I unable to find a flag from corresponds to -cover in the result returned
from debug.buildInfo
On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 10:51:33 PM UTC+5:30 Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
> runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo is a good source of truth:
> $ strings bin/godeb|grep '^build\s'
> build -buildmode=exe
> build
Your test is benchmarking int->any conversions more than it is testing the
underlying modulo/mask difference.
When you pass an integer to Enqueue, it is converted to any, which
(usually) involves an allocation. That will swamp the cost of any single
arithmetic operation.
There are a few ways to
Arrays are arrays regardless of what they're arrays of. So it would be
strange for arrays of certain things to have properties that other
arrays don't have and bitwise ops don't make sense for arrays of, say,
Also some processors support these sizes natively but wouldn't support
a [4096]b
I need to pass value of struct type, which has C strings and functions to C
function as void* argument. C layer would provide this struct type data
back to go function. Below is the sample program. It panics if the handle
used is returned from getH function. It works fine if the handle is