Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transaction Posting Order

2021-10-01 Thread Stan Brown
ter versions.) Another possibility is simply to let the transactions appear, and then assign numbers to the new posted transactions. GC will display transactions in Num order. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] email seems so crude 30 years after MULTICS forums.

2021-10-07 Thread Stan Brown
mail programs do a not-awful job of as Usenet clients.) But Google set out to kill it 15 or 20 years ago, and has nearly completely done so. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list

Re: [GNC] email seems so crude 30 years after MULTICS forums.

2021-10-08 Thread Stan Brown
Anyone could start a GnuCash group, but I wouldn't do it without some level of consensus in the mailing list.) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucas

Re: [GNC] email seems so crude 30 years after MULTICS forums.

2021-10-08 Thread Stan Brown
t answers getting corrected fairly quickly. Quite often when I google a technical question a StackExchange is near the top of results, and it's nearly always helpful. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

Re: [GNC] Default Accounting period permanent change (Ver 4.6 still..)

2021-10-09 Thread Stan Brown
rs. Corporations and other businesses can have any fiscal year they like, for accounting purposes or tax purposes or both. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnuc

Re: [GNC] Can I reverse the "deposit" and "withdrawal" columns for checkbook entry?

2021-10-16 Thread Stan Brown
the columns in your checkbook register. However ... do you actually need a paper checkbook register? Isn't that just duplicating your checking account records in GnuCash? -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Double entry bookkeeping for purchases to be paid at later date

2021-11-07 Thread Stan Brown
ays 11 Dec". Some people choose to record the transaction right away, but as a future transaction. I do it the way I do so that my account balance on my books is decreased immediately, and therefore I never run the risk of being accidentally overdrawn. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi,

Re: [GNC] RFE: GnuCash's File> Properties menubar item

2021-11-10 Thread Stan Brown
Why not change the MRU list to show location, not just file name. That would avoid a lot of confusion for some of us. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2021-11-10 05:36, David Carlson wrote: > For some other programs' files the eq

Re: [GNC] RFE: GnuCash's File> Properties menubar item

2021-11-10 Thread Stan Brown
On 2021-11-10 09:18, Geert Janssens wrote: > Op woensdag 10 november 2021 15:34:39 CET schreef Stan Brown: > >> Why not change the MRU list to show location, not just file name. That >> would avoid a lot of confusion for some of us. > > For that reason GnuCash has opt

Re: [GNC] changing accounts?

2021-11-11 Thread Stan Brown
r that you are in when you perform the search. The search results will open in a new register.) 3. If your transactions have more than two splits each, Select View » Auto-Split Ledger or Transaction Journal. This will save clicking the split button for each of them. 4. Click into each tr

Re: [GNC] How to record accrued interest

2021-12-02 Thread Stan Brown
thing about European regulations that may exist for accounting. However, since this is for your personal use, I don't think those regulations would matter anyway. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2021-12-02 10:59, Mattia Rizzolo wrote: > Hi! > > I'd like a s

Re: [GNC] Where would enter revenue that could be paid to shareholders?

2021-12-05 Thread Stan Brown
h/bank in a single transaction. On the other hand, if the dividend is announced in advance of payment, there would be one transaction at the time of announcement debiting equity and crediting a liability, then a second transaction at the time of payment debiting that liability and crediting cash/ba

Re: [GNC] Directors loan - do I need an expense account?

2021-12-09 Thread Stan Brown
u shouldn't set it up as a bill, because it isn't one. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.gnuca

Re: [GNC] Directors loan - do I need an expense account?

2021-12-09 Thread Stan Brown
unt" -- that seems pretty clear to me that the company is lending the director money, not the other way round. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update you

Re: [GNC] Directors loan - do I need an expense account?

2021-12-09 Thread Stan Brown
ank and a liability to you. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Error when editing transfer for transaction

2021-12-12 Thread Stan Brown
Can I make a plea for a very welcome enhancement? Instead of "in another register", name the register, e.,g. "in the Cash and Banks register". It shouldn't be too much work, and would make things a lot easier for users. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://BrownM

Re: [GNC] Changing the amount of data displayed

2021-12-26 Thread Stan Brown
erts to 30 days the next time you open General Ledger, in the same session of GC or in a new session. Has that bug not yet been fixed in GC 4.x? -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash

Re: [GNC] Changing the amount of data displayed

2021-12-26 Thread Stan Brown
Thanks, Adrien. I've been delaying upgrading, but that's definitely a point in favor of it. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2021-12-26 12:43, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > I just tested and Save Filter works as of 4.7 for sure, mileage may vary > on

Re: [GNC] Short-Term Capital Gains question - Entering Mutual Fund or EFT Distribution

2022-01-21 Thread Stan Brown
utual Fund or EFT Distribution Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 16:06:36 -0800 From: Stan Brown To: Art Chimes On 2022-01-21 10:42, Art Chimes wrote: > This confuses many people because for tax purposes the STCG amounts are > lumped in with dividends on Schedule B, as opposed to Schedule D, &

Re: [GNC] Adding late charges to a vendor bill after posting?

2022-01-30 Thread Stan Brown
record it as above. > Asking for a friend Uh-huh. _Sure_ you are. :-) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.

Re: [GNC] Canadian Mortgage

2022-01-31 Thread Stan Brown
el workbook. That's just a minor inconvenience, so I haven't felt motivated to spend time tweaking the scheduled transaction. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To updat

Re: [GNC] Possible to display two account registers on screen?

2022-02-03 Thread Stan Brown
register will be moved to a "floating" window separate from the main GC window. Then you can bring up the other register in the main GC window. You can edit either register, but don't try to edit one register while there's an incomplete transaction in the other r

Re: [GNC] Possible to display two account registers on

2022-02-04 Thread Stan Brown
ay have been added in a later GC version, but for me when I double-click on an account in the Accounts page that account's register opens in a new tab in the same window as the Accounts page. I don't find any selection for that behavior in Preferences. Yes, I'm running GC in Windows 10

Re: [GNC] mortgage calculator

2022-02-18 Thread Stan Brown
transaction with the credit amount for Cash and Banks filled in, and the debit amounts for Mortgage and Interest blank. Since I always review scheduled transactions when they pop up, I add the amounts at that time. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Can't play log files

2022-02-20 Thread Stan Brown
l have > to start from scratch and rebuild my Bookkeeping system unless I can learn > what I am doing wrong. Why do you need to import your log files? Your data file should have everything in it. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] Profit & Retained Earning don't match

2022-02-25 Thread Stan Brown
rack in a saved report of how accounts were selected. If the selection was by a hierarchy rather than individual accounts, GC could then automatically include all accounts within that hierarchy when running the saved report. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA,

Re: [GNC] Profit & Retained Earning don't match

2022-02-25 Thread Stan Brown
I was trying to suggest, but you stated it much more clearly! -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.gnuca

Re: [GNC] Report unreliable (invalid totals)

2022-02-27 Thread Stan Brown
ect the second option, with number of months set to 1. I'm way behind, with GC 2.6.19, but I can't imagine that option would have been removed in later versions. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user m

Re: [GNC] Automatic sales tax

2022-02-28 Thread Stan Brown
county, and there's no credit if you take the goods back to your home in a lower-tax county. > When they pay that on their state return, they can claim > credit for the sales tax (if any) already paid for that thing to state B. Maybe. Some states don't allow it, or allow it only

Re: [GNC] IRA/401K income detection

2022-03-10 Thread Stan Brown
ame query twice in quick succession. Wait a reasonable time before assuming the list didn't receive your email. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription

Re: [GNC] IRA/401K income detection

2022-03-10 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-03-10 11:08, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user wrote: > When I move money from an IRA or 401K account to my bank account and the tax man, that is all a taxable distribution, but GNUCash mostly sees a transfer. How do I capture the income? > On 3/10/2022 2:15 PM, Stan Brown

Re: [GNC] IRA/401K income detection

2022-03-16 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-03-16 07:48, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user wrote: > Equity might be a better place for the IRA/401K, since it is an asset If it's an asset (and I agree that it is), then I submit that Assets is the best place for it! -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Brown

Re: [GNC] IRA/401K income detection

2022-03-16 Thread Stan Brown
record as the above simple 2-split transaction, in which case taxes are tidied up later when the income tax is paid, or as a four-way split: Debit: Assets:Cash/Banks Credit: Assets:IRA Credit: Liability:Taxes payable Debit: Expenses:Income tax -- Stan Brown Tehachapi,

Re: [GNC] IRA/401K income detection

2022-03-17 Thread Stan Brown
bit entry to Cash/Banks for the withdrawal. What will be your corresponding debit entry to the credit entry for income? -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscrip

Re: [GNC] Loss one of my file

2022-04-01 Thread Stan Brown
of the time and the other, older, that I open very seldom. I set up a key combination in Windows to execute the command "GnuCash" followed by the name of my 99% data file. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user

Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions feature or bug?

2022-04-12 Thread Stan Brown
n, keeping the original start date, I would _expect_ it to make up the missed transactions. Just another data point. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription

Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions feature or bug?

2022-04-13 Thread Stan Brown
the fist point, and somewhat more mildly on the second. :-) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Question about transfers

2022-04-22 Thread Stan Brown
art spending out of the vacation account, _that's_ when you have an expense, and your transactions would look like this: Debit: Expenses:Vacations Credit:Assets:Banks:Savings for Vacation -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] How to manage multiple accounts (as in separate gnucash databases)?

2022-04-26 Thread Stan Brown
eate separate aliases for the commands with > different > filenames. Or ... set up a menu in a script or batch file (whatever your OS calls it). Then instead of having one shortcut for each set of books, you'll have one that you can launch to be

Re: [GNC] Bulk moving transactions

2020-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
NOT open a new tab. They just filtered out all non-matching results from the original G/L tab. hen to continue using G/L I had to close and reopen it. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-07-01 14:10, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > In

Re: [GNC] Gnucash-User

2020-07-05 Thread Stan Brown
If only here were some sort of protocol designed for this -- maybe we could call it USENET! -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-07-05 17:23, D. via gnucash-user wrote: > I guess all that would recommend abandoning nabble altoget

Re: [GNC] Help required

2020-07-06 Thread Stan Brown
nyway, I wouldn't suggest spending time on issues with 2.6.19. > I am a senior citizen and require your guidance. "Request" might be a more pleasant word. :-) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] Gnucash-User

2020-07-06 Thread Stan Brown
On 2020-07-06 08:34, John Ralls wrote: > >> On Jul 6, 2020, at 3:22 AM, Liz wrote: >> >> On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 21:24:25 -0700 >> Stan Brown wrote: >> >>>> I guess all that would recommend abandoning nabble altogether, and >>>> drin

Re: [GNC] Gnucash - user: Google result

2020-07-07 Thread Stan Brown
the sponsored links and without the tracking stuff that Google adds to every URL in search results. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update

[GNC] Prevent register from auto-duplicating transactions?

2020-07-12 Thread Stan Brown
his time, thank you", and have it delete all of what it helpfully created for me?? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subs

Re: [GNC] Prevent register from auto-duplicating transactions?

2020-07-12 Thread Stan Brown
Thanks, John, for the super-fast reply. I'm embarrassed I didn't think of that myself -- just add some extra text in Description so that it's no longer a match to any prior transactions in the register. Thanks again! -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Brow

Re: [GNC] Prevent register from auto-duplicating transactions?

2020-07-14 Thread Stan Brown
nizes the description, and that prevents the unwanted splits from being created. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subsc

Re: [GNC] Accounting for Non-profits

2020-07-24 Thread Stan Brown
t with a completely blank file (created by default) and then just add in your accounts manually. That seemed faster in my situation, instead of editing most of the supplied accounts. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] non-currency liabilities

2020-08-02 Thread Stan Brown
epends on whether one has bought another primary residence within a > certain amount of time. And on the amount of profit on the sale; And on whether one had lived in the sold residence a certain time; And probably other things that don't come immediately to mind. Fortunately, the IRS webs

Re: [GNC] GnuCash and Swedish accounting legislation

2020-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
umber, then transactions more than that many days before today can't be edited. It would be a lot more useful if we could set a date, in my opinion, but it's better than nothing. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] GnuCash and Swedish accounting legislation

2020-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
On 2020-08-09 11:58, John Ralls wrote: >> On Aug 9, 2020, at 11:04 AM, Stan Brown wrote: >> You probably know this, but just on the off chance that you don't: >> >> In the File » Properties dialog, there is a setting "Day threshold for >> read-only transa

Re: [GNC] envelope method, equity sub-accounts, cash vs. hybrid vs. accrual accounting

2020-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
erstand double-entry concepts, or you'll liable to tangle yourself up. I strongly urge you to work through the GC tutorial as a way of getting acclimated. Or you could google for "double-entry bookkeeping" -- I just did, and the first few entries look helpful. -- Regards, Stan B

Re: [GNC] GnuCash and Swedish accounting legislation

2020-08-10 Thread Stan Brown
. Seems to me it would make the most sense to let each see decide whether to do number of days, fixed date, or relative date. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gn

Re: [GNC] GnuCash and Swedish accounting legislation

2020-08-11 Thread Stan Brown
l have transactions and bills that may need to be entered for earlier in August. I'm not saying everyone should follow my process. But I don't understand why so many people seem resistant to the idea that a user might want to lock all transactions on or before a fixed date, not some rolling

Re: [GNC] Monthly Payments on posted Liability?

2020-08-24 Thread Stan Brown
's bill-pay feature? Then you can set up a 10 times scheduled transaction in GnuCash. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your sub

Re: [GNC] Capital Gain Calculations on Split Stocks

2020-08-25 Thread Stan Brown
t. b. Type CD followed by a space and the path to your GnuCash folder, which is probably C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin c. type GnuCash --extra There are other methods too. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://OakRo

Re: [GNC] Asset accounts: cost, or value?

2020-09-01 Thread Stan Brown
practices and, if I'm not mistaken, partly responsible for the real estate crash of 2008-2011. Don't do it! And of course for tax purposes, as you indicated, you _have_ to work from actual costs, not from guesses about value. Keeping your books on a cost basis will make that less difficult w

Re: [GNC] Asset accounts: cost, or value?

2020-09-03 Thread Stan Brown
lication-530 -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Help - entering opening balances

2020-09-08 Thread Stan Brown
uity account which > doesn't really make much sense. I don't understand. What transactions, exactly, were created by you and by GC? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-us

Re: [GNC] Short cuts for things

2020-09-09 Thread Stan Brown
those shortcuts so they dropped out of my memory. So the reminder is nice!) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscrip

Re: [GNC] Short cuts for things

2020-09-09 Thread Stan Brown
h as possible on the keyboard, but it's still interesting. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences

Re: [GNC] How to get a sequential list of all transactions?

2020-09-10 Thread Stan Brown
thin that account. If you have General Ledger open, you are searching within all accounts, but only within the date range of the General Ledger window. To search _everywhere_ for all dates, have the Accounts tab open before starting your search. -- Regards

Re: [GNC] Tabs Behaviors in GNC4.1

2020-09-15 Thread Stan Brown
a account with along name the column of tabs expanded to fit the long name. (Like you, I have the account tabs at the left, not at the top.) That's not to say that it necessarily _should_ be that way, but it doesn't seem to be a recent change. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehacha

Re: [GNC] Tabs Behaviors in GNC4.1

2020-09-17 Thread Stan Brown
hat are just opened temporarily. Unless I'm missing something, that doesn't help with the Accounts tab itself, nor with General Ledger, nor with any reports. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] How to balance correctly a particular transaction which involves debt?

2020-09-21 Thread Stan Brown
ht. > but what about an account > 'Equity:Balancing account' - should it just be left as is (that is, > not debited)? There shouldn't be one, at least not relative to this transaction. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://OakRoadSystems

Re: [GNC] 8.1.1. Find Transaction

2020-09-26 Thread Stan Brown
> > Don't close the search box, then you can edit the search for the next > try. I have GC 2.6.19. and when I click "Find" after entering my criteria the search box closes itself. Is this something that has been changed in later versions? -- Regards, St

Re: [GNC] Accidentally hid two columns - can't get them back

2020-10-02 Thread Stan Brown
ffy Duck wrote: >> I was resizing some columns on a liability account, and now I can't see >> them or get them back Sounds like a good idea to me! -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ g

Re: [GNC] Solving printer issues

2020-10-05 Thread Stan Brown
it to your printer or PDF. Even if you're not familiar with HTML, you can open it in Notepad or any text editor, find the current title, an change it to whatever you want. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] New year procedure

2020-10-08 Thread Stan Brown
o add an account that won't be in the other years. If you care to share, Colin, what benefit do you get from starting with a fresh file each year? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash

Re: [GNC] Will the file myStuff.gnucash work on Linux & Windows machines?

2020-10-11 Thread Stan Brown
of GC, ideally the same version. If one is running e.g. version 3.x and the other is running 2.x or 4.x, the one with the later version will change the format of the file and the one with the earlier version will no longer be able to read it correctly. (2) There should not be separate edits on the

Re: [GNC] The type of trading accounts

2020-10-17 Thread Stan Brown
nse accounts. And of asset accounts. One way to determine whether its expense account or an asset account is to run a balance sheet and see if it shows up there. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA > _

Re: [GNC] gnucash question ("Acquiring lock")

2020-10-26 Thread Stan Brown
avy disk activity at the same time. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-10-25 11:53, Ed Anderson wrote: > Hi, > Does anyone know how to turn this off? "Acquiring lock" > ___

Re: [GNC] Cannot Obtain Lock error?

2020-11-04 Thread Stan Brown
rsion 2, it's time to change the text to something more helpful to users. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-11-04 12:28, Derek Atkins wrote: > On Wed, November 4, 2020 3:02 pm, Jack Slater wrote: >> I used to get this a bit a

Re: [GNC] Cannot Obtain Lock error?

2020-11-04 Thread Stan Brown
Or has it already been fixed after all? Jack didn't say which version he's using, I think, so maybe he has a version before the fix was applied. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-11-04 18:38, Stan Brown wrote: > Didn

[GNC] Fwd: Re: Possible Suggestion: Give transactions a default 'Jump to' target account

2020-12-08 Thread Stan Brown
Apologies -- I clicked "reply" instead of "reply List". Since you asked for opinions -- Speaking for myself only, I just click Split in the top row of icons, then click on the account I want in the expanded transaction and Jump. I don't think the pop-up would help me

Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-10 Thread Stan Brown
pstream on this one. In the long run, it will take you less time to pick and use a calendaring application that's designed for what you want to do, instead of trying to force GnuCash to do things it's not meant to do. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://OakRoadS

Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 213, Issue 45

2020-12-28 Thread Stan Brown
I understand your question, seems so straightforward that I'm afraid I didn't understand it. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your sub

Re: [GNC] How to stop shortcuts from appearing on the home screen after every every transaction is entered?

2021-01-08 Thread Stan Brown
ng an option, or an environment variable, to specify where backup files should be stored, but I don't know if that suggestion has been implemented, or will be.) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnu

Re: [GNC] How to stop shortcuts from appearing on the home screen after every every transaction is entered?

2021-01-08 Thread Stan Brown
e files, numbering in many thousands after using GC for a few years, should be stored permanently. The only question then is where to draw the retention line. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user

[GNC] Fwd: Re: Where does Gnucash remember what it did last - I want it to forget!

2021-01-20 Thread Stan Brown
it easily enough.) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2021-01-20 09:02, Chris Green wrote: > When I open gnucash *anywhere* (as in anywhere in the directory > hierarchy) it *still* insists on opening the last accounts I used. I > don&

Re: [GNC] Requesting a trial balance as of a specified date

2021-01-23 Thread Stan Brown
The technical term for the date and time equivalent to 0 in a particular operating system or programming language is "the epoch," and there are many of them. Here are two lengthy but incomplete lists:

Re: [GNC] Asset vs Equity accounts?

2021-02-14 Thread Stan Brown
you own your house free and clear, you record the full value in Asset:House and also in Equity:Net Worth. Again, the equation balances because each side is increased by $300,000.) Hopefully from this you get the idea. It's not a question of

Re: [GNC] Asset vs Equity accounts? (Stan Brown)

2021-02-15 Thread Stan Brown
it would be a credit to the asset (which decreases it) and a debit to the expense (which increases that). -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To upd

Re: [GNC] Asset vs Equity accounts?

2021-02-15 Thread Stan Brown
at me to it, and it expressed it more succinctly that I was going to. I don't agree, though, about "there isn't any subtraction," or perhaps I misunderstood your point. Consider this transaction: Debit: $100 Expense:Depreciation Credit: $100 Asset:Car Assets drop

Re: [GNC] Creating new file and accounts

2021-02-20 Thread Stan Brown
e "AP C" and the account is filled in. Or are we talking about two different things? -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your su

Re: [GNC] Assets vs. expenses vs. income entry

2021-02-21 Thread Stan Brown
cipal portion is just a debit to a liability account.) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://

Re: [GNC] Moving log location

2021-02-27 Thread Stan Brown
te all the GC files from your desktop. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.gnuc

Re: [GNC] Moving log location

2021-02-28 Thread Stan Brown
p, Michael! Thanks for letting us know the outcome. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://l

Re: [GNC] Moving Log Location

2021-02-28 Thread Stan Brown
It's a long-standing request, enhancement requests have been entered, but the developers have not taken them up. Can someone draw their attention to this one? Judging from traffic on this list, it really is a problem for many, many new users of GnuCash. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Representation Of Negative Balances

2021-03-23 Thread Stan Brown
Or go here, and scroll down to "In Windows 10 and Windows 8": -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] How to code merchant refunds

2021-03-24 Thread Stan Brown
n, dated the day of the refund. I don't like the idea of retroactively changing a transaction. To me, each real-world event should be one transaction, with however many splits are needed, and the purchase and the return are different events. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Brown

Re: [GNC] Confused Entering A Refund To Credit Card Account

2021-03-31 Thread Stan Brown
h these are stated separately, it would seem absurd to me to account for them separately. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your s

Re: [GNC] Frustration (recently used files)

2021-04-05 Thread Stan Brown
ing other than Windows, one or more of the above will probably work for you too. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription p

Re: [GNC] Transferring scheduled transactions to a new file

2021-04-06 Thread Stan Brown
h _not_ running, simply copy your main data file, give the copy a name like "2020_freeze.gnucash", and set the copy to read only however your operating system does that. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2021-04-11 Thread Stan Brown
fires, simply enter the check number at that time. Remember to press the Enter key to commit the edited transaction. It's not fully automated, but I think it's faster than editing the scheduled transaction every week in the scheduled transactions editor. -- Stan Brown Tehacha

[GNC] Request: helpful subject lines, please!

2021-04-12 Thread Stan Brown
May I just make a request for people to use subject lines that actually reflect the content of their message? A generic subject line like "Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 217, Issue 28" isn't very helpful. Thanks! -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Brow

Re: [GNC] Two versions, same computer

2023-03-21 Thread Stan Brown
ually. > They aren't any more time consuming than Option 1. I think you're being over-optimistic in assuming that everything will go perfectly so there's no need to check anything. I assume that there will be at least one snag somewhere that will take me significant time to re

[GNC] Modify Balance Sheet report in 4.13?

2023-03-23 Thread Stan Brown
it's redundant with the "Total for Equity" line. I've tried the Display options that seem appropriate, but haven't found any that suppress that line. Is there any way I can modify the report to suppress the "Total for Liability and Equity&quo

[GNC] Error in "Close Book" help text

2023-03-23 Thread Stan Brown
me statement for the full year. The account totals were given just as they were before I closed the book. Can whoever is maintaining the book look at deleting that paragraph, please? (And please note: This is the installed manual, not the one on the website. I have GnuCash running in a virtual machine

Re: [GNC] Reporting Woes - Newbie incompetence

2023-03-24 Thread Stan Brown
't imagine later versions would have lost that capability, but I don't know about Excel in other OSes.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription pre

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