for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('Date/t') Do Set
set DTE=%DTE:~-6%

That will help you with your date issues, but for
Windows scripting, you may want to search

I could help you by writing the script, but think you
might appeciate it more if you did it yourself and
researched it on usenet.

Best of luck.

--- Sean Cerney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am using gnupg to decrypt files that are imported
> to us daily.  These are 
> xml files.  I use GnuPG in a Windows environment.
> i'm trying to find the right command line code to
> use to automate the 
> decryption of these files.
> I can enter the following code:
> gpg --output (pathname)\(desired output name)
> --decrypt (pathname)\*.xml.pgp
> where *.xml.pgp is any decrypted xml file in my
> folder.
> my question is:  can I automate gpg to assign a
> unique name to the OUTPUT 
> file (such as 11_05.xml, etc.) instead of manually
> entering a name each 
> time?
> thanks for any help.
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