quot;don't blow
up", while it's very easy for code that uses generics to "blow up".
It is unclear whether this property will continue to hold if we
introduce abstraction over type constructors.
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Congratulations on solving the halting problem!
PS: use defer otherwise you aren't panic-safe.
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it is purely existential. In fact, if one only wants plain
| ADTs, generics are not needed at all. Go can encode sum
| types, and was always able to.
You will need Go tip to compile this.
Aram Hăvărneanu
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For this type of thing I'd recommend a debugger.
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I hope so.
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Start with go/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax and go from there.
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subscribe to that idea.
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Window's font rendering is simply wrong. Linux's is very similar to macOS's.
I tried the Go fonts in acme, but reverted to Lucida Grande.
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The solaris/sparc64 Go port project has been discontinued until further notice.
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I can guess that you are building a mac binary and then try to run it on Linux.
You need to cross-compile your binary for linux/amd64:
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build foo.
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ese files could be guarded by build-tags, so old compilers ignore
them, just like how old compilers ignore the go.mod file.
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support function return we would have to change the Go calling
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rs in the
generated C kernel driver (whtout mangling), which then didn't even
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m to be productive
time. Sorry.
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For more op
And certainly neither Google Go nor Google golang.
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> nitpick. os3_solaris.go.go set stack size by itself, instead of
> using default one. is it intentional?
You mean why does it explicitely ask for a 2MB stack when 2MB stacks
are the default? I can't remember the exact reason I did that but
it was a workaround for some sort of bug
don't seem to force external
linking, but I am not sure whether internal linking is supposed to
work or not.
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The good parts.
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Because in Go general purpose registers are caller save.
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What's the question?
Go works on Solaris 11 and later only (including illumos). It does not
work on Solaris 10 and likely never will because Solaris 10 lacks
event ports.
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go get ibm.com/mainframe
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nfirm that the conversion done by fontsrv
(using either FreeType or Quartz) is not great.
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ard-compatible this way) .
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For m
internal or external linking.
CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=sparcv9-solaris2.12-gcc GOOS=solaris GOARCH=sparc64 go
build -ldflags='-linkmode=external' foo
If I were you, I would rather find a way to build natively.
Aram Hăvărneanu
You received this message because you are subscribed to
re assembly than Go these days, and I never have a problem
with the lack of this mapping.
That being said, for sparc64 there is indeed a much better documented mapping.
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Hi Matt,
There isn't any such document, but you can read the source code or use objdump.
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mmunity for every type of
individual. It does not mean you have the right to delete it.
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Hey, I have a better idea, why not delete golang.org, and the Go
language itself? After all, it is hosted on Google servers, and Google
engages in unethical and illegal behavior:
Aram Hăvărneanu
need to decide what to do with /r/golang
> (make it private, delete it, pass on ownership and request that
> it be labeled unofficial in the sidebar, etc).
Pass it on to whoever, and make it clear in the sidebar that this is
not officially associated with the Go project.
Aram Hăvărneanu
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 4:41 AM, Caleb Spare wrote:
> Aram gave me the idea of using //go:linkname as a hacky workaround;
> this doesn't work within a single package
What do you mean exactly? It works here, in fact, I use this.
Aram Hăvărneanu
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They used to be supported but I think I dropped them with the old C assembler.
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2) someone who realized the thief's command of the
English language is so poor, he cannot be understood.
Thank you.
PS: I suspect it's the thief himself who reported me to your
organization, and because your extrajudicial court works so well,
you have managed to sentence t
/rc4 0.008s
ok crypto/rsa 0.002s
ok crypto/sha1 0.003s
ok crypto/sha256 0.004s
ok crypto/sha512 0.006s
ok crypto/subtle 0.008s
ok crypto/x509 0.002s
? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files]
: emerald:aram;
Aram Hăvărneanu
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ith the linker, and success is a binary that just exits
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> Also, bytes.Replace already exists.
Also, slice lengths are signed integers, not unsigned integers. I
suggest you familiarize more with slices before suggest these
Aram Hăvărneanu
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y exists.
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You can't use fork in multithreaded programs (except to call exec),
and all Go programs are multithreaded.
You can use os/exec to start new programs, however.
Aram Hăvărneanu
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d and processed by a single program, however the assembly
code required for each target is very different.
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uthority over this, but believe it is wrong. The
control structure appeared in Tony Hoare's communicating sequential
processes, and it is present in Go's predecessors developed at Bell
Labs. It's present (at least) in Squeak (although that used the
original CSP, not the revised versi
After all, that
is how they were originally generated, before Go ran on that
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g is possible, it's just software.
Some people thing everything is feasible too, that's the problem with
our industry; however, in this case what you describe is very
I have semi-concrete plans for such a port after I am done with
sparc64 and arm64 SSA.
Aram Hăvărne
You might also be interested in
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -gcflags='-S' foo
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -gcflags='-S' -asmflags='-S' foo
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On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 4:37 AM, gaurav wrote:
> Please let me know if there is something I have missed to read regarding
> this or if there is already a way to achieve this?
There is not.
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On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Jingguo Yao wrote:
> Could you point out where you find the format information?
As far as I know, it is not formally documented anywhere (and can
change at any time).
Aram Hăvărneanu
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> What is the meaning of +0x2d following the line number?
The address of the assembly instruction relative to the start of the function.
> And what is the meanings of the numbers in
> Commit(0xc8201a86e0, 0x0, 0x0)?
Those are the function arguments.
Aram Hăvărneanu
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