> "Stamp out US-specific, internationally non-portable usage of ASCII > that is incompatible with Unicode, ..." > Is that something we can agree on?
I don't agree because it cannot be done. Documentation, still valuable today, was written with "US-specific, internationally non-portable usage of ASCII" and must be understood in that context. It is the very nature of history. Otherwise we burn the books and rewrite them "as they should have been written if we knew then what we know today". Again I make the case for producing a way to tie the specific font and character-code-to-glyph-graphic map to a document so it can be reproduced as the author intended. Said another way "modernise" groff to add that capability and make UTF-8 the modern character-code-to-glyph-graphic map. (Is anyone working on a UTF-8 keyboard? We have the technology. www.nkkswitches.com/nkk-smartswitch-lcd-36-x-24-pushbutton-display-enhanced-accommodate-low-voltage/ Certainly an extension keypad of programmable glyph keys would be doable!) -- Mike Bianchi Foveal Systems 973 822-2085 mbian...@foveal.com http://www.AutoAuditorium.com http://www.FovealMounts.com