Re: automating gnupg decryption

2005-11-11 Thread Tracy D. Bossong
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('Date/t') Do Set DTE=%%d%%b%%c set DTE=%DTE:~-6% That will help you with your date issues, but for Windows scripting, you may want to search alt.msdos.batch.nt I could help you by writing the script, but think you might appeciate it more if you did it yoursel

Re: automating gnupg decryption

2005-11-11 Thread John Maher
Sean, in Linux you could create a script file (e.g., decrypt_file) that would do the following: gpg --output "$1_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`" --decrypt $1 If you ran the script by specifying at the end the name of file to decrypt (i.e., "decrypt_file encrypted.gpg"), then it would create a decrypted

automating gnupg decryption

2005-11-11 Thread Sean Cerney
Hello All, I am using gnupg to decrypt files that are imported to us daily. These are xml files. I use GnuPG in a Windows environment. i'm trying to find the right command line code to use to automate the decryption of these files. I can enter the following code: gpg --output (pathname)\