email, so "Replay All". -

Re: [Groff] [Groff & Heirloom] tbl problem with backslashes

2014-09-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
On Mon, Sep 01, 2014 at 05:07:51PM +0200, Carsten Kunze wrote: > - Original Nachricht > Von: Mike Bianchi > > > In troff, the number of / characters necessary to output a single > > / character grows exponentially with macro depth. > > Ok, bu

Re: [Groff] [Groff & Heirloom] tbl problem with backslashes

2014-09-01 Thread Mike Bianchi
y with macro depth. This is why the \e escape was created: ... \e represents the current escape character. To get a backslash glyph, use \(rs or \[rs]. groff(7) Brian: I hope I represented this accurately. ;) -- Mike Bian

Re: [Groff] Reproducible dates in HTML/PDF/PS output files?

2014-08-27 Thread Mike Bianchi
is behaviour. If time stamps are just notations in the binary that _always_ show up in the same places, it should be very easy to create a map of where they are and ignore them when doing the bit-for-bit compare. -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085 http://www.Au

Re: [Groff] \[-+] not available? why?

2014-07-30 Thread Mike Bianchi
.EN > > This little thing has provoked quite some interest! This is what I like about this group! There is such depth of knowledge that we all can draw on. Is it possible to make .char \[-+] ... something that is part of the S font by default? Otherwise we are likely to revisit this in a year or two. -- Mike Bianchi

Re: [Groff] \[-+] not available? why?

2014-07-30 Thread Mike Bianchi
work ... .char \[-+] \f[S]\z+\v'-.35v'\-\v'.35v'\f[] \[-+] \[+-] -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085

Re: [Groff] Compression support for files?

2014-07-17 Thread Mike Bianchi
the pointer, Ralph! -- Mike Bianchi

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