[go-nuts] Re: New to Go; Saying Hello !

2018-02-23 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello! I can really relate to what you're describing. When I started programming in Go 5 years ago, I felt the same way, and I still do to this day! There are so many moments of joy and bliss that happen when working with it daily. :) Hope you continue to enjoy it too! On Friday, February 23,

[go-nuts] Re: yaml 1.1 release

2018-02-23 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Just as a heads up, this package (gopkg.in/yaml.v2) is now also affected by issue https://github.com/niemeyer/gopkg/issues/54. It wasn't one of the affected import paths a week ago. On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 2:20:22 PM UTC-5, Roger Peppe wrote: > > Of course I mean 2.1. Version two. TWO i

[go-nuts] Re: All the Go project history, live in RAM

2018-04-14 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Brad, another question. I've read the documentation at https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/build/maintner/godata, but it doesn't make it clear: is it safe/supported to have more than 1 process on one machine call godata.Get and use returned maintner.Corpus at the same time? I know each call uses th

[go-nuts] Go 1.11 Beta 3 is released

2018-08-03 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released go1.11beta3, a beta version of Go 1.11. It is cut from the master branch at the revision tagged go1.11beta3. Please try your production load tests and unit tests with the new version. Your help testing these pre-release versions is invaluable. Report any prob

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 pre-announcement

2018-12-07 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We plan to issue Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 on Wednesday, December 12 at approximately 8 pm UTC (12 pm PST, 3 pm EST). These are minor releases to fix a security issue. Following our policy at https://golang.org/security, this is the pre-announcement of those releases. Thanks, Dmitri

[go-nuts] Re: [security] Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 pre-announcement

2018-12-12 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
(12 pm PST, 3 pm EST). Thanks, Dmitri on behalf of the Go team On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 2:08 PM Dmitri Shuralyov wrote: > Hello gophers, > > We plan to issue Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 on Wednesday, December 12 at > approximately 8 pm UTC (12 pm PST, 3 pm EST). These are minor release

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 are released

2018-12-13 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hi gophers, We have just released Go 1.11.3 and Go 1.10.6 to address three recently reported security issues. We recommend that all users update to one of these releases (if you’re not sure which, choose Go 1.11.3). - cmd/go: remote command execution during "go get -u" The issue is CVE-2018

[go-nuts] Go 1.12 Beta 2 is released

2019-01-10 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released go1.12beta2, a beta version of Go 1.12. It is cut from the master branch at the revision tagged go1.12beta2. Please try your production load tests and unit tests with the new version. Your help testing these pre-release versions is invaluable. Report any prob

Re: [go-nuts] net/http: Redirect writes HTML for GET requests without setting Content-Type, how come?

2017-07-22 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
hat don't understand redirects (must be *really* old! > So the Content-Type should be set as if responding normally to a GET > request. I think Redirect should be setting Content-Type (perhaps only if > it's not already set?). > > On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 8:41 PM Dmitri Shur

Re: [go-nuts] net/http: Redirect writes HTML for GET requests without setting Content-Type, how come?

2017-09-04 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Quick followup note here. The CL that resolves this issue has been merged, and should be a part of Go 1.10 release. On Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 11:46:40 PM UTC-4, Dmitri Shuralyov wrote: > > Thanks Matt, that corroborates with my understanding too. > > I've sen

[go-nuts] Go 1.12.6 and Go 1.11.11 are released

2019-06-11 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.12.6 and 1.11.11, minor point releases. These releases include fixes to the compiler, the linker, the go command, and the crypto/x509, net/http, and os packages. View the release notes for more information: https://golang.org/doc/devel/relea

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.12.8 and Go 1.11.13 are released

2019-08-13 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hi gophers, We have just released Go 1.12.8 and Go 1.11.13 to address recently reported security issues. We recommend that all users update to one of these releases (if you’re not sure which, choose Go 1.12.8). - net/http: Denial of Service vulnerabilities in the HTTP/2 implementation n

[go-nuts] Go 1.12.9 is released

2019-08-15 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go version 1.12.9, a minor point release. This release includes fixes to the linker, and the os and math/big packages. View the release notes for more information: https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.12.minor You can download binary and source

[go-nuts] Go 1.13 is released

2019-09-03 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We just released Go 1.13. You can read the announcement blog post here: https://blog.golang.org/go1.13 You can download binary and source distributions from our download page: https://golang.org/dl/ To compile from source using a Git clone, update to the release with "git

[go-nuts] godoc (golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc) has become module-aware

2019-11-08 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, godoc , the local web server that displays documentation for Go packages (not to be confused with https://godoc.org, the website), has been updated with support for Go modules. (This was issue 33655 .) Module-awa

[go-nuts] Re: WebAssembly as a target

2016-06-18 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
I would be very interested in this. I think GopherJS has shown how compelling it can be to be able to write Go that can run in the browser. It serves as a great preview of that ability, enabling one to experiment and prototype things. But to really get the best performance, minimum file size, e

[go-nuts] Re: OS X Installer: Why modify $PATH instead of adding symbolic links to /usr/local/bin?

2016-07-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> > Can someone please explain the thinking behind this design decision? Is it > more common on Linux to have a lot of path additions instead of symbolic > links to executables? Was this something that was discussed and decided > upon by the core team or just an arbitrary decision? > I'd love

Re: [go-nuts] Re: OS X Installer: Why modify $PATH instead of adding symbolic links to /usr/local/bin?

2016-07-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> > I'd love to get a better understanding of why this choice. I have never > seen another software take this approach. As I mentioned before, I'm not familiar with the original thinking, but here are some ideas on the advantages of this approach that I can see: 1. it avoids symlinks (I don't

[go-nuts] Re: goimports has been updated

2016-07-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> > hey brad, is it possible to have a ```goimports version``` so that we know > what versions we currently have? I suggest using the command: go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports The -v flag will print packages that are rebuilt. If the output is empty, that means you already had th

[go-nuts] Re: $GOPTAH/bin and $PATH

2017-02-02 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Yes, it is. As far as I know, everybody does it and/or expects you to. Unless you have some specific reason not to. On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 5:31:32 AM UTC-5, adrian...@hushmail.com wrote: > > Gophers, > > Is it idiomatic to add $GOPTAH/bin to $PATH in order access a Go > executable

[go-nuts] Re: Building with "go install" vs "go build"

2017-04-17 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> > Are there more that I'm unaware of? > go get. It downloads source and follows it up with go install. Are some preferred in certain circumstances > The three ways you listed are similar but not equivalent, they have subtle differences in behavior. Use whatever is a better fit for your needs

[go-nuts] Re: All the Go project history, live in RAM

2017-05-18 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> > The data is generally under 1 second behind reality, thanks to the > webhook+incoming-SMTP server we run now at https://pubsubhelper.golang.org/ > to get updates from GitHub & Gerrit. > Just a quick implementation question related to that. I understand you use Webhooks to get data from Git

[go-nuts] Re: All the Go project history, live in RAM

2017-05-18 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Another small question. https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/build/maintner#GerritProject.Server says: > Server returns the Gerrit server, such as "go.googlesource.com". I thought that go.googlesource.com was a Gitiles server, and go-review.googlesource.com is where the Gerrit server is (according t

[go-nuts] Re: go1.8 and json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)

2017-05-23 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Relevant: https://github.com/google/go-github/pull/317 See the discussion and the CLs to Go std lib that Brad sent out as a result. On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 8:34:03 AM UTC-4, John Shahid wrote: > > Hi all, > > Some background, we (CloudFoundry) noticed some weird behavior after > upgrading f

[go-nuts] [ANN] githubql—a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4

2017-05-31 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
This package is very new, I've just created it a few days ago after a week of research and prototyping. Feedback is welcome. If you're interested in the details of its design evolution and the various approaches I've considered, I wrote a lengthy comment at https://github.com/google/go-github/i

[go-nuts] Re: [ANN] githubql—a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4

2017-05-31 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Wow, it would probably help if I linked to the actual package (although it seems Google-able from the name alone): https://github.com/shurcooL/githubql On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-4, Dmitri Shuralyov wrote: > > This package is very new, I've just created it a f

[go-nuts] net/http: Redirect writes HTML for GET requests without setting Content-Type, how come?

2017-07-18 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
I've written a little middleware to help catch instances where I write some content in an HTTP handler, but forget to set the Content-Type header. I prefer to always set it to avoid forcing the browser to guess. It feels good and produces more predictable results. I've noticed some of my redire

[go-nuts] Re: godoc.org - Internal server error

2020-01-19 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Thanks for reporting. There's a GitHub issue tracking this, see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36642#issuecomment-576044533. On Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 12:47:33 PM UTC-5, Steven Hartland wrote: > > Looks like somethings wrong with godoc.org atm, not sure who maintains > this as every p

Re: [go-nuts] Re: Go 1.14.1 and Go 1.13.9 are released

2020-03-19 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
To add to what Ian said, I've edited the issue titles now, which makes them slightly shorter and easier to read. Also see https://golang.org/doc/faq#go_or_golang. While the language is called "Go", the term "golang" still comes up occasionally in some contexts. On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 5

[go-nuts] Go 1.14.4 and Go 1.13.12 are released

2020-06-01 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.14.4 and 1.13.12, minor point releases. These releases include fixes to the go doc command, the runtime, and the encoding/json, go/types, math/big, and os packages. View the release notes for more information: https://golang.org/doc/devel/re

[go-nuts] Go 1.15.2 and Go 1.14.9 are released

2020-09-09 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.15.2 and 1.14.9, minor point releases. View the release notes for more information: https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.15.minor You can download binary and source distributions from the Go web site: https://golang.org/dl/ To

[go-nuts] Re: possible inconsistency in the embed package documentation

2021-01-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
I think both are needed, they don't overlap. Note that the second phrase says "must not contain '.' or '..' path *elements*", emphasis them being a complete path element. So "./git" is disallowed by the second phrase, but ".git" is not. On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 1:10:47 PM UTC-5 manlio..

Re: [go-nuts] possible inconsistency in the embed package documentation

2021-01-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Directories named testdata are included in the module; they're needed for tests to run. The most important thing that's left out are subdirectories that contain a go.mod file, since the content of such directories is a different module. Some good places to look for full details include https:/

Re: [go-nuts] possible inconsistency in the embed package documentation

2021-01-16 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
It gets pretty subtle. The ".git" directories aren't included in module zips by the go command (I don't know if this is documented anywhere, but it's very sensible behavior), but they aren't disallowed. A custom module zip may include a ".foo", "_foo", or even ".git" directory with files. In th

Re: [go-nuts] possible inconsistency in the embed package documentation

2021-01-22 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
> Consider the case where example.com/m1/nested is not a separate module. > Due to the rule of "Patterns must not contain ‘.’ or ‘..’ path elements", the nested package can not embed, as an example, the LICENSE file from the example.com/m1 package. > The LICENSE file is not outside the nested pac

[go-nuts] Go 1.16.3 and Go 1.15.11 are released

2021-04-01 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.16.3 and 1.15.11, minor point releases. View the release notes for more information: https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#go1.16.minor You can download binary and source distributions from the Go web site: https://golang.org/dl/ To

[go-nuts] Go 1.17 Beta 1 is released

2021-06-10 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released go1.17beta1, a beta version of Go 1.17. It is cut from the master branch at the revision tagged go1.17beta1. Please try your production load tests and unit tests with the new version. Your help testing these pre-release versions is invaluable. Report any prob

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.16.6 and Go 1.15.14 are released

2021-07-12 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.16.6 and 1.15.14, minor point releases. These minor releases include a security fix according to the new security policy (#44918 ). crypto/tls clients can panic when provided a certificate of the wrong type for th

[go-nuts] Go 1.18 Release Candidate 1 is released

2022-02-17 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released go1.18rc1, a release candidate version of Go 1.18. It is cut from release-branch.go1.18 at the revision tagged go1.18rc1. Please try your production load tests and unit tests with the new version. Your help testing these pre-release versions is invaluable. Re

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.18.1 and Go 1.17.9 are released

2022-04-12 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.18.1 and 1.17.9, minor point releases. These minor releases include three security fixes following the security policy: - encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode A large (more than 5 MB) PEM input can cause a stack overflow in Decode,

[go-nuts] [security] Go 1.18.3 and Go 1.17.11 are released

2022-06-01 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released Go versions 1.18.3 and 1.17.11, minor point releases. These minor releases include 4 security fixes following the security policy : - crypto/rand: rand.Read hangs with extremely large buffers On Windows, rand.Read will hang ind

Re: [go-nuts] [security] Go 1.18.3 and Go 1.17.11 are released

2022-06-01 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
e is published. Thanks, Dmitri On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 5:12:53 PM UTC-4 ja...@kastelo.net wrote: > On 1 Jun 2022, at 22:58, Dmitri Shuralyov wrote: > > > Hello gophers, > > We have just released Go versions 1.18.3 and 1.17.11, minor point releases. > > These min

[go-nuts] Re: why no archive distribution for darwin 1.20.1?

2023-02-14 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
The .tar.gz files are there as usual. They didn't show earlier up due to a caching bug on the download page (https://go.dev/issue/58527). Thanks for spotting this. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 1:51:57 PM UTC-5 m...@xoba.com wrote: > on https://go.dev/dl/ i only see the packaged version this

[go-nuts] Go 1.21 Release Candidate 2 is released

2023-06-21 Thread Dmitri Shuralyov
Hello gophers, We have just released go1.21rc2, a release candidate version of Go 1.21. It is cut from release-branch.go1.21 at the revision tagged go1.21rc2. (An earlier revision was tagged go1.21rc1, but a bug found after tagging prevented its release process from completing.) Please try your p