I need to pass value of struct type, which has C strings and functions to C 
function as void* argument.  C layer would provide this struct type data 
back to go function. Below is the sample program. It panics if the handle 
used is returned from getH function. It works fine if the handle is global. 
Can the handle be dynamically returned from getH and make it work. Please 
correct if i missed something..

package main

struct dt {
  void *context;
typedef struct dt dt;

extern void MyGoPrint(void *context);
static inline void myprint(struct dt *a1) {
import "C"
import (

//export MyGoPrint
func MyGoPrint(context unsafe.Pointer) {
h := *(*cgo.Handle)(context)
val := h.Value().(accessTokenCB)

type At struct {
Tok string

type accessTokenCB struct {
ctx         context.Context
callback    func(context.Context, *At) error
id          uint64
ctoken      *C.char
cprivateKey *C.char

func getH() cgo.Handle {
cb := func(ctx context.Context, tok *At) error {
tok.Tok = "123"
return nil
val := accessTokenCB{callback: cb, ctx: context.Background(), id: 32, 
ctoken: nil, cprivateKey: nil}
h := cgo.NewHandle(val)
return h


var h cgo.Handle

func main() {
var h cgo.Handle // commenting this line runs the program successfully else 
it panics. (cgo argument has Go pointer to unpinned Go pointer)
h = getH()
var poolCt C.dt
poolCt.context = unsafe.Pointer(&h)
// Output: 32

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