On 5/5/22 01:11, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:
> Lars Noodén via Gnupg-users wrote:
>> A removable hard drive might be an option, if the storage time
>> is less than a decade and there are decent storage conditions
>> in regards to chemicals, temperature, humidity, and so on. Flash
>> memory seems to lo
I think, paper tapes as in the years 70 would be the best media for this
Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
Peace instead of NATO! Мир вместо НАТО! Frieden statt NATO! ¡Paz en vez
Matthias Apitz wrote:
> I think, paper tapes as in the years 70 would be the best media for this
> approach.
Paper tape had a high error rate (& tear rate). It chaffed & built
dirt on reader, & absorbed finger grease & misread whether optical
or capacitive readers. Mylar (plastic) was better, str
So I guess all that leaves us with at this point is laser welded
inscriptions onto a block of metal, installed backwards as the cornerstone
of the next monument being preserved by a historic society.
It’ll be the next iteration of 3D printing: MIaaB (Metal Inscriptions as a
Whole buildin
Lars Noodén via Gnupg-users wrote:
On 5/5/22 01:11, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:
> Lars Noodén via Gnupg-users wrote:
>> A removable hard drive might be an option, if the storage time
>> is less than a decade and there are decent storage conditions
>> in regards to chemicals, temperature, humidity, and
The EEPROM notes are intriguing to me, and if that's an option you're
considering, I went ahead and tossed up some old code onto a gist if you're
interested. It's a crude example of storing PGP private key in flash (vs.
SRAM) using a little PROGMEM hack for the Arduino Uno:
Sorry for the lame tracking links; that's apparently a setting
automatically enabled by SendGrid which I'm using to send out on my custom
email domain. Hopefully they're disabled now and below are showing the
original URLs as I had pasted them, else I give up, lol.