Decrypting symmetrically encrypted text in Command Line (CL) results in error message?

2013-11-27 Thread Sin Trenton
even there, I think? The END PGP MESSAGE line disappears here as well and the first failed attempt for the passphrase happened without my input too. >gpg gpg: Go ahead and type your message ... -BEGIN PGP MESSAGE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (MingW32) hQIMA [snip] /HaL1 =

Future inclusion of Threefish in Gnupg?

2014-05-14 Thread Sin Trenton
Hello everyone, Just out of curiousity, are there any plans for including Threefish into GnuPG? Or does it have to be incorprorated into the OpenPGP standard first and *then* perhaps baked into GnuPG? In simple curiousity and because I have a soft spot for Twofish[1] Sin Trenton [1] Soft

Re: Future inclusion of Threefish in Gnupg?

2014-05-15 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2014-05-14 21:40, David Shaw wrote: On May 14, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Sin Trenton wrote: Hello everyone, Just out of curiousity, are there any plans for including Threefish into GnuPG? Or does it have to be incorprorated into the OpenPGP standard first and *then* perhaps baked into GnuPG

Future of GnuPG 1.x.x?

2012-08-04 Thread Sin Trenton
Hello everyone, My preferred flavour of GnuPG tends to be commandline 1.4.x (I use Ubuntu on one comp, but the others are WinXP), even if I also have Thunderbird/Enigmail, as well. It suits my needs and I have established routines for using it. However, while rummaging through the archiveson t

Re: Future of GnuPG 1.x.x?

2012-08-15 Thread Sin Trenton
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Hello everyone, Sorry I haven't responed earlier, summer, life and all that, but thank you for all your input. Haven't completely solved the thing about ANSI vs UTF-8 / OpenPGP/Enigmail/commandline etc signing, but we who use UTF-8 as default us

Re: how vulnerable is "hidden-encrypt-to"

2012-08-20 Thread Sin Trenton
> = > > The one sending the message really is in control here ;-) > The sender can use hidden encrypt to ANY public key. > > i.e. if Alice is sending the message and wants to hide her > identity, > nothing prevents her from using throw-keyid with Bob's public key > instead of her own, or NI

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 107, Issue 24

2012-08-28 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2012-08-28 08:52, wrote: > Message: 3 > Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:48:54 -0700 > From: > To: > Subject: Can IPAD or Android Tablets create Keys and use gnupg > Message-ID: <> > C

Re: Can IPAD or Android Tablets create Keys and use gnupg

2012-08-28 Thread Sin Trenton
Sorry, forgot to change the subject line. Running digestive mode for a bit here. BR Sin T. ___ Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: new release of GPA

2012-10-29 Thread Sin Trenton
> Just because "you" have decided to cherry pick your definition of the > English word "free" does not make it more or less so. The word not only > can be used to mean "unconstrained", such as you seem to want, but it > can, and in fact more commonly does, also mean "obtainable without any > payme

Re: new release of GPA

2012-10-31 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2012-10-30, wrote: > Thank You WK and all the gnupg support staff, > for developing it, allowing it to be easily downloaded, > and actively maintaining it and improving it!!! May I concur with the former speaker, One, huge, great, amazed Thank You to WK and all contributors

Re: OpenPGP goes TV in Germany

2013-07-13 Thread Sin Trenton
Hello, this may be interesting for some of the readers of this list: Monday and Wednesday next week (15th, 17th) my OpenPGP course at Berlin Linux User Group will be visited by three or four German TV crews plus one Ukrainian. So you at least do

Re: OpenPGP goes TV in Germany

2013-07-14 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2013-07-14 11:31, Julian H. Stacey wrote: Hi Sin Trenton cc Please fix you auto indent which failed to prefix "> " to Hauke Laging's post. Cheers, Julian Hi Julian H. Stacey I suspected it would muck up, though I wasn't sure. Unfortunately I

Re: Several master keys vs. master key ,and subkeys

2013-07-16 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2013-07-16 10:52, wrote: Message: 2 > Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:09:38 +0200 > From: Werner Koch > To: Martin > Cc: Subject: Re: Several master keys vs. master key and subkeys > Message-ID: <> Content-T

Re: Several master keys vs. master key ,and subkeys

2013-07-16 Thread Sin Trenton
On 2013-07-16 15:32, Werner Koch wrote: You have a version B of your key, with a different password than version A (where the primary key is still present)? Not that one particular subkey per se has a different password? Usually this does not happen because GnuPG < 2.1 has no feature to merge