On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 05:05:50PM -0300, Faramir wrote:
> Hello!
> I while ago, there was some talk about Paperkey, and John Clizbe
> was very kind and sent me the binary file compiled for ms-windows.
> Today, in other list, I saw a question about "what about windows users?"
I'm gearing up
David Shaw wrote the following on 1/10/09 9:54 AM:
> Just do
> plain ./configure and let it figure out what options to use.
Thanks, I figured that should be way to go, but I wanted to have an
expert opinion.
> As a general rule (for paperkey and really most programs), you just
On Jan 10, 2009, at 1:22 AM, Charly Avital wrote:
A couple of days ago, I compiled the source code (with the flags
indicated in your paperkey homepage), for a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo
running MacOSX 10.5.6 (code named Leopard). I passed on the compiling
information to other Mac Users.
I used th
2009/1/10 Charly Avital :
> A couple of days ago, I compiled the source code (with the flags
> indicated in your paperkey homepage), for a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo
> running MacOSX 10.5.6 (code named Leopard). I passed on the compiling
> information to other Mac Users.
> I used the flags you indi
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David Shaw wrote the following on 1/9/09 8:15 PM:
> It is absolutely ok and encouraged to send paperkey to whoever wants
> it. There are various ways to comply with the license (the GPL), but
> one easy way is to do what you suggest and send
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If it is that questionable for anyone, you can always refer them back
to the homepage to get the original source.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: http://getfi
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 05:05:50PM -0300, Faramir wrote:
> Hello!
> I while ago, there was some talk about Paperkey, and John Clizbe
> was very kind and sent me the binary file compiled for ms-windows.
> Today, in other list, I saw a question about "what about windows users?"
> and paperkey,
Faramir wrote:
> If I understood the license the right way, I can send it, as long as
> I include the source code...
Not quite. The GPL doesn't require you to give source with the binary.
It just requires that if you give someone a binary, you make sure they
know they can also get the source fro
Hash: SHA256
I while ago, there was some talk about Paperkey, and John Clizbe
was very kind and sent me the binary file compiled for ms-windows.
Today, in other list, I saw a question about "what about windows users?"
and paperkey, so, I wanted to as