The disconnect between what the Go team acting as moderators think
about themselves, and what the reddit thinks about the moderator is
disconcerting, and it proves that these people are the wrong people
for the job.

Because some guy (not associated with either Go or /r/golang) abused
his power, their solution is to abuse **their** moderator powers to
nuke /r/golang from orbit (shit, who cares about the 25k+ people
there, let's not even inform them). Wow.

A moderator is a servant to a community and answers to it. He is not
the *owner* of a community. His job is to remove spam and ban
spammers, not to delete reddits.

You are not the owners of /r/golang. The people there are. You are
some guys hired to do a job. If you don't want it anymore, no problem,
I'm sure there are plenty of candidate replacements. If you don't like
/r/golang, no problem, there's a community for every type of
individual. It does not mean you have the right to delete it.

Aram Hăvărneanu

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