
this may be interesting for some of the readers of this list:

Monday and Wednesday next week (15th, 17th) my OpenPGP course at Berlin
Linux User Group


will be visited by three or four German TV crews plus one Ukrainian. So you
at least don't have to be (too) afraid that technical nonsense gets
broadcasted... ;-)

The first report will be on air in the ARD Nachtmagazin on Monday, part of
the tagesthemen probably the next day. I do not know yet when N24 and ZDF
are going to broadcast this. But I will announce that when I know it here:

The rather strange reason for that is that they actually wanted to shoot at
Cryptoparties but their paranoid organisers (slightly misunderstanding
their own aim of making the general public familiar with crypto) didn't
allow that.

We jump at the chance and change my "once per month with small group"
OpenPGP-only event to a complete Cryptoparty offer with one real event per
week (with rotating subjects, only one per event).

Furthermore we (or at least me for OpenPGP) will offer to teach future
instructors for other events and offer them to gain (supervised) experience
with our course before they give one on their own. This should help getting
more people willing (and qualified) to do that.

Obviously I am not really neutral in this assessment but I consider OpenPGP
the lead technology for making the public familiar with all the Cryptoparty
stuff (crypto on the one hand, anonymization on the other).

I will use the remaining time to improve my site
http://www.openpgp-schulungen. de/But anyone who understands German is
invited to have a look at it and make suggestions for improvements befor it
gets hit by the big wave next week...

Heading at ten million OpenPGP users in Germany in ten years...



As a Scandinavian living just slightly east of Österreich, I can only say
"Viel Glück!" :)
Will check what I can see online, locally by one of those soon to be
criminal as well as for now, strangely legal services, like VPN. :)
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