2009/1/10 Charly Avital <shavi...@mac.com>:
> A couple of days ago, I compiled the source code (with the flags
> indicated in your paperkey homepage), for a MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo
> running MacOSX 10.5.6 (code named Leopard). I passed on the compiling
> information to other Mac Users.
> I used the flags you indicated for a universal binary:
> ./configure CFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386" --disable-dependency-tracking

Unless you're distributing the binary, I wouldn't bother building a
Universal Binary - it'll just add unnecessary bloat that your machine
will never use.

> Questions:
> - - which should be the required flags for an Intel Core 2 Duo processor,
> only?
> - - ditto for Linux Ubuntu 8.10_64-bits?

In general, it should only be necessary to run the configure script -
that should pick up all the required flags.

Take care,


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