Thanks TheDiveO, I will double check.
On Wednesday 3 January 2024 at 22:50:47 UTC+8 Rulin Tang wrote:
> Try it again. And this time it works to build the new Go version. But the
> debug message doesn't show. Not sure this is the expected result or not.
> On Wednesday 3 January 2024 at 00:45:12
Note that just because there was a unit test failure doesn't mean the Go
toolchain you built is not working. all.bash runs make.bash followed by
run.bash. If I remember correctly, and if things haven't changed
drastically since the last time I did it, the only required step for a
usable toolcha
I am wondering if Type Parameter embedding is something that is likely to
happen ? e.g.:
type Nullable[T any] struct {
valid bool
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I think the reason this has not happened is that it makes code using such a
type invalid, depending on the type-argument - in ways not captured by the
constraint. For example:
type X[T any] struct {
func main() {
var x X[int]
x.Read // definitely refers to X.